Feature: Test tasks for namespace 'apache'
Given a test app with the default configuration
Scenario: copy only a local .htaccess file into web root (there is no other stage specific .htaccess file available)
When I remove the file "config/etc/apache2/conf/dev.htaccess.erb"
And I successfully run `cap dev apache:htaccess`
Then a file named "htdocs/.htaccess" should exist
And the file "htdocs/.htaccess" should contain exactly:
Allow from all
Scenario: copy a local .htaccess file into web root and merge it with dev.htacces
When I successfully run `cap dev apache:htaccess`
Then a file named "htdocs/.htaccess" should exist
And the file "htdocs/.htaccess" should contain exactly:
Allow from all
Deny from all
Scenario: change web root and copy a local .htaccess file into it
Given a directory named "web_root"
When I extend the development capistrano configuration variable local_web_root_path with value 'web_root'
And I successfully run `cap dev apache:htaccess`
Then a file named "web_root/.htaccess" should exist