# Ribose CLI


The command line interface to the Ribose API.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "ribose-cli"

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ribose-cli

## Usage

### Configure

To start with, we kept it pretty simple, install this gem & then configure your
API Token and email using the following interface, This will store your Ribose
configuration as `.riboserc` in the home directory.

ribose config --token="YOUR_API_TOKEN" --email="youremail@example.com"

### Spaces

The `space` command retrieve space related resources, please use the `help`
command to see what's sub-commands are available.

ribose help space

#### Listing spaces

To list out the spaces, please use the `list` command, by default it will print
out the basic information in tabular format.

ribose space list

This interface also has support `json` format, if we want the output to be in
`json` then we can use the following

ribose space list --format json

#### Show a space details

ribose space show --space-id 123456789

#### Create a new space

To create a new user space we can use the following interface

ribose space add --name "Space name" --access "open" --category-id 12 \
  --description "Space description"

#### Update a space

ribose space update --space-id 123456 --name "New Space Name"

#### Remove an existing space

ribose space remove --space-id 123456789 --confirmation 123456789

### Members

#### List space members

ribose member list --space-id space_uuid

#### Add a new space member

ribose member add \
  --space-id space_uuid \
  --user-id=user-one-uuid:role_one_id user-two-uuid:role_two_id \
  --email=email-one@example.com:role_one_id email@example.com:role_two_id \
  --message="Your invitation messages to the invitees"

#### Update an existing member

ribose member update --role-id 135 --member-id 246 --space-id 1234

#### Remove a space member

ribose member remove --member-id 246 --space-id 1234

### Space Invitation

#### List Space Invitation

ribose invitation list [--query=key:value]

#### Send out space invitation

ribose invitation add \
  --space-id space_uuid \
  --user-id=user-one-uuid:role_one_id user-two-uuid:role_two_id \
  --email=email-one@example.com:role_one_id email@example.com:role_two_id \
  --message="Your invitation messages to the invitees"

#### Update a space invitation

ribose invitation update --invitation-id 2468 --role-id 246

#### Accept a space invitation

ribose invitation accept --invitation-id 2468

#### Reject a space invitation

ribose invitation reject --invitation-id 2468

#### Remove a space invitation

ribose invitation remove --invitation-id 2468

### Join Space Request

#### List join space requests

ribose join-space list [--query=space-id:2468]

#### Fetch a join space request

ribose join-space show --request-id 2468

#### Add join space request

ribose join-space add --space-id 1234 [--message "My request message"]

#### Accept a join space request

ribose join-space accept --request-id 2468

#### Reject a join space requests

ribose join-space reject --request-id 2468

### Note

#### Listing space notes

ribose note list --space-id space_uuid --format json

### Show a space note

ribose note show --note-id 123456 --space-id 78901

#### Create a new note

ribose note add --space-id space_uuid --title "Name of the note"

#### Update an existing note

ribose note update --space-id 1234 --note-id 5678 --title "Name of the note"

#### Remove a note

ribose note remove --space-id space_uuid --note-id note_uuid

### Files

#### Listing files

Ribose space may contain multiple files, and if we want to retrieve the list of
the files of any space then we can use to following interface.

ribose file list --space-id 123456

The above interface will retrieve the basic details in tabular format, but it
also support additional `format` option, acceptable option: `json`.

#### Fetch a file details

ribose file show --file-id 5678 --space-id 1234 [--format json]

#### Add a new file

Ribose CLI allows us to upload a file in a user space, and to upload a new file
we can use the following interface.

ribose file add full_path_the_file.ext  --space-id space_uuid **other_options

#### Update a space file

ribose file update [--file-name "new filename"] \
[--description "New description"] \
[--tags "tag 1, tag 2, tag 3"] --file-id 5678 --space-id 1234

#### Remove a space file

ribose file remove --file-id 5678 --space-id 1234

### Conversations

#### Listing conversations

ribose conversation list --space-id 123456789

#### Show a conversation details

ribose conversation show --space-id 123456789 --conversation-id 67890

#### Create A New Conversation

ribose conversation add --space-id 123456789 --title "Conversation Title" \
  --tags "sample, conversation"

#### Update a conversation

conversation update --conversation-id 5678 --space-id 123456789 --title \
"Conversation Title" --tags "sample, conversation"

#### Remove A Conversation

ribose conversation remove --space-id 1234 --conversation-id 5678

### Message

#### Listing conversation messages

ribose message list --space-id 12345 --conversation-id 56789

#### Add a new message to conversation

ribose message add --space-id 12345 --conversation-id 56789 \
  --message-body "Welcome to Ribose Space"

#### Update an existing message

ribose message update --message-id 123456 --space-id 12345 \
  --conversation-id 56789 --message-body "Welcome to Ribose Space"

#### Remove an existing message

ribose message remove --message-id 1234 --space-id 12345 --conversation-id 456

## Development

We are following Sandi Metz's Rules for this gem, you can read the
[description of the rules here][sandi-metz] All new code should follow these
rules. If you make changes in a pre-existing file that violates these rules you
should fix the violations as part of your contribution.

### Setup

Clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/riboseinc/ribose-cli

Setup your environment.


Run the test suite


## Contributing

First, thank you for contributing! We love pull requests from everyone. By
participating in this project, you hereby grant [Ribose Inc.][riboseinc] the
right to grant or transfer an unlimited number of non exclusive licenses or
sub-licenses to third parties, under the copyright covering the contribution
to use the contribution by all means.

Here are a few technical guidelines to follow:

1. Open an [issue][issues] to discuss a new feature.
1. Write tests to support your new feature.
1. Make sure the entire test suite passes locally and on CI.
1. Open a Pull Request.
1. [Squash your commits][squash] after receiving feedback.
1. Party!

## Credits

This gem is developed, maintained and funded by [Ribose Inc.][riboseinc]

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).

[riboseinc]: https://www.ribose.com
[issues]: https://github.com/riboseinc/ribose-cli/issues
[squash]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/tree/master/protocol/git#write-a-feature
[sandi-metz]: http://robots.thoughtbot.com/post/50655960596/sandi-metz-rules-for-developers