module VueCli module Rails class Configuration def initialize @root = ::Rails.root load_config(YAML.load_file(@root.join('config/vue.yml'))) self.class.setup(self) end def entry_assets_prod(entry_point) self.class.entry_points[entry_point] end def entry_assets_dev(entry_point) assets = Net::HTTP.get(URI("#{self.class.dev_server_url}?#{entry_point}")) assets.blank? ? nil : JSON.parse(assets) end def node_env raise(Error, 'Incorrect package_manager in config/vue.yml') if @package_manager.blank? @node_env ||= do |ne| ne.use!(@package_manager) end end JS_CONFIG_CMD = %{ node -e "console.log(JSON.stringify(require('./vue.rails.js').getSettings(), null, 2))" }.strip.freeze def load_config(config) config = config[::Rails.env] c = { 'configureWebpack' => { 'entry' => entry, 'resolve' => {}, }, } @package_manager = config['package_manager'] cw = c['configureWebpack'] c['env'] = ::Rails.env c['root'] = @root.to_s cw['output'] = config['js_output'] if config['js_output'].present? c['manifestOutput'] = config['manifest_output'] public_output_path = c['public_output_path'] || 'vue_assets' c['outputDir'] = File.join(resolve('public'), public_output_path) c['publicPath'] = File.join('/', public_output_path, '/') %w[ launch_node modern filenameHashing lintOnSave runtimeCompiler transpileDependencies productionSourceMap crossorigin css devServer parallel pwa pluginOptions ].each { |k| c[k] = config[k] if config.key?(k) } jest = {} c['jestModuleNameMapper'] = jest resolve_config(c, 'manifestOutput') if c['manifestOutput'].present? config['alias']&.tap do |aliases| aliases.each_key do |k| key = k.gsub(%r<(?=[-{}()+.,^$#/\s\]])>, '\\') path = aliases[k].sub(%r/^\//, '').sub(%r/\/$/, '') jest["^#{key}/(.*)$"] = "/#{path}/$1" resolve_config(aliases, k) end cw['resolve']['alias'] = aliases end dev_server = c['devServer'] || {} resolve_config(dev_server, 'contentBase') ensure @config = c end def [](path) @config[path] end def output_url_path @config['publicPath'] end def dev_server_host dev_server = @config['devServer'] dev_server ? "#{dev_server['host'] || localhost}:#{dev_server['port'] || 8080}" : nil end def to_json JSON.pretty_generate(@config) end class << self attr_reader :dev_server_url, :entry_points def check! return if ::Rails.root.join('config/vue.yml').exist? abort <<~ERROR [ERROR] Failed to load vue_cli-rails! Cannot find config file: config/vue.yml Please call below command to initialize Vue: #{::Rails.version.to_i > 4 ? 'rails' : 'bundle exec rake'} vue:create ERROR end def instance @instance ||= new end def setup(config) config.dev_server_host.presence&.tap do |host| @dev_server_url = "http://#{host}/__manifest/" end @entry_points = {} manifest = config['manifestOutput'].presence manifest &&= if manifest&.exist? @entry_points = (JSON.parse( || '{}')['entrypoints'] || {}).freeze end end end private def resolve(*path) @root.join(*path).to_s end def entry base_dir = @root.join('app/assets/vue/entry_points') start = base_dir.to_s.size + 1 Dir[base_dir.join('**/*.js')].each_with_object({}) do |filename, h| h[filename[start...-3]] = filename end end def resolve_config(config, key, default = nil) path = config[key] || default config[key] = resolve(path) if path.present? && path.is_a?(String) end end end end