require 'simplecov' # To run tests with coverage: # COVERAGE=true rake test # To Switch rails versions and run a particular test order: # export RAILS_VERSION=4.2; bundle update rails; bundle exec rake TESTOPTS="--seed=39333" test if ENV['COVERAGE'] SimpleCov.start do end end require 'rails/all' require 'rails/test_help' require 'jsonapi-resources' require File.expand_path('../helpers/value_matchers', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../helpers/hash_helpers', __FILE__) require File.expand_path('../helpers/functional_helpers', __FILE__) Rails.env = 'test' JSONAPI.configure do |config| config.json_key_format = :camelized_key end puts "Testing With RAILS VERSION #{Rails.version}" class TestApp < Rails::Application config.eager_load = false config.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) config.session_store :cookie_store, key: 'session' config.secret_key_base = 'secret' #Raise errors on unsupported parameters config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise config.active_record.schema_format = :none config.active_support.test_order = :random # Turn off millisecond precision to maintain Rails 4.0 and 4.1 compatibility in test results ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding.time_precision = 0 if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 4 && Rails::VERSION::MINOR >= 1 end # Patch RAILS 4.0 to not use millisecond precision if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 4 && Rails::VERSION::MINOR < 1 module ActiveSupport class TimeWithZone def as_json(options = nil) if ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding.use_standard_json_time_format xmlschema else %(#{time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")} #{formatted_offset(false)}) end end end end end TestApp.initialize! require File.expand_path('../fixtures/active_record', __FILE__) JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :underscored_route TestApp.routes.draw do jsonapi_resources :people jsonapi_resources :comments jsonapi_resources :tags jsonapi_resources :posts jsonapi_resources :sections jsonapi_resources :iso_currencies jsonapi_resources :expense_entries jsonapi_resources :breeds jsonapi_resources :planets jsonapi_resources :planet_types jsonapi_resources :moons jsonapi_resources :preferences jsonapi_resources :facts namespace :api do namespace :v1 do jsonapi_resources :people jsonapi_resources :comments jsonapi_resources :tags jsonapi_resources :posts jsonapi_resources :sections jsonapi_resources :iso_currencies jsonapi_resources :expense_entries jsonapi_resources :breeds jsonapi_resources :planets jsonapi_resources :planet_types jsonapi_resources :moons jsonapi_resources :preferences jsonapi_resources :likes end JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :underscored_route namespace :v2 do jsonapi_resources :posts do jsonapi_link :author, except: [:destroy] end jsonapi_resource :preferences jsonapi_resources :books jsonapi_resources :book_comments end namespace :v3 do jsonapi_resource :preferences do # Intentionally empty block to skip association urls end jsonapi_resources :posts, except: [:destroy] do jsonapi_link :author, except: [:destroy] jsonapi_links :tags, only: [:show, :create] end end JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :camelized_route namespace :v4 do jsonapi_resources :posts do end jsonapi_resources :expense_entries do jsonapi_link :iso_currency jsonapi_related_resource :iso_currency end jsonapi_resources :iso_currencies do end end JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :dasherized_route namespace :v5 do jsonapi_resources :posts do end jsonapi_resources :authors jsonapi_resources :expense_entries jsonapi_resources :iso_currencies jsonapi_resources :employees end JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :underscored_route end end # Ensure backward compatibility with Minitest 4 Minitest::Test = MiniTest::Unit::TestCase unless defined?(Minitest::Test) class Minitest::Test include Helpers::HashHelpers include Helpers::ValueMatchers include Helpers::FunctionalHelpers end class ActiveSupport::TestCase self.fixture_path = "#{Rails.root}/fixtures" fixtures :all setup do @routes = TestApp.routes end end class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest self.fixture_path = "#{Rails.root}/fixtures" fixtures :all end class UpperCamelizedKeyFormatter < JSONAPI::KeyFormatter class << self def format(key) super.camelize(:upper) end def unformat(formatted_key) formatted_key.to_s.underscore end end end class DateWithTimezoneValueFormatter < JSONAPI::ValueFormatter class << self def format(raw_value, context) raw_value.in_time_zone('Eastern Time (US & Canada)').to_s end end end class DateValueFormatter < JSONAPI::ValueFormatter class << self def format(raw_value, context) raw_value.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end end end class TitleValueFormatter < JSONAPI::ValueFormatter class << self def format(raw_value, source) super(raw_value, source).titlecase end def unformat(value, context) value.to_s.downcase end end end