# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module TencentCloud module Ess module V20201111 # 应用相关信息 class Agent < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel def initialize() end def deserialize(params) end end # 参与者信息 class ApproverInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ApproverType: 参与者类型: # 0:企业 # 1:个人 # 3:企业静默签署 # 注:类型为3(企业静默签署)时,此接口会默认完成该签署方的签署。 # @type ApproverType: Integer # @param ApproverName: 本环节需要操作人的名字 # @type ApproverName: String # @param ApproverMobile: 本环节需要操作人的手机号 # @type ApproverMobile: String # @param SignComponents: 本环节操作人签署控件配置,为企业静默签署时,只允许类型为SIGN_SEAL(印章)和SIGN_DATE(日期)控件,并且传入印章编号。 # @type SignComponents: Array # @param OrganizationName: 如果是企业,则为企业的名字 # @type OrganizationName: String # @param ApproverIdCardNumber: 身份证号 # @type ApproverIdCardNumber: String # @param ApproverIdCardType: 证件类型 # ID_CARD 身份证 # HONGKONG_AND_MACAO 港澳居民来往内地通行证 # HONGKONG_MACAO_AND_TAIWAN 港澳台居民居住证(格式同居民身份证) # @type ApproverIdCardType: String # @param NotifyType: sms--短信,none--不通知 # @type NotifyType: String # @param ApproverRole: 1--收款人、2--开具人、3--见证人 # @type ApproverRole: Integer # @param VerifyChannel: 签署意愿确认渠道,WEIXINAPP:人脸识别 # @type VerifyChannel: Array # @param PreReadTime: 合同的强制预览时间:3~300s,未指定则按合同页数计算 # @type PreReadTime: Integer attr_accessor :ApproverType, :ApproverName, :ApproverMobile, :SignComponents, :OrganizationName, :ApproverIdCardNumber, :ApproverIdCardType, :NotifyType, :ApproverRole, :VerifyChannel, :PreReadTime def initialize(approvertype=nil, approvername=nil, approvermobile=nil, signcomponents=nil, organizationname=nil, approveridcardnumber=nil, approveridcardtype=nil, notifytype=nil, approverrole=nil, verifychannel=nil, prereadtime=nil) @ApproverType = approvertype @ApproverName = approvername @ApproverMobile = approvermobile @SignComponents = signcomponents @OrganizationName = organizationname @ApproverIdCardNumber = approveridcardnumber @ApproverIdCardType = approveridcardtype @NotifyType = notifytype @ApproverRole = approverrole @VerifyChannel = verifychannel @PreReadTime = prereadtime end def deserialize(params) @ApproverType = params['ApproverType'] @ApproverName = params['ApproverName'] @ApproverMobile = params['ApproverMobile'] unless params['SignComponents'].nil? @SignComponents = [] params['SignComponents'].each do |i| component_tmp = Component.new component_tmp.deserialize(i) @SignComponents << component_tmp end end @OrganizationName = params['OrganizationName'] @ApproverIdCardNumber = params['ApproverIdCardNumber'] @ApproverIdCardType = params['ApproverIdCardType'] @NotifyType = params['NotifyType'] @ApproverRole = params['ApproverRole'] @VerifyChannel = params['VerifyChannel'] @PreReadTime = params['PreReadTime'] end end # 此结构体 (Caller) 用于描述调用方属性。 class Caller < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ApplicationId: 应用号 # @type ApplicationId: String # @param OrganizationId: 主机构ID # @type OrganizationId: String # @param SubOrganizationId: 下属机构ID # @type SubOrganizationId: String # @param OperatorId: 经办人的用户ID # @type OperatorId: String attr_accessor :ApplicationId, :OrganizationId, :SubOrganizationId, :OperatorId def initialize(applicationid=nil, organizationid=nil, suborganizationid=nil, operatorid=nil) @ApplicationId = applicationid @OrganizationId = organizationid @SubOrganizationId = suborganizationid @OperatorId = operatorid end def deserialize(params) @ApplicationId = params['ApplicationId'] @OrganizationId = params['OrganizationId'] @SubOrganizationId = params['SubOrganizationId'] @OperatorId = params['OperatorId'] end end # CancelFlow请求参数结构体 class CancelFlowRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Operator: 操作用户id # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.UserInfo` # @param FlowId: 流程id # @type FlowId: String # @param CancelMessage: 撤销原因 # @type CancelMessage: String # @param Agent: 应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Agent` attr_accessor :Operator, :FlowId, :CancelMessage, :Agent def initialize(operator=nil, flowid=nil, cancelmessage=nil, agent=nil) @Operator = operator @FlowId = flowid @CancelMessage = cancelmessage @Agent = agent end def deserialize(params) unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @FlowId = params['FlowId'] @CancelMessage = params['CancelMessage'] unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end end end # CancelFlow返回参数结构体 class CancelFlowResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 抄送信息 class CcInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Mobile: 被抄送人手机号 # @type Mobile: String attr_accessor :Mobile def initialize(mobile=nil) @Mobile = mobile end def deserialize(params) @Mobile = params['Mobile'] end end # 模板控件信息 class Component < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ComponentType: 如果是 Component 控件类型,则可选类型为: # TEXT - 内容文本控件 # DATE - 内容日期控件 # SELECT - 勾选框控件 # 如果是 SignComponent 控件类型,则可选类型为: # SIGN_SEAL - 签署印章控件 # SIGN_DATE - 签署日期控件 # SIGN_SIGNATURE - 手写签名控件 # @type ComponentType: String # @param ComponentWidth: 参数控件宽度,单位pt # @type ComponentWidth: Float # @param ComponentHeight: 参数控件高度,单位pt # @type ComponentHeight: Float # @param ComponentPage: 参数控件所在页码,取值为:1-N # @type ComponentPage: Integer # @param ComponentPosX: 参数控件X位置,单位pt # @type ComponentPosX: Float # @param ComponentPosY: 参数控件Y位置,单位pt # @type ComponentPosY: Float # @param FileIndex: 控件所属文件的序号(模板中的resourceId排列序号,取值为:0-N) # @type FileIndex: Integer # @param ComponentId: GenerateMode==KEYWORD 指定关键字 # @type ComponentId: String # @param ComponentName: GenerateMode==FIELD 指定表单域名称 # @type ComponentName: String # @param ComponentRequired: 是否必选,默认为false # @type ComponentRequired: Boolean # @param ComponentExtra: 扩展参数: # ComponentType为SIGN_SIGNATURE类型可以控制签署方式 # {“ComponentTypeLimit”: [“xxx”]} # xxx可以为: # HANDWRITE – 手写签名 # BORDERLESS_ESIGN – 自动生成无边框腾讯体 # OCR_ESIGN -- AI智能识别手写签名 # ESIGN -- 个人印章类型 # 如:{“ComponentTypeLimit”: [“BORDERLESS_ESIGN”]} # @type ComponentExtra: String # @param ComponentRecipientId: 控件关联的签署人ID # @type ComponentRecipientId: String # @param ComponentValue: 控件所填写的内容 # @type ComponentValue: String # @param IsFormType: 是否是表单域类型,默认不存在 # @type IsFormType: Boolean # @param GenerateMode: NORMAL 正常模式,使用坐标制定签署控件位置 # FIELD 表单域,需使用ComponentName指定表单域名称 # KEYWORD 关键字,使用ComponentId指定关键字 # @type GenerateMode: String # @param ComponentDateFontSize: 日期控件类型字号 # @type ComponentDateFontSize: Integer # @param OffsetX: 指定关键字时横坐标偏移量 # @type OffsetX: Float # @param OffsetY: 指定关键字时纵坐标偏移量 # @type OffsetY: Float attr_accessor :ComponentType, :ComponentWidth, :ComponentHeight, :ComponentPage, :ComponentPosX, :ComponentPosY, :FileIndex, :ComponentId, :ComponentName, :ComponentRequired, :ComponentExtra, :ComponentRecipientId, :ComponentValue, :IsFormType, :GenerateMode, :ComponentDateFontSize, :OffsetX, :OffsetY def initialize(componenttype=nil, componentwidth=nil, componentheight=nil, componentpage=nil, componentposx=nil, componentposy=nil, fileindex=nil, componentid=nil, componentname=nil, componentrequired=nil, componentextra=nil, componentrecipientid=nil, componentvalue=nil, isformtype=nil, generatemode=nil, componentdatefontsize=nil, offsetx=nil, offsety=nil) @ComponentType = componenttype @ComponentWidth = componentwidth @ComponentHeight = componentheight @ComponentPage = componentpage @ComponentPosX = componentposx @ComponentPosY = componentposy @FileIndex = fileindex @ComponentId = componentid @ComponentName = componentname @ComponentRequired = componentrequired @ComponentExtra = componentextra @ComponentRecipientId = componentrecipientid @ComponentValue = componentvalue @IsFormType = isformtype @GenerateMode = generatemode @ComponentDateFontSize = componentdatefontsize @OffsetX = offsetx @OffsetY = offsety end def deserialize(params) @ComponentType = params['ComponentType'] @ComponentWidth = params['ComponentWidth'] @ComponentHeight = params['ComponentHeight'] @ComponentPage = params['ComponentPage'] @ComponentPosX = params['ComponentPosX'] @ComponentPosY = params['ComponentPosY'] @FileIndex = params['FileIndex'] @ComponentId = params['ComponentId'] @ComponentName = params['ComponentName'] @ComponentRequired = params['ComponentRequired'] @ComponentExtra = params['ComponentExtra'] @ComponentRecipientId = params['ComponentRecipientId'] @ComponentValue = params['ComponentValue'] @IsFormType = params['IsFormType'] @GenerateMode = params['GenerateMode'] @ComponentDateFontSize = params['ComponentDateFontSize'] @OffsetX = params['OffsetX'] @OffsetY = params['OffsetY'] end end # CreateDocument请求参数结构体 class CreateDocumentRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Operator: 无 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.UserInfo` # @param TemplateId: 用户上传的模板ID # @type TemplateId: String # @param FlowId: 流程ID # @type FlowId: String # @param FileNames: 文件名列表 # @type FileNames: Array # @param FormFields: 内容控件信息数组 # @type FormFields: Array # @param Agent: 应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Agent` # @param ClientToken: 客户端Token,保持接口幂等性 # @type ClientToken: String # @param NeedPreview: 是否需要生成预览文件 默认不生成; # 预览链接有效期300秒; # @type NeedPreview: Boolean attr_accessor :Operator, :TemplateId, :FlowId, :FileNames, :FormFields, :Agent, :ClientToken, :NeedPreview def initialize(operator=nil, templateid=nil, flowid=nil, filenames=nil, formfields=nil, agent=nil, clienttoken=nil, needpreview=nil) @Operator = operator @TemplateId = templateid @FlowId = flowid @FileNames = filenames @FormFields = formfields @Agent = agent @ClientToken = clienttoken @NeedPreview = needpreview end def deserialize(params) unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @TemplateId = params['TemplateId'] @FlowId = params['FlowId'] @FileNames = params['FileNames'] unless params['FormFields'].nil? @FormFields = [] params['FormFields'].each do |i| formfield_tmp = FormField.new formfield_tmp.deserialize(i) @FormFields << formfield_tmp end end unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end @ClientToken = params['ClientToken'] @NeedPreview = params['NeedPreview'] end end # CreateDocument返回参数结构体 class CreateDocumentResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DocumentId: 返回的电子文档ID # @type DocumentId: String # @param PreviewFileUrl: 返回合同文件的预览地址 5分钟内有效。仅当NeedPreview为true 时返回 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type PreviewFileUrl: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DocumentId, :PreviewFileUrl, :RequestId def initialize(documentid=nil, previewfileurl=nil, requestid=nil) @DocumentId = documentid @PreviewFileUrl = previewfileurl @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @DocumentId = params['DocumentId'] @PreviewFileUrl = params['PreviewFileUrl'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # CreateFlowByFiles请求参数结构体 class CreateFlowByFilesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Operator: 调用方用户信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.UserInfo` # @param FlowName: 流程名称 # @type FlowName: String # @param FileIds: 签署pdf文件的资源编号列表 # @type FileIds: Array # @param Approvers: 签署参与者信息 # @type Approvers: Array # @param FlowDescription: 流程描述 # @type FlowDescription: String # @param Unordered: 发送类型: # true:无序签 # false:有序签 # 注:默认为false(有序签) # @type Unordered: Boolean # @param FlowType: 流程的类型 # @type FlowType: String # @param Deadline: 流程的签署截止时间 # @type Deadline: Integer # @param Agent: 应用号信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Agent` # @param Components: 经办人内容控件配置。可选类型为: # TEXT - 内容文本控件 # MULTI_LINE_TEXT - 多行文本控件 # 注:默认字体大小为 字号12 # @type Components: Array # @param CcInfos: 被抄送人的信息列表 # @type CcInfos: Array # @param NeedPreview: 是否需要预览,true:预览模式,false:非预览(默认) # @type NeedPreview: Boolean attr_accessor :Operator, :FlowName, :FileIds, :Approvers, :FlowDescription, :Unordered, :FlowType, :Deadline, :Agent, :Components, :CcInfos, :NeedPreview def initialize(operator=nil, flowname=nil, fileids=nil, approvers=nil, flowdescription=nil, unordered=nil, flowtype=nil, deadline=nil, agent=nil, components=nil, ccinfos=nil, needpreview=nil) @Operator = operator @FlowName = flowname @FileIds = fileids @Approvers = approvers @FlowDescription = flowdescription @Unordered = unordered @FlowType = flowtype @Deadline = deadline @Agent = agent @Components = components @CcInfos = ccinfos @NeedPreview = needpreview end def deserialize(params) unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @FlowName = params['FlowName'] @FileIds = params['FileIds'] unless params['Approvers'].nil? @Approvers = [] params['Approvers'].each do |i| approverinfo_tmp = ApproverInfo.new approverinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Approvers << approverinfo_tmp end end @FlowDescription = params['FlowDescription'] @Unordered = params['Unordered'] @FlowType = params['FlowType'] @Deadline = params['Deadline'] unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end unless params['Components'].nil? @Components = [] params['Components'].each do |i| component_tmp = Component.new component_tmp.deserialize(i) @Components << component_tmp end end unless params['CcInfos'].nil? @CcInfos = [] params['CcInfos'].each do |i| ccinfo_tmp = CcInfo.new ccinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @CcInfos << ccinfo_tmp end end @NeedPreview = params['NeedPreview'] end end # CreateFlowByFiles返回参数结构体 class CreateFlowByFilesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FlowId: 流程编号 # @type FlowId: String # @param PreviewUrl: 合同预览链接 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type PreviewUrl: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :FlowId, :PreviewUrl, :RequestId def initialize(flowid=nil, previewurl=nil, requestid=nil) @FlowId = flowid @PreviewUrl = previewurl @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @FlowId = params['FlowId'] @PreviewUrl = params['PreviewUrl'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # CreateFlow请求参数结构体 class CreateFlowRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Operator: 操作人信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.UserInfo` # @param FlowName: 流程的名字, 长度不能超过200,中文字母数字下划线 # @type FlowName: String # @param Approvers: 参与者信息 # @type Approvers: Array # @param FlowDescription: 流程的描述, 长度不能超过1000 # @type FlowDescription: String # @param Unordered: 发送类型(true为无序签,false为顺序签) # @type Unordered: Boolean # @param FlowType: 流程的种类(如销售合同/入职合同等) # @type FlowType: String # @param DeadLine: 过期时间戳,如果是0则为不过期 # @type DeadLine: Integer # @param CallbackUrl: 执行结果的回调URL(需要以http://或者https://)开头 # @type CallbackUrl: String # @param UserData: 用户自定义字段(需进行base64 encode),回调的时候会进行透传, 长度需要小于20480 # @type UserData: String # @param Agent: 应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Agent` # @param ClientToken: 客户端Token,保持接口幂等性 # @type ClientToken: String attr_accessor :Operator, :FlowName, :Approvers, :FlowDescription, :Unordered, :FlowType, :DeadLine, :CallbackUrl, :UserData, :Agent, :ClientToken def initialize(operator=nil, flowname=nil, approvers=nil, flowdescription=nil, unordered=nil, flowtype=nil, deadline=nil, callbackurl=nil, userdata=nil, agent=nil, clienttoken=nil) @Operator = operator @FlowName = flowname @Approvers = approvers @FlowDescription = flowdescription @Unordered = unordered @FlowType = flowtype @DeadLine = deadline @CallbackUrl = callbackurl @UserData = userdata @Agent = agent @ClientToken = clienttoken end def deserialize(params) unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @FlowName = params['FlowName'] unless params['Approvers'].nil? @Approvers = [] params['Approvers'].each do |i| flowcreateapprover_tmp = FlowCreateApprover.new flowcreateapprover_tmp.deserialize(i) @Approvers << flowcreateapprover_tmp end end @FlowDescription = params['FlowDescription'] @Unordered = params['Unordered'] @FlowType = params['FlowType'] @DeadLine = params['DeadLine'] @CallbackUrl = params['CallbackUrl'] @UserData = params['UserData'] unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end @ClientToken = params['ClientToken'] end end # CreateFlow返回参数结构体 class CreateFlowResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FlowId: 流程编号 # @type FlowId: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :FlowId, :RequestId def initialize(flowid=nil, requestid=nil) @FlowId = flowid @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @FlowId = params['FlowId'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # CreateSchemeUrl请求参数结构体 class CreateSchemeUrlRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Operator: 调用方用户信息,参考通用结构 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.UserInfo` # @param Agent: 调用方渠道信息,参考通用结构 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Agent` # @param Name: 姓名 # @type Name: String # @param Mobile: 手机号 # @type Mobile: String # @param PathType: 跳转页面 1: 小程序合同详情 2: 小程序合同列表页 0: 不传, 默认主页 # @type PathType: Integer # @param FlowId: 合同详情 id (PathType=1时必传) # @type FlowId: String # @param OrganizationName: 企业名称 # @type OrganizationName: String # @param EndPoint: 链接类型 # HTTP:跳转电子签小程序的http_url, # APP:第三方APP或小程序跳转电子签小程序的path。 # 默认为HTTP类型 # @type EndPoint: String # @param AutoJumpBack: 是否自动回跳 true:是, false:否。该参数只针对"APP" 类型的签署链接有效 # @type AutoJumpBack: Boolean attr_accessor :Operator, :Agent, :Name, :Mobile, :PathType, :FlowId, :OrganizationName, :EndPoint, :AutoJumpBack def initialize(operator=nil, agent=nil, name=nil, mobile=nil, pathtype=nil, flowid=nil, organizationname=nil, endpoint=nil, autojumpback=nil) @Operator = operator @Agent = agent @Name = name @Mobile = mobile @PathType = pathtype @FlowId = flowid @OrganizationName = organizationname @EndPoint = endpoint @AutoJumpBack = autojumpback end def deserialize(params) unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end @Name = params['Name'] @Mobile = params['Mobile'] @PathType = params['PathType'] @FlowId = params['FlowId'] @OrganizationName = params['OrganizationName'] @EndPoint = params['EndPoint'] @AutoJumpBack = params['AutoJumpBack'] end end # CreateSchemeUrl返回参数结构体 class CreateSchemeUrlResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SchemeUrl: 小程序链接地址 # @type SchemeUrl: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :SchemeUrl, :RequestId def initialize(schemeurl=nil, requestid=nil) @SchemeUrl = schemeurl @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @SchemeUrl = params['SchemeUrl'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeFileUrls请求参数结构体 class DescribeFileUrlsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param BusinessType: 文件对应的业务类型,目前支持: # - 模板 "TEMPLATE" # - 文档 "DOCUMENT" # - 印章 “SEAL” # - 流程 "FLOW" # @type BusinessType: String # @param Operator: 操作者信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.UserInfo` # @param BusinessIds: 业务编号的数组,如模板编号、文档编号、印章编号 # @type BusinessIds: Array # @param FileType: 文件类型,"JPG", "PDF","ZIP"等 # @type FileType: String # @param FileName: 下载后的文件命名,只有fileType为zip的时候生效 # @type FileName: String # @param Offset: 指定资源起始偏移量 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 指定资源数量,查询全部资源则传入-1 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Agent: 应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Agent` # @param UrlTtl: 下载url过期时间,0: 按默认值5分钟,允许范围:1s~24*60*60s(1天) # @type UrlTtl: Integer # @param CcToken: 流程校验发送邮件权限 # @type CcToken: String # @param Scene: 场景 # @type Scene: String attr_accessor :BusinessType, :Operator, :BusinessIds, :FileType, :FileName, :Offset, :Limit, :Agent, :UrlTtl, :CcToken, :Scene def initialize(businesstype=nil, operator=nil, businessids=nil, filetype=nil, filename=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil, agent=nil, urlttl=nil, cctoken=nil, scene=nil) @BusinessType = businesstype @Operator = operator @BusinessIds = businessids @FileType = filetype @FileName = filename @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @Agent = agent @UrlTtl = urlttl @CcToken = cctoken @Scene = scene end def deserialize(params) @BusinessType = params['BusinessType'] unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @BusinessIds = params['BusinessIds'] @FileType = params['FileType'] @FileName = params['FileName'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end @UrlTtl = params['UrlTtl'] @CcToken = params['CcToken'] @Scene = params['Scene'] end end # DescribeFileUrls返回参数结构体 class DescribeFileUrlsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FileUrls: URL信息 # @type FileUrls: Array # @param TotalCount: URL数量 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :FileUrls, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(fileurls=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @FileUrls = fileurls @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['FileUrls'].nil? @FileUrls = [] params['FileUrls'].each do |i| fileurl_tmp = FileUrl.new fileurl_tmp.deserialize(i) @FileUrls << fileurl_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeFlowBriefs请求参数结构体 class DescribeFlowBriefsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Operator: 操作人信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.UserInfo` # @param FlowIds: 需要查询的流程ID列表 # @type FlowIds: Array # @param Agent: 代理商信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Agent` attr_accessor :Operator, :FlowIds, :Agent def initialize(operator=nil, flowids=nil, agent=nil) @Operator = operator @FlowIds = flowids @Agent = agent end def deserialize(params) unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @FlowIds = params['FlowIds'] unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end end end # DescribeFlowBriefs返回参数结构体 class DescribeFlowBriefsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FlowBriefs: 流程列表 # @type FlowBriefs: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :FlowBriefs, :RequestId def initialize(flowbriefs=nil, requestid=nil) @FlowBriefs = flowbriefs @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['FlowBriefs'].nil? @FlowBriefs = [] params['FlowBriefs'].each do |i| flowbrief_tmp = FlowBrief.new flowbrief_tmp.deserialize(i) @FlowBriefs << flowbrief_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeFlowTemplates请求参数结构体 class DescribeFlowTemplatesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Operator: 操作人信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.UserInfo` # @param Offset: 查询偏移位置,默认0 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 查询个数,默认20,最大100 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Filters: 搜索条件,具体参考Filter结构体。本接口取值:template-id:按照【 **模板唯一标识** 】进行过滤 # @type Filters: Array # @param Agent: 应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Agent` # @param GenerateSource: 暂未开放 # @type GenerateSource: Integer # @param ContentType: 查询内容:0-模板列表及详情(默认),1-仅模板列表 # @type ContentType: Integer attr_accessor :Operator, :Offset, :Limit, :Filters, :Agent, :GenerateSource, :ContentType def initialize(operator=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil, filters=nil, agent=nil, generatesource=nil, contenttype=nil) @Operator = operator @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @Filters = filters @Agent = agent @GenerateSource = generatesource @ContentType = contenttype end def deserialize(params) unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] unless params['Filters'].nil? @Filters = [] params['Filters'].each do |i| filter_tmp = Filter.new filter_tmp.deserialize(i) @Filters << filter_tmp end end unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end @GenerateSource = params['GenerateSource'] @ContentType = params['ContentType'] end end # DescribeFlowTemplates返回参数结构体 class DescribeFlowTemplatesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Templates: 模板详情列表 # @type Templates: Array # @param TotalCount: 查询到的总个数 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Templates, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(templates=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @Templates = templates @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['Templates'].nil? @Templates = [] params['Templates'].each do |i| templateinfo_tmp = TemplateInfo.new templateinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Templates << templateinfo_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeThirdPartyAuthCode请求参数结构体 class DescribeThirdPartyAuthCodeRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param AuthCode: AuthCode 值 # @type AuthCode: String attr_accessor :AuthCode def initialize(authcode=nil) @AuthCode = authcode end def deserialize(params) @AuthCode = params['AuthCode'] end end # DescribeThirdPartyAuthCode返回参数结构体 class DescribeThirdPartyAuthCodeResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param VerifyStatus: 用户是否实名,VERIFIED 为实名,UNVERIFIED 未实名 # @type VerifyStatus: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :VerifyStatus, :RequestId def initialize(verifystatus=nil, requestid=nil) @VerifyStatus = verifystatus @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @VerifyStatus = params['VerifyStatus'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 二期接口返回的模板中文件的信息结构 class FileInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FileId: 文件Id # @type FileId: String # @param FileName: 文件名 # @type FileName: String # @param FileSize: 文件大小,单位为Byte # @type FileSize: Integer # @param CreatedOn: 文件上传时间,10位时间戳(精确到秒) # @type CreatedOn: Integer attr_accessor :FileId, :FileName, :FileSize, :CreatedOn def initialize(fileid=nil, filename=nil, filesize=nil, createdon=nil) @FileId = fileid @FileName = filename @FileSize = filesize @CreatedOn = createdon end def deserialize(params) @FileId = params['FileId'] @FileName = params['FileName'] @FileSize = params['FileSize'] @CreatedOn = params['CreatedOn'] end end # 下载文件的URL信息 class FileUrl < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Url: 下载文件的URL # @type Url: String # @param Option: 下载文件的附加信息 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Option: String attr_accessor :Url, :Option def initialize(url=nil, option=nil) @Url = url @Option = option end def deserialize(params) @Url = params['Url'] @Option = params['Option'] end end # 查询过滤条件 class Filter < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Key: 查询过滤条件的Key # @type Key: String # @param Values: 查询过滤条件的Value列表 # @type Values: Array attr_accessor :Key, :Values def initialize(key=nil, values=nil) @Key = key @Values = values end def deserialize(params) @Key = params['Key'] @Values = params['Values'] end end # 流程信息摘要 class FlowBrief < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FlowId: 流程的编号 # @type FlowId: String # @param FlowName: 流程的名称 # @type FlowName: String # @param FlowDescription: 流程的描述 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FlowDescription: String # @param FlowType: 流程的类型 # @type FlowType: String # @param FlowStatus: 流程状态 # - `1` 未签署 # - `2` 部分签署 # - `3` 已退回 # - `4` 完成签署 # - `5` 已过期 # - `6` 已取消 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FlowStatus: Integer # @param CreatedOn: 流程创建的时间戳 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type CreatedOn: Integer # @param FlowMessage: 拒签或者取消的原因描述 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FlowMessage: String attr_accessor :FlowId, :FlowName, :FlowDescription, :FlowType, :FlowStatus, :CreatedOn, :FlowMessage def initialize(flowid=nil, flowname=nil, flowdescription=nil, flowtype=nil, flowstatus=nil, createdon=nil, flowmessage=nil) @FlowId = flowid @FlowName = flowname @FlowDescription = flowdescription @FlowType = flowtype @FlowStatus = flowstatus @CreatedOn = createdon @FlowMessage = flowmessage end def deserialize(params) @FlowId = params['FlowId'] @FlowName = params['FlowName'] @FlowDescription = params['FlowDescription'] @FlowType = params['FlowType'] @FlowStatus = params['FlowStatus'] @CreatedOn = params['CreatedOn'] @FlowMessage = params['FlowMessage'] end end # 创建流程的签署方信息 class FlowCreateApprover < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ApproverType: 参与者类型: # 0:企业 # 1:个人 # 3:企业静默签署 # 注:类型为3(企业静默签署)时,此接口会默认完成该签署方的签署。 # @type ApproverType: Integer # @param OrganizationName: 如果签署方为企业,需要填入企业全称 # @type OrganizationName: String # @param Required: 是否需要签署 # - `false`: 不需要签署 # - `true`: 需要签署 # @type Required: Boolean # @param ApproverName: 签署方经办人姓名 # @type ApproverName: String # @param ApproverMobile: 签署方经办人手机号码 # @type ApproverMobile: String # @param ApproverIdCardNumber: 签署方经办人证件号码 # @type ApproverIdCardNumber: String # @param ApproverIdCardType: 签署方经办人证件类型ID_CARD 身份证 # HONGKONG_AND_MACAO 港澳居民来往内地通行证 # HONGKONG_MACAO_AND_TAIWAN 港澳台居民居住证(格式同居民身份证) # @type ApproverIdCardType: String # @param RecipientId: 签署方经办人在模板中的角色ID # @type RecipientId: String # @param UserId: 签署方经办人的用户ID,和签署方经办人姓名+手机号+证件必须有一个 # @type UserId: String # @param IsFullText: 签署前置条件:是否需要阅读全文,默认为不需要 # @type IsFullText: Boolean # @param PreReadTime: 签署前置条件:阅读时长限制,默认为不需要 # @type PreReadTime: Integer # @param NotifyType: 是否发送短信,sms--短信通知,none--不通知,默认为sms # @type NotifyType: String # @param VerifyChannel: 签署意愿确认渠道,WEIXINAPP:人脸识别 # @type VerifyChannel: Array attr_accessor :ApproverType, :OrganizationName, :Required, :ApproverName, :ApproverMobile, :ApproverIdCardNumber, :ApproverIdCardType, :RecipientId, :UserId, :IsFullText, :PreReadTime, :NotifyType, :VerifyChannel def initialize(approvertype=nil, organizationname=nil, required=nil, approvername=nil, approvermobile=nil, approveridcardnumber=nil, approveridcardtype=nil, recipientid=nil, userid=nil, isfulltext=nil, prereadtime=nil, notifytype=nil, verifychannel=nil) @ApproverType = approvertype @OrganizationName = organizationname @Required = required @ApproverName = approvername @ApproverMobile = approvermobile @ApproverIdCardNumber = approveridcardnumber @ApproverIdCardType = approveridcardtype @RecipientId = recipientid @UserId = userid @IsFullText = isfulltext @PreReadTime = prereadtime @NotifyType = notifytype @VerifyChannel = verifychannel end def deserialize(params) @ApproverType = params['ApproverType'] @OrganizationName = params['OrganizationName'] @Required = params['Required'] @ApproverName = params['ApproverName'] @ApproverMobile = params['ApproverMobile'] @ApproverIdCardNumber = params['ApproverIdCardNumber'] @ApproverIdCardType = params['ApproverIdCardType'] @RecipientId = params['RecipientId'] @UserId = params['UserId'] @IsFullText = params['IsFullText'] @PreReadTime = params['PreReadTime'] @NotifyType = params['NotifyType'] @VerifyChannel = params['VerifyChannel'] end end # 电子文档的控件填充信息 class FormField < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ComponentValue: 控件填充value # @type ComponentValue: String # @param ComponentId: 控件id # @type ComponentId: String # @param ComponentName: 控件名字 # @type ComponentName: String attr_accessor :ComponentValue, :ComponentId, :ComponentName def initialize(componentvalue=nil, componentid=nil, componentname=nil) @ComponentValue = componentvalue @ComponentId = componentid @ComponentName = componentname end def deserialize(params) @ComponentValue = params['ComponentValue'] @ComponentId = params['ComponentId'] @ComponentName = params['ComponentName'] end end # 签署参与者信息 class Recipient < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RecipientId: 签署参与者ID # @type RecipientId: String # @param RecipientType: 参与者类型(ENTERPRISE/INDIVIDUAL) # @type RecipientType: String # @param Description: 描述信息 # @type Description: String # @param RoleName: 角色名称 # @type RoleName: String # @param RequireValidation: 是否需要验证,默认为false # @type RequireValidation: Boolean # @param RequireSign: 是否需要签署,默认为true # @type RequireSign: Boolean # @param RoutingOrder: 添加序列 # @type RoutingOrder: Integer # @param RequireDelivery: 是否需要发送,默认为true # @type RequireDelivery: Boolean # @param Email: 邮箱地址 # @type Email: String # @param Mobile: 电话号码 # @type Mobile: String # @param UserId: 关联的用户ID # @type UserId: String # @param DeliveryMethod: 发送方式(EMAIL/MOBILE) # @type DeliveryMethod: String # @param RecipientExtra: 附属信息 # @type RecipientExtra: String attr_accessor :RecipientId, :RecipientType, :Description, :RoleName, :RequireValidation, :RequireSign, :RoutingOrder, :RequireDelivery, :Email, :Mobile, :UserId, :DeliveryMethod, :RecipientExtra def initialize(recipientid=nil, recipienttype=nil, description=nil, rolename=nil, requirevalidation=nil, requiresign=nil, routingorder=nil, requiredelivery=nil, email=nil, mobile=nil, userid=nil, deliverymethod=nil, recipientextra=nil) @RecipientId = recipientid @RecipientType = recipienttype @Description = description @RoleName = rolename @RequireValidation = requirevalidation @RequireSign = requiresign @RoutingOrder = routingorder @RequireDelivery = requiredelivery @Email = email @Mobile = mobile @UserId = userid @DeliveryMethod = deliverymethod @RecipientExtra = recipientextra end def deserialize(params) @RecipientId = params['RecipientId'] @RecipientType = params['RecipientType'] @Description = params['Description'] @RoleName = params['RoleName'] @RequireValidation = params['RequireValidation'] @RequireSign = params['RequireSign'] @RoutingOrder = params['RoutingOrder'] @RequireDelivery = params['RequireDelivery'] @Email = params['Email'] @Mobile = params['Mobile'] @UserId = params['UserId'] @DeliveryMethod = params['DeliveryMethod'] @RecipientExtra = params['RecipientExtra'] end end # StartFlow请求参数结构体 class StartFlowRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Operator: 用户信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.UserInfo` # @param FlowId: 流程编号 # @type FlowId: String # @param Agent: 应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Agent` # @param ClientToken: 客户端Token,保持接口幂等性 # @type ClientToken: String attr_accessor :Operator, :FlowId, :Agent, :ClientToken def initialize(operator=nil, flowid=nil, agent=nil, clienttoken=nil) @Operator = operator @FlowId = flowid @Agent = agent @ClientToken = clienttoken end def deserialize(params) unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @FlowId = params['FlowId'] unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end @ClientToken = params['ClientToken'] end end # StartFlow返回参数结构体 class StartFlowResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Status: 返回描述,START-发起成功, REVIEW-提交审核成功,EXECUTING-已提交发起任务 # @type Status: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Status, :RequestId def initialize(status=nil, requestid=nil) @Status = status @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Status = params['Status'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 二期接口返回的模板的信息结构 class TemplateInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TemplateId: 模板ID # @type TemplateId: String # @param TemplateName: 模板名字 # @type TemplateName: String # @param Description: 模板描述信息 # @type Description: String # @param DocumentResourceIds: 模板关联的资源IDs # @type DocumentResourceIds: Array # @param FileInfos: 返回的文件信息结构 # @type FileInfos: Array # @param AttachmentResourceIds: 附件关联的资源ID是 # @type AttachmentResourceIds: Array # @param SignOrder: 签署顺序 # @type SignOrder: Array # @param Recipients: 签署参与者的信息 # @type Recipients: Array # @param Components: 模板信息结构 # @type Components: Array # @param SignComponents: 签署区模板信息结构 # @type SignComponents: Array # @param Status: 模板状态(-1:不可用;0:草稿态;1:正式态) # @type Status: Integer # @param Creator: 模板的创建人 # @type Creator: String # @param CreatedOn: 模板创建的时间戳(精确到秒) # @type CreatedOn: Integer # @param Promoter: 发起人角色信息 # @type Promoter: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Recipient` attr_accessor :TemplateId, :TemplateName, :Description, :DocumentResourceIds, :FileInfos, :AttachmentResourceIds, :SignOrder, :Recipients, :Components, :SignComponents, :Status, :Creator, :CreatedOn, :Promoter def initialize(templateid=nil, templatename=nil, description=nil, documentresourceids=nil, fileinfos=nil, attachmentresourceids=nil, signorder=nil, recipients=nil, components=nil, signcomponents=nil, status=nil, creator=nil, createdon=nil, promoter=nil) @TemplateId = templateid @TemplateName = templatename @Description = description @DocumentResourceIds = documentresourceids @FileInfos = fileinfos @AttachmentResourceIds = attachmentresourceids @SignOrder = signorder @Recipients = recipients @Components = components @SignComponents = signcomponents @Status = status @Creator = creator @CreatedOn = createdon @Promoter = promoter end def deserialize(params) @TemplateId = params['TemplateId'] @TemplateName = params['TemplateName'] @Description = params['Description'] @DocumentResourceIds = params['DocumentResourceIds'] unless params['FileInfos'].nil? @FileInfos = [] params['FileInfos'].each do |i| fileinfo_tmp = FileInfo.new fileinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @FileInfos << fileinfo_tmp end end @AttachmentResourceIds = params['AttachmentResourceIds'] @SignOrder = params['SignOrder'] unless params['Recipients'].nil? @Recipients = [] params['Recipients'].each do |i| recipient_tmp = Recipient.new recipient_tmp.deserialize(i) @Recipients << recipient_tmp end end unless params['Components'].nil? @Components = [] params['Components'].each do |i| component_tmp = Component.new component_tmp.deserialize(i) @Components << component_tmp end end unless params['SignComponents'].nil? @SignComponents = [] params['SignComponents'].each do |i| component_tmp = Component.new component_tmp.deserialize(i) @SignComponents << component_tmp end end @Status = params['Status'] @Creator = params['Creator'] @CreatedOn = params['CreatedOn'] unless params['Promoter'].nil? @Promoter = Recipient.new @Promoter.deserialize(params['Promoter']) end end end # 此结构体 (UploadFile) 用于描述多文件上传的文件信息。 class UploadFile < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FileBody: Base64编码后的文件内容 # @type FileBody: String # @param FileName: 文件名 # @type FileName: String attr_accessor :FileBody, :FileName def initialize(filebody=nil, filename=nil) @FileBody = filebody @FileName = filename end def deserialize(params) @FileBody = params['FileBody'] @FileName = params['FileName'] end end # UploadFiles请求参数结构体 class UploadFilesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Caller: 调用方信息 # @type Caller: :class:`Tencentcloud::Ess.v20201111.models.Caller` # @param BusinessType: 文件对应业务类型,用于区分文件存储路径: # 1. TEMPLATE - 模板; 文件类型:.pdf/.html # 2. DOCUMENT - 签署过程及签署后的合同文档 文件类型:.pdf/.html # 3. FLOW - 签署过程 文件类型:.pdf/.html # 4. SEAL - 印章; 文件类型:.jpg/.jpeg/.png # 5. BUSINESSLICENSE - 营业执照 文件类型:.jpg/.jpeg/.png # 6. IDCARD - 身份证 文件类型:.jpg/.jpeg/.png # @type BusinessType: String # @param FileInfos: 上传文件内容数组,最多支持20个文件 # @type FileInfos: Array # @param FileUrls: 上传文件链接数组,最多支持20个URL # @type FileUrls: String # @param CoverRect: 是否将pdf灰色矩阵置白 # true--是,处理置白 # false--否,不处理 # @type CoverRect: Boolean # @param FileType: 特殊文件类型需要指定文件类型: # HTML-- .html文件 # @type FileType: String # @param CustomIds: 用户自定义ID数组,与上传文件一一对应 # @type CustomIds: Array attr_accessor :Caller, :BusinessType, :FileInfos, :FileUrls, :CoverRect, :FileType, :CustomIds def initialize(caller=nil, businesstype=nil, fileinfos=nil, fileurls=nil, coverrect=nil, filetype=nil, customids=nil) @Caller = caller @BusinessType = businesstype @FileInfos = fileinfos @FileUrls = fileurls @CoverRect = coverrect @FileType = filetype @CustomIds = customids end def deserialize(params) unless params['Caller'].nil? @Caller = Caller.new @Caller.deserialize(params['Caller']) end @BusinessType = params['BusinessType'] unless params['FileInfos'].nil? @FileInfos = [] params['FileInfos'].each do |i| uploadfile_tmp = UploadFile.new uploadfile_tmp.deserialize(i) @FileInfos << uploadfile_tmp end end @FileUrls = params['FileUrls'] @CoverRect = params['CoverRect'] @FileType = params['FileType'] @CustomIds = params['CustomIds'] end end # UploadFiles返回参数结构体 class UploadFilesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FileIds: 文件id数组 # @type FileIds: Array # @param TotalCount: 上传成功文件数量 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :FileIds, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(fileids=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @FileIds = fileids @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @FileIds = params['FileIds'] @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 用户信息 class UserInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserId: 用户在平台的编号 # @type UserId: String # @param Channel: 用户的来源渠道 # @type Channel: String # @param OpenId: 用户在渠道的编号 # @type OpenId: String # @param ClientIp: 用户真实IP # @type ClientIp: String # @param ProxyIp: 用户代理IP # @type ProxyIp: String attr_accessor :UserId, :Channel, :OpenId, :ClientIp, :ProxyIp def initialize(userid=nil, channel=nil, openid=nil, clientip=nil, proxyip=nil) @UserId = userid @Channel = channel @OpenId = openid @ClientIp = clientip @ProxyIp = proxyip end def deserialize(params) @UserId = params['UserId'] @Channel = params['Channel'] @OpenId = params['OpenId'] @ClientIp = params['ClientIp'] @ProxyIp = params['ProxyIp'] end end end end end