import "@hotwired/stimulus" const registeredControllers = {} // Eager load all controllers registered beneath the `under` path in the import map to the passed application instance. export function eagerLoadComponents(application, { under, suffix }) { const paths = Object.keys(parseImportmapJson()).filter((path) => path.match(new RegExp(`^${under}/.*${suffix}$`))) paths.forEach((path) => registerComponent(path, under, application, suffix)) } function parseImportmapJson() { return JSON.parse(document.querySelector("script[type=importmap]").text).imports } function registerComponent(path, under, application, suffix) { const name = path .replace(new RegExp(`^${under}/(.*)${suffix}$`), '$1') .replace(/\//g, "--") .replace(/_/g, "-") application.logDebugActivity(name, 'registerComponent', { path, under, suffix }) if (!(name in registeredControllers)) { import(path) .then(module => registerController(name, module, application)) .catch(error => console.error(`Failed to register controller: ${name} (${path})`, error)) } } function registerController(name, module, application) { if (!(name in registeredControllers)) { application.register(name, module.default) registeredControllers[name] = true } };