;;;; goops.scm -- The Guile Object-Oriented Programming System ;;;; ;;;; Copyright (C) 1998-2003, 2006, 2009-2011, 2013-2015, 2018 ;;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; This file was based upon stklos.stk from the STk distribution ;;;; version 4.0.1 by Erick Gallesio . ;;;; (define-module (oop goops) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module ((language tree-il primitives) :select (add-interesting-primitive!)) #:export-syntax (define-class class standard-define-class define-generic define-accessor define-method define-extended-generic define-extended-generics method) #:export ( ;; The root of everything. ;; Slot types. ;; Methods are implementations of generic functions. ;; Applicable objects, either procedures or applicable structs. ;; Applicable structs. ;; Types with their own allocated typecodes. ;; Numbers. ;; Unknown. ;; Particular SMOB data types. All SMOB types have ;; corresponding classes, which may be obtained via class-of, ;; once you have an instance. Perhaps FIXME to provide a ;; smob-type-name->class procedure. ;; Modules. ;; Ports. ;; Like SMOB types, all port types have their own classes, ;; which can be accessed via `class-of' once you have an ;; instance. Here we export bindings just for file ports. is-a? class-of ensure-metaclass ensure-metaclass-with-supers make-class make-generic ensure-generic make-extended-generic make-accessor ensure-accessor add-method! class-slot-ref class-slot-set! slot-unbound slot-missing slot-definition-name slot-definition-options slot-definition-allocation slot-definition-getter slot-definition-setter slot-definition-accessor slot-definition-init-value slot-definition-init-form slot-definition-init-thunk slot-definition-init-keyword slot-init-function class-slot-definition method-source compute-cpl compute-std-cpl compute-get-n-set compute-slots compute-getter-method compute-setter-method allocate-instance initialize make-instance make no-next-method no-applicable-method no-method change-class update-instance-for-different-class shallow-clone deep-clone class-redefinition apply-generic apply-method apply-methods compute-applicable-methods %compute-applicable-methods method-more-specific? sort-applicable-methods class-subclasses class-methods goops-error min-fixnum max-fixnum instance? slot-ref slot-set! slot-bound? slot-exists? class-name class-direct-supers class-direct-subclasses class-direct-methods class-direct-slots class-precedence-list class-slots generic-function-name generic-function-methods method-generic-function method-specializers method-formals primitive-generic-generic enable-primitive-generic! method-procedure accessor-method-slot-definition make find-method get-keyword)) ;;; ;;; Booting GOOPS is a tortuous process. We begin by loading a small ;;; set of primitives from C. ;;; (eval-when (expand load eval) (load-extension (string-append "libguile-" (effective-version)) "scm_init_goops_builtins") (add-interesting-primitive! 'class-of)) ;;; ;;; We then define the slots that must appear in all classes ( ;;; objects) and slot definitions ( objects). These slots must ;;; appear in order. We'll use this list to statically compute offsets ;;; for the various fields, to compute the struct layout for ;;; instances, and to compute the slot definition lists for . ;;; Because the list is needed at expansion-time, we define it as a ;;; macro. ;;; (define-syntax macro-fold-left (syntax-rules () ((_ folder seed ()) seed) ((_ folder seed (head . tail)) (macro-fold-left folder (folder head seed) tail)))) (define-syntax macro-fold-right (syntax-rules () ((_ folder seed ()) seed) ((_ folder seed (head . tail)) (folder head (macro-fold-right folder seed tail))))) (define-syntax-rule (define-macro-folder macro-folder value ...) (define-syntax macro-folder (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ fold visit seed) ;; The datum->syntax makes it as if each `value' were present ;; in the initial form, which allows them to be used as ;; (components of) introduced identifiers. #`(fold visit seed #,(datum->syntax #'visit '(value ...)))))))) (define-macro-folder fold-class-slots (layout #:class ) (flags #:class ) (self #:class ) (instance-finalizer #:class ) (print) (name #:class ) (nfields #:class ) (%reserved #:class ) (redefined) (direct-supers) (direct-slots) (direct-subclasses) (direct-methods) (cpl) (slots)) (define-macro-folder fold-slot-slots (name #:init-keyword #:name) (allocation #:init-keyword #:allocation #:init-value #:instance) (init-keyword #:init-keyword #:init-keyword #:init-value #f) (init-form #:init-keyword #:init-form) (init-value #:init-keyword #:init-value) (init-thunk #:init-keyword #:init-thunk #:init-value #f) (options) (getter #:init-keyword #:getter #:init-value #f) (setter #:init-keyword #:setter #:init-value #f) (accessor #:init-keyword #:accessor #:init-value #f) ;; These last don't have #:init-keyword because they are meant to be ;; set by `allocate-slots', not in compute-effective-slot-definition. (slot-ref/raw #:init-value #f) (slot-ref #:init-value #f) (slot-set! #:init-value #f) (index #:init-value #f) (size #:init-value #f)) ;;; ;;; Statically define variables for slot offsets: `class-index-layout' ;;; will be 0, `class-index-flags' will be 1, and so on, and the same ;;; for `slot-index-name' and such for . ;;; (let-syntax ((define-slot-indexer (syntax-rules () ((_ define-index prefix) (define-syntax define-index (lambda (x) (define (id-append ctx a b) (datum->syntax ctx (symbol-append (syntax->datum a) (syntax->datum b)))) (define (tail-length tail) (syntax-case tail () ((begin) 0) ((visit head tail) (1+ (tail-length #'tail))))) (syntax-case x () ((_ (name . _) tail) #`(begin (define-syntax #,(id-append #'name #'prefix #'name) (identifier-syntax #,(tail-length #'tail))) tail))))))))) (define-slot-indexer define-class-index class-index-) (define-slot-indexer define-slot-index slot-index-) (fold-class-slots macro-fold-left define-class-index (begin)) (fold-slot-slots macro-fold-left define-slot-index (begin))) ;;; ;;; Structs that are vtables have a "flags" slot, which corresponds to ;;; class-index-flags. `vtable-flag-vtable' indicates that instances of ;;; a vtable are themselves vtables, and `vtable-flag-validated' ;;; indicates that the struct's layout has been validated. goops.c ;;; defines a few additional flags: one to indicate that a vtable is ;;; actually a class, one to indicate that the class is "valid" (meaning ;;; that it hasn't been redefined), and one to indicate that instances ;;; of a class are slot definition objects ( instances). ;;; (define vtable-flag-goops-metaclass (logior vtable-flag-vtable vtable-flag-goops-class)) (define-inlinable (class-add-flags! class flags) (struct-set!/unboxed class class-index-flags (logior flags (struct-ref/unboxed class class-index-flags)))) (define-inlinable (class-clear-flags! class flags) (struct-set!/unboxed class class-index-flags (logand (lognot flags) (struct-ref/unboxed class class-index-flags)))) (define-inlinable (class-has-flags? class flags) (eqv? flags (logand (struct-ref/unboxed class class-index-flags) flags))) (define-inlinable (class? obj) (class-has-flags? (struct-vtable obj) vtable-flag-goops-metaclass)) (define-inlinable (slot? obj) (and (struct? obj) (class-has-flags? (struct-vtable obj) vtable-flag-goops-slot))) (define-inlinable (instance? obj) (and (struct? obj) (class-has-flags? (struct-vtable obj) vtable-flag-goops-class))) (define (class-has-statically-allocated-slots? class) (class-has-flags? class vtable-flag-goops-static)) ;;; ;;; Now that we know the slots that must be present in classes, and ;;; their offsets, we can create the root of the class hierarchy. ;;; ;;; Note that the `direct-supers', `direct-slots', `cpl', and `slots' ;;; fields will be updated later, once we can create slot definition ;;; objects and once we have definitions for and . ;;; (define (let-syntax ((cons-layout ;; A simple way to compute class layout for the concrete ;; types used in . (syntax-rules ( ) ((_ (name) tail) (string-append "pw" tail)) ((_ (name #:class ) tail) (string-append "pr" tail)) ((_ (name #:class ) tail) (string-append "sr" tail)) ((_ (name #:class ) tail) (string-append "uh" tail)) ((_ (name #:class ) tail) (string-append "ph" tail))))) (let* ((layout (fold-class-slots macro-fold-right cons-layout "")) (nfields (/ (string-length layout) 2)) ( (%make-vtable-vtable layout))) (class-add-flags! (logior vtable-flag-goops-class vtable-flag-goops-valid)) (struct-set! class-index-name ') (struct-set!/unboxed class-index-nfields nfields) (struct-set! class-index-direct-supers '()) (struct-set! class-index-direct-slots '()) (struct-set! class-index-direct-subclasses '()) (struct-set! class-index-direct-methods '()) (struct-set! class-index-cpl '()) (struct-set! class-index-slots '()) (struct-set! class-index-redefined #f) ))) ;;; ;;; Accessors to fields of . ;;; (define-syntax-rule (define-class-accessor name docstring field) (define (name obj) docstring (let ((val obj)) (unless (class? val) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a class: ~S" (list val) #f)) (struct-ref val field)))) (define-class-accessor class-name "Return the class name of @var{obj}." class-index-name) (define-class-accessor class-direct-supers "Return the direct superclasses of the class @var{obj}." class-index-direct-supers) (define-class-accessor class-direct-slots "Return the direct slots of the class @var{obj}." class-index-direct-slots) (define-class-accessor class-direct-subclasses "Return the direct subclasses of the class @var{obj}." class-index-direct-subclasses) (define-class-accessor class-direct-methods "Return the direct methods of the class @var{obj}." class-index-direct-methods) (define-class-accessor class-precedence-list "Return the class precedence list of the class @var{obj}." class-index-cpl) (define-class-accessor class-slots "Return the slot list of the class @var{obj}." class-index-slots) (define (class-subclasses c) "Compute a list of all subclasses of @var{c}, direct and indirect." (define (all-subclasses c) (cons c (append-map all-subclasses (class-direct-subclasses c)))) (delete-duplicates (cdr (all-subclasses c)) eq?)) (define (class-methods c) "Compute a list of all methods that specialize on @var{c} or subclasses of @var{c}." (delete-duplicates (append-map class-direct-methods (cons c (class-subclasses c))) eq?)) (define (is-a? obj class) "Return @code{#t} if @var{obj} is an instance of @var{class}, or @code{#f} otherwise." (and (memq class (class-precedence-list (class-of obj))) #t)) ;;; ;;; At this point, is missing slot definitions, but we can't ;;; create slot definitions until we have a slot definition class. ;;; Continue with manual object creation until we're able to bootstrap ;;; more of the protocol. Again, the CPL and class hierarchy slots ;;; remain uninitialized. ;;; (define* (get-keyword key l #:optional default) "Determine an associated value for the keyword @var{key} from the list @var{l}. The list @var{l} has to consist of an even number of elements, where, starting with the first, every second element is a keyword, followed by its associated value. If @var{l} does not hold a value for @var{key}, the value @var{default} is returned." (unless (keyword? key) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a keyword: ~S" (list key) #f)) (let lp ((l l)) (match l (() default) ((kw arg . l) (unless (keyword? kw) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a keyword: ~S" (list kw) #f)) (if (eq? kw key) arg (lp l)))))) (define *unbound* (list 'unbound)) (define-inlinable (unbound? x) (eq? x *unbound*)) (define (%allocate-instance class) (let ((obj (allocate-struct class (struct-ref/unboxed class class-index-nfields)))) (%clear-fields! obj *unbound*) obj)) (define (let-syntax ((cons-layout ;; All slots are "pw" in . (syntax-rules () ((_ _ tail) (string-append "pw" tail))))) (let* ((layout (fold-slot-slots macro-fold-right cons-layout "")) (nfields (/ (string-length layout) 2)) ( (make-struct/no-tail (make-struct-layout layout)))) (class-add-flags! (logior vtable-flag-goops-class vtable-flag-goops-slot vtable-flag-goops-valid)) (struct-set! class-index-name ') (struct-set!/unboxed class-index-nfields nfields) (struct-set! class-index-direct-supers '()) (struct-set! class-index-direct-slots '()) (struct-set! class-index-direct-subclasses '()) (struct-set! class-index-direct-methods '()) (struct-set! class-index-cpl (list )) (struct-set! class-index-slots '()) (struct-set! class-index-redefined #f) ))) ;;; Access to slot objects is performance-sensitive for slot-ref, so in ;;; addition to the type-checking accessors that we export, we also ;;; define some internal inlined helpers that just do an unchecked ;;; struct-ref in cases where we know the object must be a slot, as ;;; when accessing class-slots. ;;; (define-syntax-rule (define-slot-accessor name docstring %name field) (begin (define-syntax-rule (%name obj) (struct-ref obj field)) (define (name obj) docstring (unless (slot? obj) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a slot: ~S" (list obj) #f)) (%name obj)))) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-name "Return the name of @var{obj}." %slot-definition-name slot-index-name) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-allocation "Return the allocation of the slot @var{obj}." %slot-definition-allocation slot-index-allocation) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-init-keyword "Return the init keyword of the slot @var{obj}, or @code{#f}." %slot-definition-init-keyword slot-index-init-keyword) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-init-form "Return the init form of the slot @var{obj}, or the unbound value" %slot-definition-init-form slot-index-init-form) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-init-value "Return the init value of the slot @var{obj}, or the unbound value." %slot-definition-init-value slot-index-init-value) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-init-thunk "Return the init thunk of the slot @var{obj}, or @code{#f}." %slot-definition-init-thunk slot-index-init-thunk) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-options "Return the initargs given when creating the slot @var{obj}." %slot-definition-options slot-index-options) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-getter "Return the getter of the slot @var{obj}, or @code{#f}." %slot-definition-getter slot-index-getter) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-setter "Return the setter of the slot @var{obj}, or @code{#f}." %slot-definition-setter slot-index-setter) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-accessor "Return the accessor of the slot @var{obj}, or @code{#f}." %slot-definition-accessor slot-index-accessor) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-slot-ref/raw "Return the raw slot-ref procedure of the slot @var{obj}." %slot-definition-slot-ref/raw slot-index-slot-ref/raw) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-slot-ref "Return the slot-ref procedure of the slot @var{obj}." %slot-definition-slot-ref slot-index-slot-ref) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-slot-set! "Return the slot-set! procedure of the slot @var{obj}." %slot-definition-slot-set! slot-index-slot-set!) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-index "Return the allocated struct offset of the slot @var{obj}, or @code{#f}." %slot-definition-index slot-index-index) (define-slot-accessor slot-definition-size "Return the number fields used by the slot @var{obj}, or @code{#f}." %slot-definition-size slot-index-size) ;; Boot definition. (define (direct-slot-definition-class class initargs) (get-keyword #:class initargs )) ;; Boot definition. (define (make-slot class initargs) (let ((slot (make-struct/no-tail class))) (define-syntax-rule (init-slot offset kw default) (struct-set! slot offset (get-keyword kw initargs default))) (init-slot slot-index-name #:name #f) (init-slot slot-index-allocation #:allocation #:instance) (init-slot slot-index-init-keyword #:init-keyword #f) (init-slot slot-index-init-form #:init-form *unbound*) (init-slot slot-index-init-value #:init-value *unbound*) (struct-set! slot slot-index-init-thunk (or (get-keyword #:init-thunk initargs #f) (let ((val (%slot-definition-init-value slot))) (if (unbound? val) #f (lambda () val))))) (struct-set! slot slot-index-options initargs) (init-slot slot-index-getter #:getter #f) (init-slot slot-index-setter #:setter #f) (init-slot slot-index-accessor #:accessor #f) (struct-set! slot slot-index-slot-ref/raw #f) (struct-set! slot slot-index-slot-ref #f) (struct-set! slot slot-index-slot-set! #f) (struct-set! slot slot-index-index #f) (struct-set! slot slot-index-size #f) slot)) ;; Boot definition. (define (make class . args) (unless (memq (class-precedence-list class)) (error "Unsupported class: ~S" class)) (make-slot class args)) ;; Boot definition. (define (compute-direct-slot-definition class initargs) (apply make (direct-slot-definition-class class initargs) initargs)) (define (compute-direct-slot-definition-initargs class slot-spec) (match slot-spec ((? symbol? name) (list #:name name)) (((? symbol? name) . initargs) (cons* #:name name ;; If there is an #:init-form, the `class' macro will have ;; already added an #:init-thunk. Still, if there isn't an ;; #:init-thunk already but we do have an #:init-value, ;; synthesize an #:init-thunk initarg. This will ensure ;; that the #:init-thunk gets passed on to the effective ;; slot definition too. (if (get-keyword #:init-thunk initargs) initargs (let ((value (get-keyword #:init-value initargs *unbound*))) (if (unbound? value) initargs (cons* #:init-thunk (lambda () value) initargs)))))))) (let () (define-syntax cons-slot (syntax-rules () ((_ (name #:class class) tail) ;; Special case to avoid referencing specialized kinds, ;; which are not defined yet. (cons (list 'name) tail)) ((_ (name . initargs) tail) (cons (list 'name . initargs) tail)))) (define-syntax-rule (initialize-direct-slots! class fold-slots) (let ((specs (fold-slots macro-fold-right cons-slot '()))) (define (make-direct-slot-definition spec) (let ((initargs (compute-direct-slot-definition-initargs class spec))) (compute-direct-slot-definition class initargs))) (struct-set! class class-index-direct-slots (map make-direct-slot-definition specs)))) (initialize-direct-slots! fold-class-slots) (initialize-direct-slots! fold-slot-slots)) ;;; ;;; OK, at this point we have initialized `direct-slots' on both ;;; and . We need to define a standard way to make subclasses: ;;; how to compute the precedence list of subclasses, how to compute the ;;; list of slots in a subclass, and what layout to use for instances of ;;; those classes. ;;; (define (compute-std-cpl c get-direct-supers) "The standard class precedence list computation algorithm." (define (only-non-null lst) (filter (lambda (l) (not (null? l))) lst)) (define (merge-lists reversed-partial-result inputs) (cond ((every null? inputs) (reverse! reversed-partial-result)) (else (let* ((candidate (lambda (c) (and (not (any (lambda (l) (memq c (cdr l))) inputs)) c))) (candidate-car (lambda (l) (and (not (null? l)) (candidate (car l))))) (next (any candidate-car inputs))) (unless next (goops-error "merge-lists: Inconsistent precedence graph")) (let ((remove-next (lambda (l) (if (eq? (car l) next) (cdr l) l)))) (merge-lists (cons next reversed-partial-result) (only-non-null (map remove-next inputs)))))))) (let ((c-direct-supers (get-direct-supers c))) (merge-lists (list c) (only-non-null (append (map class-precedence-list c-direct-supers) (list c-direct-supers)))))) ;; This version of compute-cpl is replaced with a generic function once ;; GOOPS has booted. (define (compute-cpl class) (compute-std-cpl class class-direct-supers)) (define (effective-slot-definition-class class slot) (class-of slot)) (define (compute-effective-slot-definition class slot) ;; FIXME: Support slot being a list of slots, as in CLOS. (apply make (effective-slot-definition-class class slot) (slot-definition-options slot))) (define (build-slots-list dslots cpl) (define (slot-memq slot slots) (let ((name (%slot-definition-name slot))) (let lp ((slots slots)) (match slots (() #f) ((slot . slots) (or (eq? (%slot-definition-name slot) name) (lp slots))))))) (define (check-cpl slots static-slots) (match static-slots (() #t) ((static-slot . static-slots) (when (slot-memq static-slot slots) (scm-error 'misc-error #f "statically allocated inherited field cannot be redefined: ~a" (list (%slot-definition-name static-slot)) '())) (check-cpl slots static-slots)))) (define (remove-duplicate-slots slots) (let lp ((slots (reverse slots)) (res '()) (seen '())) (match slots (() res) ((slot . slots) (let ((name (%slot-definition-name slot))) (if (memq name seen) (lp slots res seen) (lp slots (cons slot res) (cons name seen)))))))) ;; For subclases of and , we need to ensure that the ;; or slots come first. (let ((static-slots (match (filter class-has-statically-allocated-slots? (cdr cpl)) (() #f) ((class) (struct-ref class class-index-direct-slots)) (classes (error "can't subtype multiple classes with static slot allocation" classes))))) (when static-slots (check-cpl dslots static-slots)) (let lp ((cpl (cdr cpl)) (res dslots) (static-slots '())) (match cpl (() (remove-duplicate-slots (append static-slots res))) ((head . cpl) (let ((new-slots (struct-ref head class-index-direct-slots))) (cond ((not static-slots) (lp cpl (append new-slots res) static-slots)) ((class-has-statically-allocated-slots? head) ;; Move static slots to the head of the list. (lp cpl res new-slots)) (else (check-cpl new-slots static-slots) (lp cpl (append new-slots res) static-slots))))))))) ;; Boot definition. (define (compute-get-n-set class slot) (let ((index (struct-ref/unboxed class class-index-nfields))) (struct-set!/unboxed class class-index-nfields (1+ index)) index)) ;;; Pre-generate getters and setters for the first 20 slots. (define-syntax define-standard-accessor-method (lambda (stx) (define num-standard-pre-cache 20) (syntax-case stx () ((_ ((proc n) arg ...) body) #`(define proc (let ((cache (vector #,@(map (lambda (n*) #`(lambda (arg ...) (let ((n #,n*)) body))) (iota num-standard-pre-cache))))) (lambda (n) (if (< n #,num-standard-pre-cache) (vector-ref cache n) (lambda (arg ...) body))))))))) (define-standard-accessor-method ((bound-check-get n) o) (let ((x (struct-ref o n))) (if (unbound? x) (slot-unbound o) x))) (define-standard-accessor-method ((standard-get n) o) (struct-ref o n)) (define-standard-accessor-method ((standard-set n) o v) (struct-set! o n v)) (define-standard-accessor-method ((unboxed-get n) o) (struct-ref/unboxed o n)) (define-standard-accessor-method ((unboxed-set n) o v) (struct-set!/unboxed o n v)) ;; Boot definitions. (define (opaque-slot? slot) #f) (define (read-only-slot? slot) #f) (define (unboxed-slot? slot) (memq (%slot-definition-name slot) '(flags instance-finalizer nfields %reserved))) (define (allocate-slots class slots) "Transform the computed list of direct slot definitions @var{slots} into a corresponding list of effective slot definitions, allocating slots as we go." (define (make-effective-slot-definition slot) ;; `compute-get-n-set' is expected to mutate `nfields' if it ;; allocates a field to the object. Pretty strange, but we preserve ;; the behavior for backward compatibility. (let* ((slot (compute-effective-slot-definition class slot)) (name (%slot-definition-name slot)) (index (struct-ref/unboxed class class-index-nfields)) (g-n-s (compute-get-n-set class slot)) (size (- (struct-ref/unboxed class class-index-nfields) index))) (call-with-values (lambda () (match g-n-s ((? integer?) (unless (= size 1) (error "unexpected return from compute-get-n-set")) (cond ((unboxed-slot? slot) (let ((get (unboxed-get g-n-s))) (values get get (unboxed-set g-n-s)))) (else (values (standard-get g-n-s) (if (slot-definition-init-thunk slot) (standard-get g-n-s) (bound-check-get g-n-s)) (standard-set g-n-s))))) (((? procedure? get) (? procedure? set)) (values get (lambda (o) (let ((value (get o))) (if (unbound? value) (slot-unbound class o name) value))) set)))) (lambda (get/raw get set) (let ((get (if (opaque-slot? slot) (lambda (o) (error "Slot is opaque" name)) get)) (set (cond ((opaque-slot? slot) (lambda (o v) (error "Slot is opaque" name))) ((read-only-slot? slot) (if (unboxed-slot? slot) (lambda (o v) (let ((v* (get/raw o))) (if (zero? v*) ;; Allow initialization. (set o v) (error "Slot is read-only" name)))) (lambda (o v) (let ((v* (get/raw o))) (if (unbound? v*) ;; Allow initialization. (set o v) (error "Slot is read-only" name)))))) (else set)))) (struct-set! slot slot-index-slot-ref/raw get/raw) (struct-set! slot slot-index-slot-ref get) (struct-set! slot slot-index-slot-set! set) (struct-set! slot slot-index-index index) (struct-set! slot slot-index-size size)))) slot)) (struct-set!/unboxed class class-index-nfields 0) (map-in-order make-effective-slot-definition slots)) (define (%compute-layout slots nfields is-class?) (define (slot-protection-and-kind slot) (define (subclass? class parent) (memq parent (class-precedence-list class))) (let ((type (get-keyword #:class (%slot-definition-options slot)))) (if (and type (subclass? type )) (values (cond ((subclass? type ) #\s) ((subclass? type ) #\p) (else #\u)) (cond ((subclass? type ) #\r) ((subclass? type ) #\h) (else #\w))) (values #\p #\w)))) (let ((layout (make-string (* nfields 2)))) (let lp ((n 0) (slots slots)) (match slots (() (unless (= n nfields) (error "bad nfields")) (when is-class? (let ((class-layout (struct-ref class-index-layout))) (unless (string-prefix? (symbol->string class-layout) layout) (error "bad layout for class")))) layout) ((slot . slots) (unless (= n (%slot-definition-index slot)) (error "bad allocation")) (call-with-values (lambda () (slot-protection-and-kind slot)) (lambda (protection kind) (let init ((n n) (size (%slot-definition-size slot))) (cond ((zero? size) (lp n slots)) (else (unless (< n nfields) (error "bad nfields")) (string-set! layout (* n 2) protection) (string-set! layout (1+ (* n 2)) kind) (init (1+ n) (1- size)))))))))))) ;;; ;;; With all of this, we are now able to define subclasses of . ;;; (define (%prep-layout! class) (let* ((is-class? (and (memq (struct-ref class class-index-cpl)) #t)) (layout (%compute-layout (struct-ref class class-index-slots) (struct-ref/unboxed class class-index-nfields) is-class?))) (%init-layout! class layout))) (define (make-standard-class class name dsupers dslots) (let ((z (make-struct/no-tail class))) (define (make-direct-slot-definition dslot) (let ((initargs (compute-direct-slot-definition-initargs z dslot))) (compute-direct-slot-definition z initargs))) (struct-set! z class-index-name name) (struct-set!/unboxed z class-index-nfields 0) (struct-set! z class-index-direct-supers dsupers) (struct-set! z class-index-direct-subclasses '()) (struct-set! z class-index-direct-methods '()) (struct-set! z class-index-redefined #f) (let ((cpl (compute-cpl z))) (struct-set! z class-index-cpl cpl) (when (memq cpl) (class-add-flags! z vtable-flag-goops-slot)) (let* ((dslots (map make-direct-slot-definition dslots)) (slots (allocate-slots z (build-slots-list dslots cpl)))) (struct-set! z class-index-direct-slots dslots) (struct-set! z class-index-slots slots))) (for-each (lambda (super) (let ((subclasses (struct-ref super class-index-direct-subclasses))) (struct-set! super class-index-direct-subclasses (cons z subclasses)))) dsupers) (%prep-layout! z) z)) (define-syntax define-standard-class (syntax-rules () ((define-standard-class name (super ...) #:metaclass meta slot ...) (define name (make-standard-class meta 'name (list super ...) '(slot ...)))) ((define-standard-class name (super ...) slot ...) (define-standard-class name (super ...) #:metaclass slot ...)))) ;;; ;;; Sweet! Now we can define and , and finish ;;; initializing the `direct-subclasses', `direct-supers', and `cpl' ;;; slots of . ;;; (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) ;; The inheritance links for , , , and were ;; partially initialized. Correct them here. (struct-set! class-index-direct-subclasses (list )) (struct-set! class-index-direct-supers (list )) (struct-set! class-index-direct-supers (list )) (struct-set! class-index-cpl (list )) (struct-set! class-index-cpl (list )) ;;; ;;; We can also define the various slot types, and finish initializing ;;; `direct-slots' and `slots' on and . ;;; (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ( )) (define-standard-class ( )) (define-standard-class ( )) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define (opaque-slot? slot) (is-a? slot )) (define (read-only-slot? slot) (is-a? slot )) (define (unboxed-slot? slot) (and (is-a? slot ) (not (is-a? slot )) (not (is-a? slot )))) ;;; ;;; Finally! Initialize `direct-slots' and `slots' on , and ;;; `slots' on . ;;; (let () (define-syntax-rule (cons-slot (name . initargs) tail) (cons (list 'name . initargs) tail)) (define-syntax-rule (initialize-direct-slots! class fold-slots) (let ((specs (fold-slots macro-fold-right cons-slot '()))) (define (make-direct-slot-definition spec) (let ((initargs (compute-direct-slot-definition-initargs class spec))) (compute-direct-slot-definition class initargs))) (struct-set! class class-index-direct-slots (map make-direct-slot-definition specs)))) (define (initialize-slots! class) (let ((slots (build-slots-list (class-direct-slots class) (class-precedence-list class)))) (struct-set! class class-index-slots (allocate-slots class slots)))) ;; Finish initializing with the specialized slot kinds. (initialize-direct-slots! fold-class-slots) (initialize-slots! ) (initialize-slots! ) ;; Now that we're all done with that, mark and as ;; static. (class-add-flags! vtable-flag-goops-static) (class-add-flags! vtable-flag-goops-static)) ;;; ;;; Now, to build out the class hierarchy. ;;; (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (class-add-flags! vtable-flag-applicable-vtable) (define-standard-class ()) (class-add-flags! vtable-flag-setter-vtable) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ( ) #:metaclass procedure) (define-standard-class () #:metaclass setter) (define-standard-class () #:metaclass methods (n-specialized #:init-value 0) (extended-by #:init-value ()) effective-methods) (define-standard-class () #:metaclass (extends #:init-value ())) (define-standard-class ( ) #:metaclass ) (define-standard-class () #:metaclass ) (define-standard-class ( ) #:metaclass ) (define-standard-class ( ) #:metaclass ) (define-standard-class () generic-function specializers procedure formals body make-procedure) (define-standard-class () (slot-definition #:init-keyword #:slot-definition)) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) ;; Not all pairs are lists, but there is code out there that relies on ;; (is-a? '(1 2 3) ) to work. Terrible. How to fix? (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class () #:metaclass ) (define-standard-class () #:metaclass ) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ()) (define-standard-class ( )) (define (inherit-applicable! class) "An internal routine to redefine a SMOB class that was added after GOOPS was loaded, and on which scm_set_smob_apply installed an apply function." ;; Why not use class-redefinition? We would, except that loading the ;; compiler to compile effective methods can happen while GOOPS has ;; only been partially loaded, and loading the compiler might cause ;; SMOB types to be defined that need this facility. Instead we make ;; a very specific hack, not a general solution. Probably the right ;; solution is to avoid using the compiler, but that is another kettle ;; of fish. (unless (memq (class-precedence-list class)) (unless (null? (class-slots class)) (error "SMOB object has slots?")) (for-each (lambda (super) (let ((subclasses (struct-ref super class-index-direct-subclasses))) (struct-set! super class-index-direct-subclasses (delq class subclasses)))) (struct-ref class class-index-direct-supers)) (struct-set! class class-index-direct-supers (list )) (struct-set! class class-index-cpl (compute-cpl class)) (let ((subclasses (struct-ref class-index-direct-subclasses))) (struct-set! class-index-direct-subclasses (cons class subclasses))))) ;;; ;;; At this point we have defined the class hierarchy, and it's time to ;;; move on to instance allocation and generics. Once we have generics, ;;; we'll fill out the metaobject protocol. ;;; ;;; Here we define a limited version of `make', so that we can allocate ;;; instances of specific classes. This definition will be replaced ;;; later. ;;; (define (%invalidate-method-cache! gf) (slot-set! gf 'effective-methods '()) (recompute-generic-function-dispatch-procedure! gf)) ;; Boot definition. (define (invalidate-method-cache! gf) (%invalidate-method-cache! gf)) (define (make class . args) (cond ((or (eq? class ) (eq? class )) (let ((z (make-struct/no-tail class #f '() 0 '()))) (set-procedure-property! z 'name (get-keyword #:name args #f)) (invalidate-method-cache! z) (when (eq? class ) (let ((setter (get-keyword #:setter args #f))) (when setter (slot-set! z 'setter setter)))) z)) (else (let ((z (%allocate-instance class))) (cond ((or (eq? class ) (eq? class )) (for-each (match-lambda ((kw slot default) (slot-set! z slot (get-keyword kw args default)))) '((#:generic-function generic-function #f) (#:specializers specializers ()) (#:procedure procedure #f) (#:formals formals ()) (#:body body ()) (#:make-procedure make-procedure #f)))) ((memq (class-precedence-list class)) (class-add-flags! z (logior vtable-flag-goops-class vtable-flag-goops-valid)) (for-each (match-lambda ((kw slot default) (slot-set! z slot (get-keyword kw args default)))) '((#:name name ???) (#:dsupers direct-supers ()) (#:slots direct-slots ())))) (else (error "boot `make' does not support this class" class))) z)))) ;;; ;;; Slot access. ;;; ;;; Before we go on, some notes about class redefinition. In GOOPS, ;;; classes can be redefined. Redefinition of a class marks the class ;;; as invalid, and instances will be lazily migrated over to the new ;;; representation as they are accessed. Migration happens when ;;; `class-of' is called on an instance. For more technical details on ;;; object redefinition, see struct.h. ;;; ;;; In the following interfaces, class-of handles the redefinition ;;; protocol. I would think though that there is some thread-unsafety ;;; here though as the { class, object data } pair needs to be accessed ;;; atomically, not the { class, object } pair. ;;; (define-inlinable (%class-slot-definition class slot-name kt kf) (let lp ((slots (struct-ref class class-index-slots))) (match slots ((slot . slots) (if (eq? (%slot-definition-name slot) slot-name) (kt slot) (lp slots))) (_ (kf))))) (define (class-slot-definition class slot-name) (unless (class? class) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a class: ~S" (list class) #f)) (%class-slot-definition class slot-name (lambda (slot) slot) (lambda () #f))) (define (slot-ref obj slot-name) "Return the value from @var{obj}'s slot with the nam var{slot_name}." (let ((class (class-of obj))) (define (have-slot slot) ((%slot-definition-slot-ref slot) obj)) (define (no-slot) (unless (symbol? slot-name) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a symbol: ~S" (list slot-name) #f)) (let ((val (slot-missing class obj slot-name))) (if (unbound? val) (slot-unbound class obj slot-name) val))) (%class-slot-definition class slot-name have-slot no-slot))) (define (slot-set! obj slot-name value) "Set the slot named @var{slot_name} of @var{obj} to @var{value}." (let ((class (class-of obj))) (define (have-slot slot) ((%slot-definition-slot-set! slot) obj value)) (define (no-slot) (unless (symbol? slot-name) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a symbol: ~S" (list slot-name) #f)) (slot-missing class obj slot-name value)) (%class-slot-definition class slot-name have-slot no-slot))) (define (slot-bound? obj slot-name) "Return the value from @var{obj}'s slot with the nam var{slot_name}." (let ((class (class-of obj))) (define (have-slot slot) (not (unbound? ((%slot-definition-slot-ref/raw slot) obj)))) (define (no-slot) (unless (symbol? slot-name) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a symbol: ~S" (list slot-name) #f)) (not (unbound? (slot-missing class obj slot-name)))) (%class-slot-definition class slot-name have-slot no-slot))) (define (slot-exists? obj slot-name) "Return @code{#t} if @var{obj} has a slot named @var{slot_name}." (define (have-slot slot) #t) (define (no-slot) (unless (symbol? slot-name) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a symbol: ~S" (list slot-name) #f)) #f) (%class-slot-definition (class-of obj) slot-name have-slot no-slot)) (begin-deprecated (define (check-slot-args class obj slot-name) (unless (eq? class (class-of obj)) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "~S is not the class of ~S" (list class obj) #f)) (unless (symbol? slot-name) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a symbol: ~S" (list slot-name) #f))) (define (slot-ref-using-class class obj slot-name) (issue-deprecation-warning "slot-ref-using-class is deprecated. " "Use slot-ref instead.") (check-slot-args class obj slot-name) (slot-ref obj slot-name)) (define (slot-set-using-class! class obj slot-name value) (issue-deprecation-warning "slot-set-using-class! is deprecated. " "Use slot-set! instead.") (check-slot-args class obj slot-name) (slot-set! obj slot-name value)) (define (slot-bound-using-class? class obj slot-name) (issue-deprecation-warning "slot-bound-using-class? is deprecated. " "Use slot-bound? instead.") (check-slot-args class obj slot-name) (slot-bound? obj slot-name)) (define (slot-exists-using-class? class obj slot-name) (issue-deprecation-warning "slot-exists-using-class? is deprecated. " "Use slot-exists? instead.") (check-slot-args class obj slot-name) (slot-exists? obj slot-name))) ;;; ;;; Method accessors. ;;; (define (method-generic-function obj) "Return the generic function for the method @var{obj}." (unless (is-a? obj ) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a method: ~S" (list obj) #f)) (slot-ref obj 'generic-function)) (define (method-specializers obj) "Return specializers of the method @var{obj}." (unless (is-a? obj ) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a method: ~S" (list obj) #f)) (slot-ref obj 'specializers)) (define (method-procedure obj) "Return the procedure of the method @var{obj}." (unless (is-a? obj ) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a method: ~S" (list obj) #f)) (slot-ref obj 'procedure)) ;;; ;;; Generic functions! ;;; ;;; Generic functions have an applicable-methods cache associated with ;;; them. Every distinct set of types that is dispatched through a ;;; generic adds an entry to the cache. A composite dispatch procedure ;;; is recomputed every time an entry gets added to the cache, or when ;;; the cache is invalidated. ;;; ;;; In steady-state, this dispatch procedure is never regenerated; but ;;; during warm-up there is some churn. ;;; ;;; So what is the deal if warm-up happens in a multithreaded context? ;;; There is indeed a window between missing the cache for a certain set ;;; of arguments, and then updating the cache with the newly computed ;;; applicable methods. One of the updaters is liable to lose their new ;;; entry. ;;; ;;; This is actually OK though, because a subsequent cache miss for the ;;; race loser will just cause memoization to try again. The cache will ;;; eventually be consistent. We're not mutating the old part of the ;;; cache, just consing on the new entry. ;;; ;;; It doesn't even matter if the dispatch procedure and the cache are ;;; inconsistent -- most likely the type-set that lost the dispatch ;;; procedure race will simply re-trigger a memoization, but since the ;;; winner isn't in the effective-methods cache, it will likely also ;;; re-trigger a memoization, and the cache will finally be consistent. ;;; As you can see there is a possibility for ping-pong effects, but ;;; it's unlikely given the shortness of the window between slot-set! ;;; invocations. ;;; ;;; We probably do need to use atomic access primitives to correctly ;;; handle concurrency, but that's a more general Guile concern. ;;; (define-syntax arity-case (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ;; (arity-case n 2 foo bar) ;; => (case n ;; ((0) (foo)) ;; ((1) (foo a)) ;; ((2) (foo a b)) ;; (else bar)) ((arity-case n max form alternate) (let ((max (syntax->datum #'max))) #`(case n #,@(let lp ((n 0)) (let ((ids (map (lambda (n) (let* ((n (+ (char->integer #\a) n)) (c (integer->char n))) (datum->syntax #'here (symbol c)))) (iota n)))) #`(((#,n) (form #,@ids)) . #,(if (< n max) (lp (1+ n)) #'())))) (else alternate))))))) ;;; ;;; These dispatchers are set as the "procedure" field of ;;; instances. Unlike CLOS, in GOOPS a generic function can have ;;; multiple arities. ;;; ;;; We pre-generate fast dispatchers for applications of up to 20 ;;; arguments. More arguments than that will go through slower generic ;;; routines that cons arguments into a rest list. ;;; (define (multiple-arity-dispatcher fv miss) (define-syntax dispatch (lambda (x) (define (build-clauses args) (let ((len (length (syntax->datum args)))) #`((#,args ((vector-ref fv #,len) . #,args)) . #,(syntax-case args () (() #'()) ((arg ... _) (build-clauses #'(arg ...))))))) (syntax-case x () ((dispatch arg ...) #`(case-lambda #,@(build-clauses #'(arg ...)) (args (apply miss args))))))) (arity-case (1- (vector-length fv)) 20 dispatch (lambda args (let ((nargs (length args))) (if (< nargs (vector-length fv)) (apply (vector-ref fv nargs) args) (apply miss args)))))) ;;; ;;; The above multiple-arity-dispatcher is entirely sufficient, and ;;; should be fast enough. Still, for no good reason we also have an ;;; arity dispatcher for generics that are only called with one arity. ;;; (define (single-arity-dispatcher f nargs miss) (define-syntax-rule (dispatch arg ...) (case-lambda ((arg ...) (f arg ...)) (args (apply miss args)))) (arity-case nargs 20 dispatch (lambda args (if (eqv? (length args) nargs) (apply f args) (apply miss args))))) ;;; ;;; The guts of generic function dispatch are here. Once we've selected ;;; an arity, we need to map from arguments to effective method. Until ;;; we have `eqv?' specializers, this map is entirely a function of the ;;; types (classes) of the arguments. So, we look in the cache to see ;;; if we have seen this set of concrete types, and if so we apply the ;;; previously computed effective method. Otherwise we miss the cache, ;;; so we'll have to compute the right answer for this set of types, add ;;; the mapping to the cache, and apply the newly computed method. ;;; ;;; The cached mapping is invalidated whenever a new method is defined ;;; on this generic, or whenever the class hierarchy of any method ;;; specializer changes. ;;; (define (single-arity-cache-dispatch cache nargs cache-miss) (match cache (() cache-miss) (((typev . cmethod) . cache) (cond ((eqv? nargs (vector-length typev)) (let ((cache-miss (single-arity-cache-dispatch cache nargs cache-miss))) (define (type-ref n) (and (< n nargs) (vector-ref typev n))) (define-syntax args-match? (syntax-rules () ((args-match?) #t) ((args-match? (arg type) (arg* type*) ...) ;; Check that the arg has the exact type that we saw. It ;; could be that `type' is #f, which indicates the end of ;; the specializers list. Once all specializers have been ;; examined, we don't need to look at any more arguments ;; to know that this is a cache hit. (or (not type) (and (eq? (class-of arg) type) (args-match? (arg* type*) ...)))))) (define-syntax dispatch (lambda (x) (define (bind-types types k) (let lp ((types types) (n 0)) (syntax-case types () (() (k)) ((type . types) #`(let ((type (type-ref #,n))) #,(lp #'types (1+ n))))))) (syntax-case x () ((dispatch arg ...) (with-syntax (((type ...) (generate-temporaries #'(arg ...)))) (bind-types #'(type ...) (lambda () #'(lambda (arg ...) (if (args-match? (arg type) ...) (cmethod arg ...) (cache-miss arg ...)))))))))) (arity-case nargs 20 dispatch (lambda args (define (args-match? args) (let lp ((args args) (n 0)) (match args ((arg . args) (or (not (vector-ref typev n)) (and (eq? (vector-ref typev n) (class-of arg)) (lp args (1+ n))))) (_ #t)))) (if (args-match? args) (apply cmethod args) (apply cache-miss args)))))) (else (single-arity-cache-dispatch cache nargs cache-miss)))))) (define (compute-generic-function-dispatch-procedure gf) (define (seen-arities cache) (let lp ((arities 0) (cache cache)) (match cache (() arities) (((typev . cmethod) . cache) (lp (logior arities (ash 1 (vector-length typev))) cache))))) (define (cache-miss . args) (memoize-generic-function-application! gf args) (apply gf args)) (let* ((cache (slot-ref gf 'effective-methods)) (arities (seen-arities cache)) (max-arity (let lp ((max -1)) (if (< arities (ash 1 (1+ max))) max (lp (1+ max)))))) (cond ((= max-arity -1) ;; Nothing in the cache. cache-miss) ((= arities (ash 1 max-arity)) ;; Only one arity in the cache. (let* ((nargs max-arity) (f (single-arity-cache-dispatch cache nargs cache-miss))) (single-arity-dispatcher f nargs cache-miss))) (else ;; Multiple arities. (let ((fv (make-vector (1+ max-arity) #f))) (let lp ((n 0)) (when (<= n max-arity) (let ((f (single-arity-cache-dispatch cache n cache-miss))) (vector-set! fv n f) (lp (1+ n))))) (multiple-arity-dispatcher fv cache-miss)))))) (define (recompute-generic-function-dispatch-procedure! gf) (slot-set! gf 'procedure (compute-generic-function-dispatch-procedure gf))) (define (memoize-effective-method! gf args applicable) (define (record-types args) (let ((typev (make-vector (length args) #f))) (let lp ((n 0) (args args)) (when (and (< n (slot-ref gf 'n-specialized)) (pair? args)) (match args ((arg . args) (vector-set! typev n (class-of arg)) (lp (1+ n) args))))) typev)) (let* ((typev (record-types args)) (compute-effective-method (if (eq? (class-of gf) ) %compute-effective-method compute-effective-method)) (cmethod (compute-effective-method gf applicable typev)) (cache (acons typev cmethod (slot-ref gf 'effective-methods)))) (slot-set! gf 'effective-methods cache) (recompute-generic-function-dispatch-procedure! gf) cmethod)) ;;; ;;; If a method refers to `next-method' in its body, that method will be ;;; able to dispatch to the next most specific method. The exact ;;; `next-method' implementation is only known at runtime, as it is a ;;; function of which precise argument types are being dispatched, which ;;; might be subclasses of the method's declared specializers. ;;; ;;; Guile implements `next-method' by binding it as a closure variable. ;;; An effective method is bound to a specific `next-method' by the ;;; `make-procedure' slot of a , which returns the new closure. ;;; (define (%compute-specialized-effective-method gf method types next-method) (match (slot-ref method 'make-procedure) (#f (method-procedure method)) (make-procedure (make-procedure next-method)))) (define (compute-specialized-effective-method gf method types next-method) (%compute-specialized-effective-method gf method types next-method)) (define (%compute-effective-method gf methods types) (match methods ((method . methods) (let ((compute-specialized-effective-method (if (and (eq? (class-of gf) ) (eq? (class-of method) )) %compute-specialized-effective-method compute-specialized-effective-method))) (compute-specialized-effective-method gf method types (match methods (() (lambda args (no-next-method gf args))) (methods (let ((compute-effective-method (if (eq? (class-of gf) ) %compute-effective-method compute-effective-method))) (compute-effective-method gf methods types))))))))) ;; Boot definition; overrided with a generic later. (define (compute-effective-method gf methods types) (%compute-effective-method gf methods types)) ;;; ;;; Memoization ;;; (define (memoize-generic-function-application! gf args) (let ((applicable ((if (eq? (class-of gf) ) %compute-applicable-methods compute-applicable-methods) gf args))) (cond (applicable (memoize-effective-method! gf args applicable)) (else (no-applicable-method gf args))))) (define no-applicable-method (make #:name 'no-applicable-method)) (%goops-early-init) ;; Then load the rest of GOOPS ;; FIXME: deprecate. (define min-fixnum (- (expt 2 29))) (define max-fixnum (- (expt 2 29) 1)) ;; ;; goops-error ;; (define (goops-error format-string . args) (scm-error 'goops-error #f format-string args '())) ;;; ;;; {Meta classes} ;;; (define ensure-metaclass-with-supers (let ((table-of-metas '())) (lambda (meta-supers) (let ((entry (assoc meta-supers table-of-metas))) (if entry ;; Found a previously created metaclass (cdr entry) ;; Create a new meta-class which inherit from "meta-supers" (let ((new (make #:dsupers meta-supers #:slots '() #:name (gensym "metaclass")))) (set! table-of-metas (cons (cons meta-supers new) table-of-metas)) new)))))) (define (ensure-metaclass supers) (if (null? supers) (let* ((all-metas (map (lambda (x) (class-of x)) supers)) (all-cpls (append-map (lambda (m) (cdr (class-precedence-list m))) all-metas)) (needed-metas '())) ;; Find the most specific metaclasses. The new metaclass will be ;; a subclass of these. (for-each (lambda (meta) (when (and (not (member meta all-cpls)) (not (member meta needed-metas))) (set! needed-metas (append needed-metas (list meta))))) all-metas) ;; Now return a subclass of the metaclasses we found. (if (null? (cdr needed-metas)) (car needed-metas) ; If there's only one, just use it. (ensure-metaclass-with-supers needed-metas))))) ;;; ;;; {Classes} ;;; ;;; (define-class NAME (SUPER ...) SLOT-DEFINITION ... OPTION ...) ;;; ;;; SLOT-DEFINITION ::= INSTANCE-OF- | (SLOT-NAME OPTION ...) ;;; OPTION ::= KEYWORD VALUE ;;; (define (make-class supers slots . options) (define (find-duplicate l) (match l (() #f) ((head . tail) (if (memq head tail) head (find-duplicate tail))))) (define (slot-spec->name slot-spec) (match slot-spec (((? symbol? name) . args) name) ;; We can get here when redefining classes. ((? slot? slot) (%slot-definition-name slot)))) (let* ((name (get-keyword #:name options *unbound*)) (supers (if (not (or-map (lambda (class) (memq (class-precedence-list class))) supers)) (append supers (list )) supers)) (metaclass (or (get-keyword #:metaclass options #f) (ensure-metaclass supers)))) ;; Verify that all direct slots are different and that we don't inherit ;; several time from the same class (let ((tmp1 (find-duplicate supers)) (tmp2 (find-duplicate (map slot-spec->name slots)))) (if tmp1 (goops-error "make-class: super class ~S is duplicate in class ~S" tmp1 name)) (if tmp2 (goops-error "make-class: slot ~S is duplicate in class ~S" tmp2 name))) ;; Everything seems correct, build the class (apply make metaclass #:dsupers supers #:slots slots #:name name options))) ;;; (class (SUPER ...) SLOT-DEFINITION ... OPTION ...) ;;; ;;; SLOT-DEFINITION ::= SLOT-NAME | (SLOT-NAME OPTION ...) ;;; OPTION ::= KEYWORD VALUE ;;; (define-syntax class (lambda (x) (define (parse-options options) (syntax-case options () (() #'()) ((kw arg . options) (keyword? (syntax->datum #'kw)) (with-syntax ((options (parse-options #'options))) (syntax-case #'kw () (#:init-form #'(kw 'arg #:init-thunk (lambda () arg) . options)) (_ #'(kw arg . options))))))) (define (check-valid-kwargs args) (syntax-case args () (() #'()) ((kw arg . args) (keyword? (syntax->datum #'kw)) #`(kw arg . #,(check-valid-kwargs #'args))))) (define (parse-slots-and-kwargs args) (syntax-case args () (() #'(() ())) ((kw . _) (keyword? (syntax->datum #'kw)) #`(() #,(check-valid-kwargs args))) (((name option ...) args ...) (with-syntax (((slots kwargs) (parse-slots-and-kwargs #'(args ...))) ((option ...) (parse-options #'(option ...)))) #'(((list 'name option ...) . slots) kwargs))) ((name args ...) (symbol? (syntax->datum #'name)) (with-syntax (((slots kwargs) (parse-slots-and-kwargs #'(args ...)))) #'(('(name) . slots) kwargs))))) (syntax-case x () ((class (super ...) arg ...) (with-syntax ((((slot-def ...) (option ...)) (parse-slots-and-kwargs #'(arg ...)))) #'(make-class (list super ...) (list slot-def ...) option ...)))))) (define-syntax define-class-pre-definition (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ (k arg rest ...) out ...) (keyword? (syntax->datum #'k)) (case (syntax->datum #'k) ((#:getter #:setter) #'(define-class-pre-definition (rest ...) out ... (when (or (not (defined? 'arg)) (not (is-a? arg ))) (toplevel-define! 'arg (ensure-generic (if (defined? 'arg) arg #f) 'arg))))) ((#:accessor) #'(define-class-pre-definition (rest ...) out ... (when (or (not (defined? 'arg)) (not (is-a? arg ))) (toplevel-define! 'arg (ensure-accessor (if (defined? 'arg) arg #f) 'arg))))) (else #'(define-class-pre-definition (rest ...) out ...)))) ((_ () out ...) #'(begin out ...))))) ;; Some slot options require extra definitions to be made. In ;; particular, we want to make sure that the generic function objects ;; which represent accessors exist before `make-class' tries to add ;; methods to them. (define-syntax define-class-pre-definitions (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((_ () out ...) #'(begin out ...)) ((_ (slot rest ...) out ...) (keyword? (syntax->datum #'slot)) #'(begin out ...)) ((_ (slot rest ...) out ...) (identifier? #'slot) #'(define-class-pre-definitions (rest ...) out ...)) ((_ ((slotname slotopt ...) rest ...) out ...) #'(define-class-pre-definitions (rest ...) out ... (define-class-pre-definition (slotopt ...))))))) (define-syntax-rule (define-class name supers slot ...) (begin (define-class-pre-definitions (slot ...)) (if (and (defined? 'name) (is-a? name ) (memq (class-precedence-list name))) (class-redefinition name (class supers slot ... #:name 'name)) (toplevel-define! 'name (class supers slot ... #:name 'name))))) (define-syntax-rule (standard-define-class arg ...) (define-class arg ...)) ;;; ;;; {Generic functions and accessors} ;;; ;; Apparently the desired semantics are that we extend previous ;; procedural definitions, but that if `name' was already a generic, we ;; overwrite its definition. (define-syntax define-generic (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((define-generic name) (symbol? (syntax->datum #'name)) #'(define name (if (and (defined? 'name) (is-a? name )) (make #:name 'name) (ensure-generic (if (defined? 'name) name #f) 'name))))))) (define-syntax define-extended-generic (lambda (x) (syntax-case x () ((define-extended-generic name val) (symbol? (syntax->datum #'name)) #'(define name (make-extended-generic val 'name)))))) (define-syntax define-extended-generics (lambda (x) (define (id-append ctx a b) (datum->syntax ctx (symbol-append (syntax->datum a) (syntax->datum b)))) (syntax-case x () ((define-extended-generic (name ...) #:prefix (prefix ...)) (and (and-map symbol? (syntax->datum #'(name ...))) (and-map symbol? (syntax->datum #'(prefix ...)))) (with-syntax ((((val ...)) (map (lambda (name) (map (lambda (prefix) (id-append name prefix name)) #'(prefix ...))) #'(name ...)))) #'(begin (define-extended-generic name (list val ...)) ...)))))) (define* (make-generic #:optional name) (make #:name name)) (define* (make-extended-generic gfs #:optional name) (let* ((gfs (if (list? gfs) gfs (list gfs))) (gws? (any (lambda (gf) (is-a? gf )) gfs))) (let ((ans (if gws? (let* ((sname (and name (make-setter-name name))) (setters (append-map (lambda (gf) (if (is-a? gf ) (list (ensure-generic (setter gf) sname)) '())) gfs)) (es (make #:name name #:extends gfs #:setter (make #:name sname #:extends setters)))) (extended-by! setters (setter es)) es) (make #:name name #:extends gfs)))) (extended-by! gfs ans) ans))) (define (extended-by! gfs eg) (for-each (lambda (gf) (slot-set! gf 'extended-by (cons eg (slot-ref gf 'extended-by)))) gfs) (invalidate-method-cache! eg)) (define (not-extended-by! gfs eg) (for-each (lambda (gf) (slot-set! gf 'extended-by (delq! eg (slot-ref gf 'extended-by)))) gfs) (invalidate-method-cache! eg)) (define* (ensure-generic old-definition #:optional name) (cond ((is-a? old-definition ) old-definition) ((procedure-with-setter? old-definition) (make #:name name #:default (procedure old-definition) #:setter (setter old-definition))) ((procedure? old-definition) (if (generic-capability? old-definition) old-definition (make #:name name #:default old-definition))) (else (make #:name name)))) ;; same semantics as (define-syntax-rule (define-accessor name) (define name (cond ((not (defined? 'name)) (ensure-accessor #f 'name)) ((is-a? name ) (make #:name 'name)) (else (ensure-accessor name 'name))))) (define (make-setter-name name) (string->symbol (string-append "setter:" (symbol->string name)))) (define* (make-accessor #:optional name) (make #:name name #:setter (make #:name (and name (make-setter-name name))))) (define* (ensure-accessor proc #:optional name) (cond ((and (is-a? proc ) (is-a? (setter proc) )) proc) ((is-a? proc ) (upgrade-accessor proc (setter proc))) ((is-a? proc ) (upgrade-accessor proc (make-generic name))) ((procedure-with-setter? proc) (make #:name name #:default (procedure proc) #:setter (ensure-generic (setter proc) name))) ((procedure? proc) (ensure-accessor (if (generic-capability? proc) (make #:name name #:default proc) (ensure-generic proc name)) name)) (else (make-accessor name)))) (define (upgrade-accessor generic setter) (let ((methods (slot-ref generic 'methods)) (gws (make (if (is-a? generic ) ) #:name (generic-function-name generic) #:extended-by (slot-ref generic 'extended-by) #:setter setter))) (when (is-a? generic ) (let ((gfs (slot-ref generic 'extends))) (not-extended-by! gfs generic) (slot-set! gws 'extends gfs) (extended-by! gfs gws))) ;; Steal old methods (for-each (lambda (method) (slot-set! method 'generic-function gws)) methods) (slot-set! gws 'methods methods) (invalidate-method-cache! gws) gws)) ;;; ;;; {Methods} ;;; ;; Note: `a' and `b' can have unequal lengths (i.e. one can be one ;; element longer than the other when we have a dotted parameter ;; list). For instance, with the call ;; ;; (M 1) ;; ;; with ;; ;; (define-method M (a . l) ....) ;; (define-method M (a) ....) ;; ;; we consider that the second method is more specific. ;; ;; Precondition: `a' and `b' are methods and are applicable to `types'. (define (%method-more-specific? a b types) (let lp ((a-specializers (method-specializers a)) (b-specializers (method-specializers b)) (types types)) (cond ;; (a) less specific than (a b ...) or (a . b) ((null? a-specializers) #t) ;; (a b ...) or (a . b) less specific than (a) ((null? b-specializers) #f) ;; (a . b) less specific than (a b ...) ((not (pair? a-specializers)) #f) ;; (a b ...) more specific than (a . b) ((not (pair? b-specializers)) #t) (else (let ((a-specializer (car a-specializers)) (b-specializer (car b-specializers)) (a-specializers (cdr a-specializers)) (b-specializers (cdr b-specializers)) (type (car types)) (types (cdr types))) (if (eq? a-specializer b-specializer) (lp a-specializers b-specializers types) (let lp ((cpl (class-precedence-list type))) (let ((elt (car cpl))) (cond ((eq? a-specializer elt) #t) ((eq? b-specializer elt) #f) (else (lp (cdr cpl)))))))))))) (define (%sort-applicable-methods methods types) (sort methods (lambda (a b) (%method-more-specific? a b types)))) (define (generic-function-methods obj) "Return the methods of the generic function @var{obj}." (define (fold-upward method-lists gf) (cond ((is-a? gf ) (let lp ((method-lists method-lists) (gfs (slot-ref gf 'extends))) (match gfs (() method-lists) ((gf . gfs) (lp (fold-upward (cons (slot-ref gf 'methods) method-lists) gf) gfs))))) (else method-lists))) (define (fold-downward method-lists gf) (let lp ((method-lists (cons (slot-ref gf 'methods) method-lists)) (gfs (slot-ref gf 'extended-by))) (match gfs (() method-lists) ((gf . gfs) (lp (fold-downward method-lists gf) gfs))))) (unless (is-a? obj ) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not a generic: ~S" (list obj) #f)) (concatenate (fold-downward (fold-upward '() obj) obj))) (define (%compute-applicable-methods gf args) (define (method-applicable? m types) (let ((specs (method-specializers m))) (cond ((and (is-a? m ) (or (null? specs) (null? types) (not (eq? (car specs) (car types))))) ;; Slot accessor methods are added to each subclass with the ;; slot. They only apply to that specific concrete class, which ;; appears as the first argument. #f) (else (let lp ((specs specs) (types types)) (cond ((null? specs) (null? types)) ((not (pair? specs)) #t) ((null? types) #f) (else (and (memq (car specs) (class-precedence-list (car types))) (lp (cdr specs) (cdr types)))))))))) (let ((n (length args)) (types (map class-of args))) (let lp ((methods (generic-function-methods gf)) (applicable '())) (if (null? methods) (and (not (null? applicable)) (%sort-applicable-methods applicable types)) (let ((m (car methods))) (lp (cdr methods) (if (method-applicable? m types) (cons m applicable) applicable))))))) (define compute-applicable-methods %compute-applicable-methods) (define (toplevel-define! name val) (module-define! (current-module) name val)) (define-syntax define-method (syntax-rules (setter) ((_ ((setter name) . args) body ...) (begin (when (or (not (defined? 'name)) (not (is-a? name ))) (toplevel-define! 'name (ensure-accessor (if (defined? 'name) name #f) 'name))) (add-method! (setter name) (method args body ...)))) ((_ (name . args) body ...) (begin ;; FIXME: this code is how it always was, but it's quite cracky: ;; it will only define the generic function if it was undefined ;; before (ok), or *was defined to #f*. The latter is crack. But ;; there are bootstrap issues about fixing this -- change it to ;; (is-a? name ) and see. (when (or (not (defined? 'name)) (not name)) (toplevel-define! 'name (make #:name 'name))) (add-method! name (method args body ...)))))) (define-syntax method (lambda (x) (define (parse-args args) (let lp ((ls args) (formals '()) (specializers '())) (syntax-case ls () (((f s) . rest) (and (identifier? #'f) (identifier? #'s)) (lp #'rest (cons #'f formals) (cons #'s specializers))) ((f . rest) (identifier? #'f) (lp #'rest (cons #'f formals) (cons #' specializers))) (() (list (reverse formals) (reverse (cons #''() specializers)))) (tail (identifier? #'tail) (list (append (reverse formals) #'tail) (reverse (cons #' specializers))))))) (define (find-free-id exp referent) (syntax-case exp () ((x . y) (or (find-free-id #'x referent) (find-free-id #'y referent))) (x (identifier? #'x) (let ((id (datum->syntax #'x referent))) (and (free-identifier=? #'x id) id))) (_ #f))) (define (compute-procedure formals body) (syntax-case body () ((body0 ...) (with-syntax ((formals formals)) #'(lambda formals body0 ...))))) (define (->proper args) (let lp ((ls args) (out '())) (syntax-case ls () ((x . xs) (lp #'xs (cons #'x out))) (() (reverse out)) (tail (reverse (cons #'tail out)))))) (define (compute-make-procedure formals body next-method) (syntax-case body () ((body ...) (with-syntax ((next-method next-method)) (syntax-case formals () ((formal ...) #'(lambda (real-next-method) (lambda (formal ...) (let ((next-method (lambda args (if (null? args) (real-next-method formal ...) (apply real-next-method args))))) body ...)))) (formals (with-syntax (((formal ...) (->proper #'formals))) #'(lambda (real-next-method) (lambda formals (let ((next-method (lambda args (if (null? args) (apply real-next-method formal ...) (apply real-next-method args))))) body ...)))))))))) (define (compute-procedures formals body) ;; So, our use of this is broken, because it operates on the ;; pre-expansion source code. It's equivalent to just searching ;; for referent in the datums. Ah well. (let ((id (find-free-id body 'next-method))) (if id ;; return a make-procedure (values #'#f (compute-make-procedure formals body id)) (values (compute-procedure formals body) #'#f)))) (syntax-case x () ((_ args) #'(method args (if #f #f))) ((_ args body0 body1 ...) (with-syntax (((formals (specializer ...)) (parse-args #'args))) (call-with-values (lambda () (compute-procedures #'formals #'(body0 body1 ...))) (lambda (procedure make-procedure) (with-syntax ((procedure procedure) (make-procedure make-procedure)) #'(make #:specializers (cons* specializer ...) #:formals 'formals #:body '(body0 body1 ...) #:make-procedure make-procedure #:procedure procedure))))))))) ;;; ;;; {Utilities} ;;; ;;; These are useful when dealing with method specializers, which might ;;; have a rest argument. ;;; (define (map* fn . l) ; A map which accepts dotted lists (arg lists (cond ; must be "isomorph" ((null? (car l)) '()) ((pair? (car l)) (cons (apply fn (map car l)) (apply map* fn (map cdr l)))) (else (apply fn l)))) (define (for-each* fn . l) ; A for-each which accepts dotted lists (arg lists (cond ; must be "isomorph" ((null? (car l)) '()) ((pair? (car l)) (apply fn (map car l)) (apply for-each* fn (map cdr l))) (else (apply fn l)))) (define (length* ls) (do ((n 0 (+ 1 n)) (ls ls (cdr ls))) ((not (pair? ls)) n))) ;;; ;;; {add-method!} ;;; (define (add-method-in-classes! m) ;; Add method in all the classes which appears in its specializers list (for-each* (lambda (x) (let ((dm (class-direct-methods x))) (unless (memq m dm) (struct-set! x class-index-direct-methods (cons m dm))))) (method-specializers m))) (define (remove-method-in-classes! m) ;; Remove method in all the classes which appears in its specializers list (for-each* (lambda (x) (struct-set! x class-index-direct-methods (delv! m (class-direct-methods x)))) (method-specializers m))) (define (compute-new-list-of-methods gf new) (let ((new-spec (method-specializers new)) (methods (slot-ref gf 'methods))) (let loop ((l methods)) (if (null? l) (cons new methods) (if (equal? (method-specializers (car l)) new-spec) (begin ;; This spec. list already exists. Remove old method from dependents (remove-method-in-classes! (car l)) (set-car! l new) methods) (loop (cdr l))))))) (define (method-n-specializers m) (length* (slot-ref m 'specializers))) (define (calculate-n-specialized gf) (fold (lambda (m n) (max n (method-n-specializers m))) 0 (generic-function-methods gf))) (define (invalidate-method-cache! gf) (slot-set! gf 'n-specialized (calculate-n-specialized gf)) (%invalidate-method-cache! gf) (for-each (lambda (gf) (invalidate-method-cache! gf)) (slot-ref gf 'extended-by))) (define internal-add-method! (method ((gf ) (m )) (slot-set! m 'generic-function gf) (slot-set! gf 'methods (compute-new-list-of-methods gf m)) (invalidate-method-cache! gf) (add-method-in-classes! m) *unspecified*)) (define-generic add-method!) ((method-procedure internal-add-method!) add-method! internal-add-method!) (define-method (add-method! (proc ) (m )) (if (generic-capability? proc) (begin (enable-primitive-generic! proc) (add-method! proc m)) (next-method))) (define-method (add-method! (pg ) (m )) (add-method! (primitive-generic-generic pg) m)) (define-method (add-method! obj (m )) (goops-error "~S is not a valid generic function" obj)) ;;; ;;; {Access to meta objects} ;;; ;;; ;;; Methods ;;; (define-method (method-source (m )) (let* ((spec (map* class-name (slot-ref m 'specializers))) (src (procedure-source (slot-ref m 'procedure)))) (and src (let ((args (cadr src)) (body (cddr src))) (cons 'method (cons (map* list args spec) body)))))) (define-method (method-formals (m )) (slot-ref m 'formals)) ;;; ;;; Slots ;;; (define (slot-init-function class slot-name) (%slot-definition-init-thunk (or (class-slot-definition class slot-name) (error "slot not found" slot-name)))) (define (accessor-method-slot-definition obj) "Return the slot definition of the accessor @var{obj}." (slot-ref obj 'slot-definition)) ;;; ;;; {Standard methods used by the C runtime} ;;; ;;; Methods to compare objects ;;; ;; Have to do this in a strange order because equal? is used in the ;; add-method! implementation; we need to make sure that when the ;; primitive is extended, that the generic has a method. = (define g-equal? (make-generic 'equal?)) ;; When this generic gets called, we will have already checked eq? and ;; eqv? -- the purpose of this generic is to extend equality. So by ;; default, there is no extension, thus the #f return. (add-method! g-equal? (method (x y) #f)) (set-primitive-generic! equal? g-equal?) ;;; ;;; methods to display/write an object ;;; ; Code for writing objects must test that the slots they use are ; bound. Otherwise a slot-unbound method will be called and will ; conduct to an infinite loop. ;; Write (define (display-address o file) (display (number->string (object-address o) 16) file)) (define-method (write o file) (display "# file)) (define write-object (primitive-generic-generic write)) (define-method (write (o ) file) (let ((class (class-of o))) (if (slot-bound? class 'name) (begin (display "#<" file) (display (class-name class) file) (display #\space file) (display-address o file) (display #\> file)) (next-method)))) (define-method (write (slot ) file) (let ((class (class-of slot))) (if (and (slot-bound? class 'name) (slot-bound? slot 'name)) (begin (display "#<" file) (display (class-name class) file) (display #\space file) (display (%slot-definition-name slot) file) (display #\space file) (display-address slot file) (display #\> file)) (next-method)))) (define-method (write (class ) file) (let ((meta (class-of class))) (if (and (slot-bound? class 'name) (slot-bound? meta 'name)) (begin (display "#<" file) (display (class-name meta) file) (display #\space file) (display (class-name class) file) (display #\space file) (display-address class file) (display #\> file)) (next-method)))) (define-method (write (gf ) file) (let ((meta (class-of gf))) (if (and (slot-bound? meta 'name) (slot-bound? gf 'methods)) (begin (display "#<" file) (display (class-name meta) file) (let ((name (generic-function-name gf))) (if name (begin (display #\space file) (display name file)))) (display " (" file) (display (length (generic-function-methods gf)) file) (display ")>" file)) (next-method)))) (define-method (write (o ) file) (let ((meta (class-of o))) (if (and (slot-bound? meta 'name) (slot-bound? o 'specializers)) (begin (display "#<" file) (display (class-name meta) file) (display #\space file) (display (map* (lambda (spec) (if (slot-bound? spec 'name) (slot-ref spec 'name) spec)) (method-specializers o)) file) (display #\space file) (display-address o file) (display #\> file)) (next-method)))) ;; Display (do the same thing as write by default) (define-method (display o file) (write-object o file)) ;;; ;;; Handling of duplicate bindings in the module system ;;; (define (find-subclass super name) (let lp ((classes (class-direct-subclasses super))) (cond ((null? classes) (error "class not found" name)) ((and (slot-bound? (car classes) 'name) (eq? (class-name (car classes)) name)) (car classes)) (else (lp (cdr classes)))))) ;; A record type. (define (find-subclass ')) (define-method (merge-generics (module ) (name ) (int1 ) (val1 ) (int2 ) (val2 ) (var ) (val )) #f) (define-method (merge-generics (module ) (name ) (int1 ) (val1 ) (int2 ) (val2 ) (var ) (val )) (and (not (eq? val1 val2)) (make-variable (make-extended-generic (list val2 val1) name)))) (define-method (merge-generics (module ) (name ) (int1 ) (val1 ) (int2 ) (val2 ) (var ) (gf )) (and (not (memq val2 (slot-ref gf 'extends))) (begin (slot-set! gf 'extends (cons val2 (delq! val2 (slot-ref gf 'extends)))) (slot-set! val2 'extended-by (cons gf (delq! gf (slot-ref val2 'extended-by)))) (invalidate-method-cache! gf) var))) (module-define! duplicate-handlers 'merge-generics merge-generics) (define-method (merge-accessors (module ) (name ) (int1 ) (val1 ) (int2 ) (val2 ) (var ) (val )) #f) (define-method (merge-accessors (module ) (name ) (int1 ) (val1 ) (int2 ) (val2 ) (var ) (val )) (merge-generics module name int1 val1 int2 val2 var val)) (module-define! duplicate-handlers 'merge-accessors merge-accessors) ;;; ;;; slot access ;;; (define (class-slot-ref class slot-name) (let ((slot (class-slot-definition class slot-name))) (unless (memq (%slot-definition-allocation slot) '(#:class #:each-subclass)) (slot-missing class slot-name)) (let ((x ((%slot-definition-slot-ref/raw slot) #f))) (if (unbound? x) (slot-unbound class slot-name) x)))) (define (class-slot-set! class slot-name value) (let ((slot (class-slot-definition class slot-name))) (unless (memq (%slot-definition-allocation slot) '(#:class #:each-subclass)) (slot-missing class slot-name)) ((%slot-definition-slot-set! slot) #f value))) (define-method (slot-unbound (c ) (o ) s) (goops-error "Slot `~S' is unbound in object ~S" s o)) (define-method (slot-unbound (c ) s) (goops-error "Slot `~S' is unbound in class ~S" s c)) (define-method (slot-unbound (o )) (goops-error "Unbound slot in object ~S" o)) (define-method (slot-missing (c ) (o ) s) (goops-error "No slot with name `~S' in object ~S" s o)) (define-method (slot-missing (c ) s) (goops-error "No class slot with name `~S' in class ~S" s c)) (define-method (slot-missing (c ) (o ) s value) (slot-missing c o s)) ;;; Methods for the possible error we can encounter when calling a gf (define-method (no-next-method (gf ) args) (goops-error "No next method when calling ~S\nwith arguments ~S" gf args)) (define-method (no-applicable-method (gf ) args) (goops-error "No applicable method for ~S in call ~S" gf (cons (generic-function-name gf) args))) (define-method (no-method (gf ) args) (goops-error "No method defined for ~S" gf)) ;;; ;;; {Cloning functions (from rdeline@CS.CMU.EDU)} ;;; (define-method (shallow-clone (self )) (let* ((class (class-of self)) (clone (%allocate-instance class)) (slots (map slot-definition-name (class-slots class)))) (for-each (lambda (slot) (when (slot-bound? self slot) (slot-set! clone slot (slot-ref self slot)))) slots) clone)) (define-method (deep-clone (self )) (let* ((class (class-of self)) (clone (%allocate-instance class)) (slots (map slot-definition-name (class-slots class)))) (for-each (lambda (slot) (when (slot-bound? self slot) (slot-set! clone slot (let ((value (slot-ref self slot))) (if (instance? value) (deep-clone value) value))))) slots) clone)) ;;; ;;; {Class redefinition utilities} ;;; ;;; (class-redefinition OLD NEW) ;;; ;;; Has correct the following conditions: ;;; Methods ;;; ;;; 1. New accessor specializers refer to new header ;;; ;;; Classes ;;; ;;; 1. New class cpl refers to the new class header ;;; 2. Old class header exists on old super classes direct-subclass lists ;;; 3. New class header exists on new super classes direct-subclass lists (define-method (class-redefinition (old ) (new )) ;; Work on direct methods: ;; 1. Remove accessor methods from the old class ;; 2. Patch the occurences of new in the specializers by old ;; 3. Displace the methods from old to new (remove-class-accessors! old) ;; -1- (let ((methods (class-direct-methods new))) (for-each (lambda (m) (update-direct-method! m new old)) ;; -2- methods) (struct-set! new class-index-direct-methods (append methods (class-direct-methods old)))) ;; Substitute old for new in new cpl (set-car! (struct-ref new class-index-cpl) old) ;; Remove the old class from the direct-subclasses list of its super classes (for-each (lambda (c) (struct-set! c class-index-direct-subclasses (delv! old (class-direct-subclasses c)))) (class-direct-supers old)) ;; Replace the new class with the old in the direct-subclasses of the supers (for-each (lambda (c) (struct-set! c class-index-direct-subclasses (cons old (delv! new (class-direct-subclasses c))))) (class-direct-supers new)) ;; Swap object headers (%modify-class old new) ;; Now old is NEW! ;; Redefine all the subclasses of old to take into account modification (for-each (lambda (c) (update-direct-subclass! c new old)) (class-direct-subclasses new)) ;; Invalidate class so that subsequent instances slot accesses invoke ;; change-object-class (struct-set! new class-index-redefined old) (class-clear-flags! new vtable-flag-goops-valid) ;must come after slot-set! old) ;;; ;;; remove-class-accessors! ;;; (define-method (remove-class-accessors! (c )) (for-each (lambda (m) (when (is-a? m ) (let ((gf (slot-ref m 'generic-function))) ;; remove the method from its GF (slot-set! gf 'methods (delq1! m (slot-ref gf 'methods))) (invalidate-method-cache! gf) ;; remove the method from its specializers (remove-method-in-classes! m)))) (class-direct-methods c))) ;;; ;;; update-direct-method! ;;; (define-method (update-direct-method! (m ) (old ) (new )) (let loop ((l (method-specializers m))) ;; Note: the in dotted list is never used. ;; So we can work as if we had only proper lists. (when (pair? l) (when (eqv? (car l) old) (set-car! l new)) (loop (cdr l))))) ;;; ;;; update-direct-subclass! ;;; (define-method (update-direct-subclass! (c ) (old ) (new )) (class-redefinition c (make-class (class-direct-supers c) (class-direct-slots c) #:name (class-name c) #:metaclass (class-of c)))) ;;; ;;; {Utilities for INITIALIZE methods} ;;; ;;; compute-slot-accessors ;;; (define (compute-slot-accessors class slots) (for-each (lambda (slot) (let ((getter (%slot-definition-getter slot)) (setter (%slot-definition-setter slot)) (accessor-setter setter) (accessor (%slot-definition-accessor slot))) (when getter (add-method! getter (compute-getter-method class slot))) (when setter (add-method! setter (compute-setter-method class slot))) (when accessor (add-method! accessor (compute-getter-method class slot)) (add-method! (accessor-setter accessor) (compute-setter-method class slot))))) slots)) (define-method (compute-getter-method (class ) slot) (make #:specializers (list class) #:procedure (slot-definition-slot-ref slot) #:slot-definition slot)) (define-method (compute-setter-method (class ) slot) (make #:specializers (list class ) #:procedure (slot-definition-slot-set! slot) #:slot-definition slot)) (define (make-generic-bound-check-getter proc) (lambda (o) (let ((val (proc o))) (if (unbound? val) (slot-unbound o) val)))) ;;; compute-cpl ;;; ;; Replace the bootstrap compute-cpl with this definition. (define compute-cpl (make #:name 'compute-cpl)) (define-method (compute-cpl (class )) (compute-std-cpl class class-direct-supers)) ;;; compute-get-n-set ;;; (define compute-get-n-set (make #:name 'compute-get-n-set)) (define-method (compute-get-n-set (class ) s) (define (class-slot-init-value) (let ((thunk (slot-definition-init-thunk s))) (if thunk (thunk) (slot-definition-init-value s)))) (define (make-closure-variable class value) (list (lambda (o) value) (lambda (o v) (set! value v)))) (case (slot-definition-allocation s) ((#:instance) ;; Instance slot ;; get-n-set is just its offset (let ((already-allocated (struct-ref/unboxed class class-index-nfields))) (struct-set!/unboxed class class-index-nfields (+ already-allocated 1)) already-allocated)) ((#:class) ;; Class slot ;; Class-slots accessors are implemented as 2 closures around ;; a Scheme variable. As instance slots, class slots must be ;; unbound at init time. (let ((name (slot-definition-name s))) (if (memq name (map slot-definition-name (class-direct-slots class))) ;; This slot is direct; create a new shared variable (make-closure-variable class (class-slot-init-value)) ;; Slot is inherited. Find its definition in superclass (let lp ((cpl (cdr (class-precedence-list class)))) (match cpl ((super . cpl) (let ((s (class-slot-definition super name))) (if s (list (slot-definition-slot-ref s) (slot-definition-slot-set! s)) ;; Multiple inheritance means that we might have ;; to look deeper in the CPL. (lp cpl))))))))) ((#:each-subclass) ;; slot shared by instances of direct subclass. ;; (Thomas Buerger, April 1998) (make-closure-variable class (class-slot-init-value))) ((#:virtual) ;; No allocation ;; slot-ref and slot-set! function must be given by the user (let ((get (get-keyword #:slot-ref (slot-definition-options s) #f)) (set (get-keyword #:slot-set! (slot-definition-options s) #f))) (unless (and get set) (goops-error "You must supply a #:slot-ref and a #:slot-set! in ~S" s)) (list get set))) (else (next-method)))) (define-method (compute-get-n-set (o ) s) (goops-error "Allocation \"~S\" is unknown" (slot-definition-allocation s))) (define-method (compute-slots (class )) (build-slots-list (class-direct-slots class) (class-precedence-list class))) ;;; ;;; {Initialize} ;;; ;; FIXME: This could be much more efficient. (define (%initialize-object obj initargs) "Initialize the object @var{obj} with the given arguments var{initargs}." (define (valid-initargs? initargs) (match initargs (() #t) (((? keyword?) _ . initargs) (valid-initargs? initargs)) (_ #f))) (unless (instance? obj) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Not an object: ~S" (list obj) #f)) (unless (valid-initargs? initargs) (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg #f "Invalid initargs: ~S" (list initargs) #f)) (let ((class (class-of obj))) (define (get-initarg kw) (if kw ;; Inlined get-keyword to avoid checking initargs for validity ;; each time. (let lp ((initargs initargs)) (match initargs ((kw* val . initargs) (if (eq? kw* kw) val (lp initargs))) (_ *unbound*))) *unbound*)) (let lp ((slots (struct-ref class class-index-slots))) (match slots (() obj) ((slot . slots) (define (initialize-slot! value) ((%slot-definition-slot-set! slot) obj value)) (let ((initarg (get-initarg (%slot-definition-init-keyword slot)))) (cond ((not (unbound? initarg)) (initialize-slot! initarg)) ((%slot-definition-init-thunk slot) => (lambda (init-thunk) (unless (memq (slot-definition-allocation slot) '(#:class #:each-subclass)) (initialize-slot! (init-thunk))))))) (lp slots)))))) (define-method (initialize (object ) initargs) (%initialize-object object initargs)) (define-method (initialize (slot ) initargs) (next-method) (struct-set! slot slot-index-options initargs) (let ((init-thunk (%slot-definition-init-thunk slot))) (when init-thunk (unless (thunk? init-thunk) (goops-error "Bad init-thunk for slot `~S': ~S" (%slot-definition-name slot) init-thunk))))) (define-method (initialize (class ) initargs) (define (make-direct-slot-definition dslot) (let ((initargs (compute-direct-slot-definition-initargs class dslot))) (compute-direct-slot-definition class initargs))) (next-method) (class-add-flags! class (logior vtable-flag-goops-class vtable-flag-goops-valid)) (struct-set! class class-index-name (get-keyword #:name initargs '???)) (struct-set!/unboxed class class-index-nfields 0) (struct-set! class class-index-direct-supers (get-keyword #:dsupers initargs '())) (struct-set! class class-index-direct-subclasses '()) (struct-set! class class-index-direct-methods '()) (struct-set! class class-index-redefined #f) (struct-set! class class-index-cpl (compute-cpl class)) (when (get-keyword #:static-slot-allocation? initargs #f) (match (filter class-has-statically-allocated-slots? (class-precedence-list class)) (() (class-add-flags! class vtable-flag-goops-static)) (classes (error "Class has superclasses with static slot allocation" classes)))) (struct-set! class class-index-direct-slots (map (lambda (slot) (if (slot? slot) slot (make-direct-slot-definition slot))) (get-keyword #:slots initargs '()))) (struct-set! class class-index-slots (allocate-slots class (compute-slots class))) ;; This is a hack. (when (memq (struct-ref class class-index-cpl)) (class-add-flags! class vtable-flag-goops-slot)) ;; Build getters - setters - accessors (compute-slot-accessors class (struct-ref class class-index-slots)) ;; Update the "direct-subclasses" of each inherited classes (for-each (lambda (x) (let ((dsubs (struct-ref x class-index-direct-subclasses))) (struct-set! x class-index-direct-subclasses (cons class dsubs)))) (struct-ref class class-index-direct-supers)) ;; Compute struct layout of instances, set the `layout' slot, and ;; update class flags. (%prep-layout! class)) (define (initialize-object-procedure object initargs) (let ((proc (get-keyword #:procedure initargs #f))) (cond ((not proc)) ((pair? proc) (apply slot-set! object 'procedure proc)) (else (slot-set! object 'procedure proc))))) (define-method (initialize (applicable-struct ) initargs) (next-method) (initialize-object-procedure applicable-struct initargs)) (define-method (initialize (applicable-struct ) initargs) (next-method) (slot-set! applicable-struct 'setter (get-keyword #:setter initargs #f))) (define-method (initialize (generic ) initargs) (let ((previous-definition (get-keyword #:default initargs #f)) (name (get-keyword #:name initargs #f))) (next-method) (slot-set! generic 'methods (if (is-a? previous-definition ) (list (method args (apply previous-definition args))) '())) (if name (set-procedure-property! generic 'name name)) (invalidate-method-cache! generic))) (define-method (initialize (eg ) initargs) (next-method) (slot-set! eg 'extends (get-keyword #:extends initargs '()))) (define dummy-procedure (lambda args *unspecified*)) (define-method (initialize (method ) initargs) (next-method) (slot-set! method 'generic-function (get-keyword #:generic-function initargs #f)) (slot-set! method 'specializers (get-keyword #:specializers initargs '())) (slot-set! method 'procedure (get-keyword #:procedure initargs #f)) (slot-set! method 'formals (get-keyword #:formals initargs '())) (slot-set! method 'body (get-keyword #:body initargs '())) (slot-set! method 'make-procedure (get-keyword #:make-procedure initargs #f))) ;;; ;;; {Change-class} ;;; (define (change-object-class old-instance old-class new-class) (let ((new-instance (allocate-instance new-class '()))) ;; Initialize the slots of the new instance (for-each (lambda (slot) (if (and (slot-exists? old-instance slot) (eq? (%slot-definition-allocation (class-slot-definition old-class slot)) #:instance) (slot-bound? old-instance slot)) ;; Slot was present and allocated in old instance; copy it (slot-set! new-instance slot (slot-ref old-instance slot)) ;; slot was absent; initialize it with its default value (let ((init (slot-init-function new-class slot))) (when init (slot-set! new-instance slot (init)))))) (map slot-definition-name (class-slots new-class))) ;; Exchange old and new instance in place to keep pointers valid (%modify-instance old-instance new-instance) ;; Allow class specific updates of instances (which now are swapped) (update-instance-for-different-class new-instance old-instance) old-instance)) (define-method (update-instance-for-different-class (old-instance ) (new-instance )) ;;not really important what we do, we just need a default method new-instance) (define-method (change-class (old-instance ) (new-class )) (change-object-class old-instance (class-of old-instance) new-class)) ;;; ;;; {make} ;;; ;;; A new definition which overwrites the previous one which was built-in ;;; (define-method (allocate-instance (class ) initargs) (%allocate-instance class)) (define-method (make-instance (class ) . initargs) (let ((instance (allocate-instance class initargs))) (initialize instance initargs) instance)) (define make make-instance) ;;; ;;; {apply-generic} ;;; ;;; Protocol for calling generic functions, intended to be used when ;;; applying subclasses of and . The ;;; code below is similar to the first MOP described in AMOP. ;;; ;;; Note that standard generic functions dispatch only on the classes of ;;; the arguments, and the result of such dispatch can be memoized. The ;;; `dispatch-generic-function-application-from-cache' routine ;;; implements this. `apply-generic' isn't called currently; the ;;; generic function MOP was never fully implemented in GOOPS. However ;;; now that GOOPS is implemented entirely in Scheme (2015) it's much ;;; easier to complete this work. Contributions gladly accepted! ;;; Please read the AMOP first though :) ;;; ;;; The protocol is: ;;; ;;; + apply-generic (gf args) ;;; + compute-applicable-methods (gf args ...) ;;; + sort-applicable-methods (gf methods args) ;;; + apply-methods (gf methods args) ;;; ;;; apply-methods calls make-next-method to build the "continuation" of ;;; a method. Applying a next-method will call apply-next-method which ;;; in turn will call apply again to call effectively the following ;;; method. (This paragraph is out of date but is kept so that maybe it ;;; illuminates some future hack.) ;;; (define-method (apply-generic (gf ) args) (when (null? (slot-ref gf 'methods)) (no-method gf args)) (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods gf args))) (if methods (apply-methods gf (sort-applicable-methods gf methods args) args) (no-applicable-method gf args)))) ;; compute-applicable-methods is bound to %compute-applicable-methods. (define compute-applicable-methods (let ((gf (make #:name 'compute-applicable-methods))) (add-method! gf (method ((gf ) args) (%compute-applicable-methods gf args))) gf)) (define-method (sort-applicable-methods (gf ) methods args) (%sort-applicable-methods methods (map class-of args))) (define-method (method-more-specific? (m1 ) (m2 ) targs) (%method-more-specific? m1 m2 targs)) (define compute-effective-method (let ((gf (make #:name 'compute-effective-method))) (add-method! gf (method ((gf ) methods typev) (%compute-effective-method gf methods typev))) gf)) (define compute-specialized-effective-method (let ((gf (make #:name 'compute-specialized-effective-method))) (add-method! gf (method ((gf ) (method ) typev next) (%compute-specialized-effective-method gf method typev next))) gf)) (define-method (compute-specialized-effective-method (gf ) (m ) typev next) (let ((name (slot-definition-name (accessor-method-slot-definition m)))) (match typev (#(class) (slot-definition-slot-ref (class-slot-definition class name))) (#(class _) (slot-definition-slot-set! (class-slot-definition class name))) (_ (next-method))))) (define-method (apply-method (gf ) methods build-next args) (apply (method-procedure (car methods)) (build-next (cdr methods) args) args)) (define-method (apply-methods (gf ) (l ) args) (letrec ((next (lambda (procs args) (lambda new-args (let ((a (if (null? new-args) args new-args))) (if (null? procs) (no-next-method gf a) (apply-method gf procs next a))))))) (apply-method gf l next args))) ;; We don't want the following procedure to turn up in backtraces: (for-each (lambda (proc) (set-procedure-property! proc 'system-procedure #t)) (list slot-unbound slot-missing no-next-method no-applicable-method no-method )) ;;; ;;; {Final initialization} ;;; ;; Tell C code that the main bulk of Goops has been loaded (%goops-loaded) ;;; ;;; {SMOB and port classes} ;;; (begin-deprecated (define-public (find-subclass ')) (define-public (find-subclass '))) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (find-subclass ')) (define (define-class-subtree class) (define! (class-name class) class) (for-each define-class-subtree (class-direct-subclasses class))) (define-class-subtree (find-subclass '))