require 'spec_helper' describe Wukong::Hadoop::HadoopInvocation do let(:map_only) { hadoop_runner('regexp', input: '/tmp/input1,/tmp/input2', output: '/tmp/output') } let(:map_reduce) { hadoop_runner('regexp', 'count', input: '/tmp/input1,/tmp/input2', output: '/tmp/output') } let(:complex) { hadoop_runner('regexp', 'count', input: '/tmp/input1,/tmp/input2', output: '/tmp/output', map_tasks: '100', job_name: 'testy', java_opts: ['-D -D baz.booz=hello', '-D hi.there=bye'], :reduce_tasks => 20) } let(:custom_io) { hadoop_runner('regexp', 'count', input: '/tmp/input1,/tmp/input2', output: '/tmp/output', input_format: 'com.example.InputFormat', output_format: 'com.example.OutputFormat') } let(:many_files) { hadoop_runner('regexp', 'count', input: '/tmp/input1,/tmp/input2', output: '/tmp/output', files: %w[/file/1 /file/2], archives: %w[/archive/1 /archive/2], jars: %w[/jar/1 /jar/2])} context "defining input paths" do it "raises an error unless given an --input option" do lambda { hadoop_runner('regexp', output: '/tmp/output') }.should raise_error(Wukong::Error, /--input.*required/) end it "sets its input paths correctly" do map_reduce.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-input\s+'/tmp/input1,/tmp/input2'}) end it "sets its input format given the --input_format option" do custom_io.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-inputformat\s+'com.example.InputFormat'}) end end context "defining its output path" do it "raises an error unless given an --output option" do lambda { hadoop_runner('regexp', input: '/tmp/output') }.should raise_error(Wukong::Error, /--output.*required/) end it "sets its output path correctly" do map_reduce.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-output\s+'/tmp/output'}) end it "sets its output format given the --output_format option" do custom_io.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-outputformat\s+'com.example.OutputFormat'}) end end context "defining its mapper and reducer" do it "sets its mapper correctly" do map_reduce.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-mapper\s+'wu-local regexp'}) end it "sets its reducer correctly" do map_reduce.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-reducer\s+'wu-local count'}) end it "uses a blank reducer for a map-only job" do map_only.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-reducer\s+''}) end end context "setting the number of reduce tasks" do it "does nothing on a map/reduce job" do map_reduce.hadoop_commandline.should_not match(%r{-D mapred.reduce.tasks}) end it "respects the option when given" do complex.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-D mapred.reduce.tasks=20}) end it "sets reduce tasks to 0 for a map-only job" do map_only.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-D mapred.reduce.tasks=0}) end end context "defining Hadoop JobConf options" do it "translates friendly names into native ones" do complex.hadoop_commandline.should include("-D'testy'") complex.hadoop_commandline.should include("-D") end it "passes options in the given --java_opts option" do complex.hadoop_commandline.should include('-D','-D baz.booz=hello','-D hi.there=bye') end end context "removing existing output paths" do it "will not remove the output path by default" do hadoop_runner('regexp', 'count', input: '/tmp/input1,/tmp/input2', output: '/tmp/output') { should_not_receive(:remove_output_path!) } end it "will remove the output path when given the --rm option" do hadoop_runner('regexp', 'count', input: '/tmp/input1,/tmp/input2', output: '/tmp/output', rm: true) { should_receive(:remove_output_path!) } end it "will not remove the output path when given the --rm option AND the --dry_run option" do hadoop_runner('regexp', 'count', input: '/tmp/input1,/tmp/input2', output: '/tmp/output', rm: true, dry_run: true) { should_receive(:remove_output_path!) } end end context "handle files, jars, and archives" do it "does not include any files, jars, or archives when no files were passed" do map_reduce.hadoop_commandline.should_not match(%r{-(files|archives|libjars)}) end it "should include files when asked" do many_files.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-files\s+'/file/1,/file/2'}) end it "should include jars when asked" do many_files.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-libjars\s+'/jar/1,/jar/2'}) end it "should include archives when asked" do many_files.hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-archives\s+'/archive/1,/archive/2'}) end it "should include files when passed files as arguments" do hadoop_runner(examples_dir('tokenizer.rb'), examples_dir('counter.rb'), input: '/tmp/input1,/tmp/input2', output: '/tmp/output').hadoop_commandline.should match(%r{-files.+tokenizer\.rb,.*counter\.rb}) end end end