module IsoDoc::Ietf class RfcConvert < ::IsoDoc::Convert # TODO displayreference will be implemented as combination of autofetch and user-provided citations def bibliography(isoxml, out) isoxml.xpath(ns("//references")).each do |f| out.references **attr_code(anchor: f["id"]) do |div| title ="./title")) and do |name| title.children.each { |n| parse(n, name) } end f.elements.reject do |e| %w(reference title bibitem note).include? end.each { |e| parse(e, div) } biblio_list(f, div, true) end end end def biblio_list(f, div, biblio) i = 0 f.xpath(ns("./bibitem | ./note")).each do |b| next if implicit_reference(b) i += 1 if == "bibitem" if == "note" then note_parse(b, div) elsif(is_ietf(b)) then ietf_bibitem_entry(div, b, i) else nonstd_bibitem(div, b, i, biblio) end end end def nonstd_bibitem(list, b, ordinal, bibliography) uris = b.xpath(ns("./uri")) target = nil uris&.each do |u| if u["type"] == "src" then target = u.text end end list.reference **attr_code(target: target, anchor: b["id"]) do |r| r.front do |f| relaton_to_title(b, f) relaton_to_author(b, f) relaton_to_date(b, f) relaton_to_keyword(b, f) relaton_to_abstract(b, f) end uris&.each do |u| r.format nil, **attr_code(target: u.text, type: u["type"]) end docidentifiers = b.xpath(ns("./docidentifier")) id = render_identifier(bibitem_ref_code(b)) !id[1].nil? and id[1] != "(NO ID)" and r.refcontent id[1] docidentifiers&.each do |u| if %w(DOI IETF).include? u["type"] r.seriesInfo nil, **attr_code(value: u.text, name: u["type"]) end end end end def relaton_to_title(b, f) title = b&.at(ns("./title")) || b&.at(ns("./formattedref")) or return f.title do |t| title.children.each { |n| parse(n, t) } end end def relaton_to_author(b, f) auths = b.xpath(ns("./contributor[xmlns:role/@type = 'author' or "\ "xmlns:role/@type = 'editor']")) auths.empty? and auths = b.xpath(ns("./contributor[xmlns:role/@type = "\ "'publisher']")) auths.each do |a| role ="./role[@type = 'editor']")) ? "editor" : nil p = a&.at(ns("./person/name")) and relaton_person_to_author(p, role, f) or relaton_org_to_author(a&.at(ns("./organization")), role, f) end end def relaton_person_to_author(p, role, f) fullname = p&.at(ns("./completename"))&.text surname = p&.at(ns("./surname"))&.text initials = p&.xpath(ns("./initial"))&.map { |i| i.text }&.join(" ") || p&.xpath(ns("./forename"))&.map { |i| i.text[0] }&.join(" ") initials = nil if initials.empty? nil, **attr_code(fullname: fullname, asciiFullname: fullname&.transliterate, role: role, surname: surname, initials: initials, asciiSurname: fullname ? surname&.transliterate : nil, asciiInitials: fullname ? initials&.transliterate : nil) end def relaton_org_to_author(o, role, f) name = o&.at(ns("./name"))&.text abbrev = o&.at(ns("./abbreviation"))&.text do |a| f.organization name, **attr_code(ascii: name&.transliterate, abbrev: abbrev) end end def relaton_to_date(b, f) date ="./date[@type = 'published']")) ||"./date[@type = 'issued']")) ||"./date[@type = 'circulated']")) return unless date attr = date_attr(date&.at(ns("./on | ./from"))&.text) || return **attr_code(attr) end def relaton_to_keyword(b, f) b.xpath(ns("./keyword")).each do |k| f.keyword do |keyword| k.children.each { |n| parse(n, keyword) } end end end def relaton_to_abstract(b, f) b.xpath(ns("./abstract")).each do |k| f.abstract do |abstract| if"./p")) k.children.each { |n| parse(n, abstract) } else abstract.t do |t| k.children.each { |n| parse(n, t) } end end end end end def ietf_bibitem_entry(div, b, i) url = b&.at(ns("./uri[@type = 'xml']"))&.text div << "" end def is_ietf(b) return false if !@xinclude url ="./uri[@type = 'xml']")) or return false /xml2rfc\.tools\.ietf\.org/.match(url) end end end