factory_bot_rails versioning is synced with factory_bot releases. For this reason there might not be any notable changes in new versions of this project. 5.0.1 Bugfix: Avoid watching files and directories that don't exist (to avoid a file watching bug in Rails https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/32700) 5.0.0 Added: calling reload! in the Rails console will reload any factory definition files that have changed Added: support for custom generator templates Added: definition_file_paths configuration option, making it easier to place factories in custom locations Changed: namespaced models are now generated inside a directory matching the namespace Changed: added newline between factories generated into the same file Removed: support for EOL version of Ruby and Rails 4.11.1 (September 7, 2018) Update generator to use dynamic attributes instead of deprecated static attributes 4.11.0 (August 16, 2018) No notable changes 4.10.0 (May 25, 2018) No notable changes 4.8.2 (October 20, 2017) Rename factory_girl_rails to factory_bot_rails 4.7.0 (April 1, 2016) No notable changes 4.6.0 (February 1, 2016) No notable changes 4.5.0 (October 17, 2014) Improved README 4.4.1 (February 26, 2014) Support Spring 4.2.1 (February 8, 2013) Fix bug when configuring FG and RSpec fixture directory Remove debugging Require factory_girl_rails explicitly in generator 4.2.0 (January 25, 2013) Add appraisal and get test suite working reliably with turn gem Support MiniTest Allow a custom directory for factories to be specified