## [4.0.3] ### FIXES: * Reintro .fixtures.yml support since Beaker doesn't support private git repos properly. ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Update gem versions. ## [4.0.2] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Added a function to remove any unused files and directories in `puppet-magnum` 4.x. This will make upgrading PM repos from 3.x to 4.x easier. A `module init` using `puppet-magnum` 4.x will remove/rename the following files: - .fixtures.yml (removed) - .vagrant_puppet/ (removed) - Vagrantfile (removed) - spec => spec.old (renamed) - serverspec => serverspec.old (renamed) * In `puppet-magnum` 4.x - `.puppet-magnum.init` is now `.puppet-magnum` and it is in YAML format. ## [4.0.1] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Minor code cleanup. ## [4.0.0] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Upgrading to use Ruby `2.4.x` by default. * Switching over to [Beaker](https://github.com/puppetlabs/beaker) for acceptance/integration testing. All tests are now through Beaker. * Adding `hiera` v5 support; more [details](https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/4.10/hiera_migrate_modules.html). * `puppet-magnum` 4.x is NOT backwards compatible with `puppet-magnum` 3.x managed repos. ## [3.1.5] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Upgraded all Puppet gems; tested with Ruby 2.3.3. * Removed unnecessary `colorize` and `redcarpet` gems. ## [3.1.3] ### FIXES: * Fix puppet-lint linenumber config change in Rakefile. ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Upgraded all Puppet gems; tested with Ruby 2.3.3. ## [3.1.2] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Upgraded all Puppet gems; tested with Ruby 2.3.3. ## [3.1.1] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Upgraded all Puppet gems; tested with Ruby 2.3.3. ## [3.1.0] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Upgraded all Puppet gems; tested with Ruby 2.3.1. * Vagrant init.sh script installs latest `puppet-agent` on test VM. * Silenced Vagrant init.sh script output. ## [3.0.12] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Add back an `integ` Rake task to automatically run Vagrant. This task runs `spec_prep` Rake task prior to running Vagrant. ## [3.0.11] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Upgrade to `puppet-lint` 2.0.0. ## [3.0.10] ### FIXES: * Use `https://apt.puppetlabs.com/pubkey.gpg` for puppetlabs GPG key; fixes puppetlabs' ubuntu vagrant box. ## [3.0.9] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Switch to `https` for rubygems.org in the Gemfile template. ## [3.0.8] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Updated `puppet` gem in Gemfile to 4.5.1. ## [3.0.6] ## [3.0.5] ## [3.0.4] ### IMPROVEMENTS: * Adding `vagrant-cachier` support in Vagrantfile. ## [3.0.3] ## [3.0.2] ## [3.0.1] ## [3.0.0] ### FEATURES: * Upgraded to support Puppet 4+.