# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe GraphQL::InternalRepresentation::Rewrite do let(:schema) { GraphQL::Schema.from_definition <<-GRAPHQL type Query { plant(id: ID!): Plant } union Plant = Grain | Fruit | Vegetable | Nut interface Tree { name: String! leafType: LeafType habitats: [Habitat] } enum LeafType { NEEDLE LEAF } type Fruit implements Tree { name: String! color: [Int!]! leafType: LeafType habitats: [Habitat] } type Vegetable { name: String! edibleParts: [String!]! } type Grain { name: String! } type Nut implements Tree { name: String! diameter: Int! leafType: LeafType habitats: [Habitat] } type Habitat { residentName: String! averageWeight: Int! seasons: [String] } GRAPHQL } let(:validator) { GraphQL::StaticValidation::Validator.new(schema: schema) } let(:query) { GraphQL::Query.new(schema, query_string) } let(:rewrite_result) { res = validator.validate(query) res[:errors].any? && raise(res[:errors].map(&:message).join("; ")) res[:irep] } describe "building a tree over concrete types with fragments" do let(:query_string) { <<-GRAPHQL query getPlant($id: ID!) { plant(id: $id) { __typename ... on Tree { leafType habitats { averageWeight } } ... on Fruit { name color ... on Tree { leafType } } ... on Nut { leafType ...NutFields } } } fragment NutFields on Nut { leafType ... TreeFields } fragment TreeFields on Tree { habitats { ... HabitatFields } } fragment HabitatFields on Habitat { seasons } GRAPHQL } it "groups selections by object types which they apply to" do doc = rewrite_result.operation_definitions["getPlant"] assert_equal nil, doc.definition plant_scoped_selection = doc.scoped_children[schema.types["Query"]]["plant"] assert_equal ["Fruit", "Nut", "Plant"], plant_scoped_selection.scoped_children.keys.map(&:name).sort plant_selection = doc.typed_children[schema.types["Query"]]["plant"] assert_equal ["Fruit", "Grain", "Nut", "Vegetable"], plant_selection.typed_children.keys.map(&:name).sort fruit_selections = plant_selection.typed_children[schema.types["Fruit"]] assert_equal ["__typename", "color", "habitats", "leafType", "name"], fruit_selections.keys.sort assert_equal 2, fruit_selections["leafType"].ast_nodes.size nut_selections = plant_selection.typed_children[schema.types["Nut"]] # `... on Tree`, `... on Nut`, and `NutFields`, but not `... on Fruit { ... on Tree }` assert_equal 3, nut_selections["leafType"].ast_nodes.size # Multi-level merging when including fragments: habitats_selections = nut_selections["habitats"].typed_children[schema.types["Habitat"]] assert_equal ["averageWeight", "seasons"], habitats_selections.keys end it "tracks parent nodes" do doc = rewrite_result.operation_definitions["getPlant"] assert_equal nil, doc.parent plant_selection = doc.typed_children[schema.types["Query"]]["plant"] assert_equal doc, plant_selection.parent leaf_type_selection = plant_selection.typed_children[schema.types["Nut"]]["leafType"] assert_equal plant_selection, leaf_type_selection.parent habitats_selection = plant_selection.typed_children[schema.types["Nut"]]["habitats"] assert_equal plant_selection, habitats_selection.parent seasons_selection = habitats_selection.typed_children[schema.types["Habitat"]]["seasons"] average_weight_selection = habitats_selection.typed_children[schema.types["Habitat"]]["averageWeight"] assert_equal habitats_selection, seasons_selection.parent assert_equal habitats_selection, average_weight_selection.parent end end describe "tracking directives on fragment spreads" do let(:query_string) { <<-GRAPHQL query getPlant($id: ID!) { plant(id: $id) { ... on Nut @skip(if: true) { leafType } ... on Tree { leafType @include(if: true) } ... on Nut { leafType # no directives } ... NutFields @include(if: false) } } fragment NutFields on Nut { leafType @skip(if: false) } GRAPHQL } it "applies directives from all contexts" do doc = rewrite_result.operation_definitions["getPlant"] plant_selection = doc.typed_children[schema.types["Query"]]["plant"] leaf_type_selection = plant_selection.typed_children[schema.types["Nut"]]["leafType"] # Only unskipped occurrences in the AST assert_equal 2, leaf_type_selection.ast_nodes.size end end describe "deep fragment merging" do let(:query_string) { <<-GRAPHQL { plant(id: 1) { ...TreeFields ...NutFields } } fragment TreeFields on Tree { habitats { seasons } } fragment NutFields on Nut { habitats { residentName ... HabitatFields } } fragment HabitatFields on Habitat { averageWeight } GRAPHQL } it "applies spreads to their parents only" do doc = rewrite_result.operation_definitions[nil] plant_selection = doc.typed_children[schema.types["Query"]]["plant"] nut_habitat_selections = plant_selection.typed_children[schema.types["Nut"]]["habitats"].typed_children[schema.types["Habitat"]] assert_equal ["averageWeight", "residentName", "seasons"], nut_habitat_selections.keys.sort fruit_habitat_selections = plant_selection.typed_children[schema.types["Fruit"]]["habitats"].typed_children[schema.types["Habitat"]] assert_equal ["seasons"], fruit_habitat_selections.keys end end describe "nested fields on typed fragments" do let(:result) { Dummy::Schema.execute(query_string) } let(:query_string) {%| { allDairy { __typename ... on Milk { selfAsEdible { milkInlineOrigin: origin } } ... on Cheese { selfAsEdible { cheeseInlineOrigin: origin } } ... on Edible { selfAsEdible { edibleInlineOrigin: origin } } ... { ... on Edible { selfAsEdible { untypedInlineOrigin: origin } } } ...milkFields ...cheeseFields } } fragment cheeseFields on Cheese { selfAsEdible { cheeseFragmentOrigin: origin } } fragment milkFields on Milk { selfAsEdible { milkFragmentOrigin: origin } } |} it "distinguishes between nested fields with the same name on different typed fragments" do all_dairy = result["data"]["allDairy"] cheeses = all_dairy.select { |d| d["__typename"] == "Cheese" } milks = all_dairy.select { |d| d["__typename"] == "Milk" } # Make sure all the data is there: assert_equal 3, cheeses.length assert_equal 1, milks.length expected_cheese_fields = ["cheeseFragmentOrigin", "cheeseInlineOrigin", "edibleInlineOrigin", "untypedInlineOrigin"] cheeses.each do |cheese| assert_equal expected_cheese_fields, cheese["selfAsEdible"].keys.sort end expected_milk_fields = ["edibleInlineOrigin", "milkFragmentOrigin", "milkInlineOrigin", "untypedInlineOrigin"] milks.each do |milk| assert_equal expected_milk_fields, milk["selfAsEdible"].keys.sort end end end describe "fragment definition without query" do let(:query_string) { <<-GRAPHQL fragment NutFields on Nut { leafType ... TreeFields } fragment TreeFields on Tree { habitats { ... HabitatFields } } fragment HabitatFields on Habitat { seasons } GRAPHQL } let(:validator) { rules = GraphQL::StaticValidation::ALL_RULES - [ GraphQL::StaticValidation::FragmentsAreUsed ] GraphQL::StaticValidation::Validator.new(schema: schema, rules: rules) } it "tracks fragment definitions without operation" do doc = rewrite_result.fragment_definitions["NutFields"] assert doc.typed_children[schema.types["Nut"]]["leafType"] assert nut_selections = doc.typed_children[schema.types["Nut"]] habitats_selections = nut_selections["habitats"].typed_children[schema.types["Habitat"]] assert_equal ["seasons"], habitats_selections.keys end end end