rbTenjin User's Guide

last update: $Date: 2007-08-04 13:23:33 +0900 (Sat, 04 Aug 2007) $

Release: 0.6.0

Table of Contents:



rbTenjin is a very fast and lightweight template engine based on embedded Ruby. You can embed Ruby statements and expressions into your text file. rbTenjin converts it into Ruby script and evaluate it.

The following is an example of rbTenjin.

File 'ex.rbhtml':
Hello #{@name}!
<?rb for item in @items ?>
<?rb end ?>

Here is the notation:

Result of covertion into Ruby script:
$ rbtenjin -s ex.rbhtml
_buf = '';  _buf << %Q`Hello #{@name}!
for item in @items
 _buf << %Q` <li>#{escape((item).to_s)}</li>\n`
 _buf << %Q`</ul>\n`
Output of execution with context data:
$ rbtenjin -c "@name='World'; @items=['<AAA>','B&B','\"CCC\"']" ex.rbhtml
Hello World!
Example of Ruby script
require 'tenjin'
engine = Tenjin::Engine.new()
context = { :name=>'World', :items=>['<AAA>', 'B&B', '"CCC"'] }
output = engine.render('ex.rbhtml', context)
print output


rbTenjin has the following features:


Benchmark script is contained in rbTenjin archive. The following is an example of benchmark.

MacOS X 10.4 Tiger, Intel CoreDuo 1.83GHz, Memory 2GB
$ cd rbtenjin-X.X.X/benchmark
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i686-darwin8.9.1]
$ ruby bench.rb -n 10000
                          user     system      total        real
eruby                 12.02000    0.27000   12.29000 (  12.34855)
eruby-cache           11.09000    0.43000   11.53000 (  11.58262)
erb                   36.32000    0.41000   36.73000 (  36.89404)
erb-cache             11.13000    0.45000   11.57000 (  11.62259)
erb-reuse             10.78000    0.03000   10.81000 (  10.85908)
erb-defmethod          5.82000    0.02000    5.84000 (   5.86168)
erubis                10.31000    0.32000   10.64000 (  10.68644)
erubis-cache           7.02000    0.43000    7.45000 (   7.50923)
erubis-reuse           4.43000    0.01000    4.44000 (   4.45338)
tenjin                 6.87000    0.47000    7.34000 (   7.37263)
tenjin-nocache         8.73000    0.36000    9.10000 (   9.14337)
tenjin-reuse           4.45000    0.07000    4.52000 (   4.53931)

This shows that rbTenjin is much faster than any other eRuby implementations.


rbTenjin requires Ruby 1.8 or later.

Designer's Guide

This section shows how to use rbTenjin for designer.

If you want to know how to use rbTenjin in your program, see Developer's Guide section.


The following is the notation of rbTenjin.

File 'example1.rbhtml':
<?rb i = 0 ?>
<?rb for item in ['<foo>', 'bar&bar', '"baz"'] ?>
<?rb     i += 1 ?>
<?rb end ?>

The following is the result of executing 'example1.rbhtml'.

$ rbtenjin example1.rbhtml

Convert into Ruby Code

Command-line option '-s' converts embedded files into Ruby code.

$ rbtenjin -s example1.rbhtml
_buf = '';  _buf << %Q`<table>
i = 0
for item in ['<foo>', 'bar&bar', '"baz"']
    i += 1
 _buf << %Q`    <tr>
 _buf << %Q`  <tbody>

'_buf = '';' is called as preamble and '_buf.to_s' is called as postamble. Command-line option '-b' removes preamble and postamble.

File 'example2.rbhtml'
<?rb for i in [1, 2, 3] ?>
<?rb end ?>
$ rbtenjin -s example2.rbhtml
_buf = ''; for i in [1, 2, 3]
 _buf << %Q`<p>#{item}</p>\n`
$ rbtenjin -sb example2.rbhtml
for i in [1, 2, 3]
 _buf << %Q`<p>#{item}</p>\n`

Command-line option '-S' also show converted Ruby code but it doesn't print text part. This is useful to check Ruby code for debugging.

$ rbtenjin -S example1.rbhtml
_buf = ''; 

i = 0
for item in ['<foo>', 'bar&bar', '"baz"']
    i += 1




In addition, the following command-line options are available.

Add line number.
Delete expressions.
Remove empty lines (compact-mode).
Compress empty lines to a line (uniq-mode).
$ rbtenjin -SUNX example1.rbhtml
    1:  _buf = ''; 

    3:  i = 0
    4:  for item in ['<foo>', 'bar&bar', '"baz"']
    5:      i += 1

   10:  end

   13:  _buf.to_s

Syntax Checking

Command-line option '-z' checks syntax error in embedded Ruby code and command-line option '-w' sets warning level to 2. It is recommended to use '-w' when you specify '-z'.

File example3.rbhtml:
<?rb for item in items ?>
<?rb ende ?>
$ rbtenjin -wz example3.rbhtml
example3.rbhtml:5: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting kEND

Command-line option '-wz' is more convenient than 'rbtenjin -s file | ruby -wz' because the former can take several filenames.

Command-line option '-q' (quiet-mode) prints nothing if it has no errors.

Context Data File

rbTenjin allows you to specify context data by YAML file or Ruby script.

File 'example4.rbhtml':

<?rb for item in @items ?>
<?rb end ?>

<?rb for key, value in @hash ?>
<p>#{key} = ${value}</p>
<?rb end ?>
File 'datafile.yaml':
text:   foo
num:    3.14
flag:   yes
  - foo
  - bar
  - baz
  x: 1
  y: 2
$ rbtenjin -f datafile.yaml example4.rbhtml


<p>x = 1</p>
<p>y = 2</p>
File 'datafile.rb':
@text  = "foo"
@num   = 3.14
@flag  = true
@items = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
@hash  = {:x=>1, :y=>2}
$ rbtenjin -f datafile.rb example4.rbhtml


<p>x = 1</p>
<p>y = 2</p>

Command-line Context Data

Command-line option '-z' specifies context data in YAML format or Ruby code.

File 'example5.rbhtml':
text:  #{@text}
<?rb for item in @items ?>
  - #{item}
<?rb end ?>
<?rb for key, val in @hash ?>
  #{key}: #{val}
<?rb end ?>
Result of context data in ruby code:
$ rbtenjin -c '@text="foo"; @items=%w[a b c]; @hash={"x"=>1,"y"=>2}' example5.rbhtml
text:  foo
  - a
  - b
  - c
  x: 1
  y: 2
Result of context data in yaml format:
$ rbtenjin -c '{text: foo, items: [a, b, c], hash: {x: 1, y: 2} }' example5.rbhtml
text:  foo
  - a
  - b
  - c
  x: 1
  y: 2

Nested Template

Template can include other templates. Included templates can also include other templates.

The following function is available to include other templates.

Include other template.
File 'example6.rbhtml':

    <div id="sidemenu">
<?rb import 'sidemenu.rbhtml' ?>

    <div id="main-content">
<?rb for item in @items ?>
<?rb end ?>

    <div id="footer">
#{import 'footer.rbhtml', false}

File 'sidemenu.rbhtml':
<?rb for item in @menu ?>
  <li><a href="${item['url']}">${item['name']}</a></li>
<?rb end ?>
File 'footer.rbhtml':
<hr />
  <a href="mailto:${@webmaster_email}">${@webmaster_email}</a>
File 'contextdata.rb':
@items = [ '<FOO>', '&BAR', '"BAZ"' ]
@webmaster_email = 'webmaster@example.com'
@menu  = [
    {'name'=> 'Top',      'url'=> '/' },
    {'name'=> 'Products', 'url'=> '/prod' },
    {'name'=> 'Support',  'url'=> '/support' },
$ rbtenjin -f contextdata.rb example6.rbhtml

    <div id="sidemenu">
  <li><a href="/">Top</a></li>
  <li><a href="/prod">Products</a></li>
  <li><a href="/support">Support</a></li>

    <div id="main-content">

    <div id="footer">
<hr />
  <a href="mailto:webmaster@example.com">webmaster@example.com</a>



Function 'import()' can take template filename (ex. 'user_main.rbhtml') or template short name (ex. :main). Template short name is a Symbol.

To make template short name available, command-line option '--prefix' and '--postfix' are required. For example, 'include("user_main.rbhtml")' can be described as 'include(:main)' when '--prefix="user_"' and '--postfix=".rbhtml"' are specified in command-line.

Layout Template

Command-line option '--layout=templatename' specifies layout template name.

For example, 'exmample6.rbhtml' template in the previous section can be divided into layout file 'layout6.rbhtml' and content file 'content6.rbhtml'. Variable '@_content' in layout template represents the result of content file.

File 'layout6.rbhtml':

    <div id="sidemenu">
<?rb import 'sidemenu.rbhtml' ?>

    <div id="main-content">

    <div id="footer">
#{import 'footer.rbhtml', false}

File 'content6.rbhtml':
<?rb for item in @items ?>
<?rb end ?>
$ rbtenjin -f contextdata.rb --layout=layout6.rbhtml content6.rbhtml

    <div id="sidemenu">
  <li><a href="/">Top</a></li>
  <li><a href="/prod">Products</a></li>
  <li><a href="/support">Support</a></li>

    <div id="main-content">


    <div id="footer">
<hr />
  <a href="mailto:webmaster@example.com">webmaster@example.com</a>



Target template and layout template don't share local variables. It means that local variables set in a template are not available in layout template.

If you want variables set in a temlate to be available in layout template, use instance variables instead of local variables.

File 'layout7.rbhtml':

<div id="main-content">

<a href="${@url}">Next page</a>
File 'content7.rbhtml':
<?rb @title = 'Document Title' ?>
<?rb @url = '/next/page' ?>
$ rbtenjin --layout=layout7.rbhtml content7.rbhtml
<h1>Document Title</h1>

<div id="main-content">


<a href="/next/page">Next page</a>

Using '@_layout' variable, it is able to specify layout template name in each template file. If you assigned false to '@_layout' variable, no layout template is used.

File 'content8.rbhtml':
<?rb @_layout = :layout8_xhtml ?>
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
File 'layout8_html.rbhtml':
File 'layout8_xhtml.rbhtml':
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
Result: ':layout8_html' is specified in command-line option but ':layout8_xhtml' is used
$ rbtenjin --postfix='.rbhtml' --layout=':layout8_html' content8.rbhtml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>



It is able to capture any part of template.

File 'example9.rbhtml':
<?rb @title = 'Capture Test' ?>

<?rb start_capture(:content_part) ?>
<?rb for i in [0, 1, 2] ?>
      <li>i = #{i}</li>
<?rb end ?>
<?rb stop_capture() ?>

<?rb start_capture('footer_part') ?>
    <div class="footer">copyright&copy; 2007 kuwata-lab.com</div>
<?rb stop_capture() ?>


Captured strings are accessable as local variables. For example, you can get captured string as a variable 'content_part' in the above example.

A template can contain several capturing. It is not able to nest capturing.

In layout file, it is able to use strings captured in templates.

File 'layout9.rbhtml':
<html lang="en">

    <!-- HEADER -->
<?rb unless captured_as('header_part') ?>
<?rb end ?>
    <!-- /HEADER -->

    <!-- CONTENT -->
    <!-- /CONTENT -->

    <!-- FOOTER -->
<?rb unless captured_as('footer_part') ?>
    <hr />
<?rb end ?>
    <!-- /FOOTER -->


'unless captured_as("name") ... end' is equivarent to the following.

<?rb if @name ?>
<?rb   _buf << @name ?>
<?rb else ?>
<?rb end ?>

The following result shows that content part and footer part are overrided by capturing in content template but header part is not.

$ rbtenjin --layout=layout9.rbhtml example9.rbhtml
<html lang="en">
    <title>Capture Test</title>

    <!-- HEADER -->
    <h1>Capture Test</h1>
    <!-- /HEADER -->

    <!-- CONTENT -->
      <li>i = 0</li>
      <li>i = 1</li>
      <li>i = 2</li>

    <!-- /CONTENT -->

    <!-- FOOTER -->
    <div class="footer">copyright&copy; 2007 kuwata-lab.com</div>
    <!-- /FOOTER -->


Template Arguments

It is able to specify template arguments in template files. Template arguments are variables which are passed by main program via context object. In the following example, 'title' and 'name' are template arguments.

File 'example10.rbhtml':
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?rb #@ARGS title, name ?>
<p>Hello ${name}!</p>

Template arguments line is converted into assignment statements of local variables.

$ rbtenjin -s example10.rbhtml
_buf = '';  _buf << %Q`<?xml version="1.0"?>\n`
 title = @title; name = @name;
 _buf << %Q`<h1>#{escape((title).to_s)}</h1>
<p>Hello #{escape((name).to_s)}!</p>\n`

If template arguments are specified, other variables passed by context object are not set.

File 'example11.rbhtml':
<?rb #@ARGS x ?>
x = #{x}
y = #{y}   # NameError
$ rbtenjin -c '@x=10;@y=20' example11.rbhtml
example12.rbhtml:4:in `_render': undefined local variable or method `y' (NameError)


rbTenjin supports preprocessing of template. Preprocessing executes some logics when templates are loaded and that logics are not executed when rendering. Preprocessing makes your application much faster.

Notation of preprocessing is the following.

For example, assume the following template.

File 'example12.rbhtml':
<?RB states = { "CA" => "California", ?>
<?RB            "NY" => "New York", ?>
<?RB            "FL" => "Florida",  ?>
<?RB            "TX" => "Texas",  ?>
<?RB            "HI" => "Hawaii", } ?>
<?rb chk = { @params['state'] => ' selected="selected"' } ?>
<select name="state">
  <option value="">-</option>
<?RB for code in states.keys.sort ?>
  <option value="#{{code}}"#{chk[#{{code.inspect}}]}>${{states[code]}}</option>
<?RB end ?>

If preprocessing is activated, the above will be converted into the following when template is loaded. (Command-line option -P shows the result of preprocessing.)

Result of preprocessing:
$ rbtenjin -P example12.rbhtml
<?rb chk = { @params['state'] => ' selected="selected"' } ?>
<select name="state">
  <option value="">-</option>
  <option value="CA"#{chk["CA"]}>California</option>
  <option value="FL"#{chk["FL"]}>Florida</option>
  <option value="HI"#{chk["HI"]}>Hawaii</option>
  <option value="NY"#{chk["NY"]}>New York</option>
  <option value="TX"#{chk["TX"]}>Texas</option>

This means that for-loop is executed only once when template is loaded and is not executed when rendering. In the result, rendering speed becomes to be much faster.

And the Ruby code is here. This shows that there is no for-loop.

Translated script code:
$ rbtenjin --preprocess -sb example12.rbhtml
chk = { @params['state'] => ' selected="selected"' }
 _buf << %Q`<select name="state">
  <option value="">-</option>
  <option value="CA"#{chk["CA"]}>California</option>
  <option value="FL"#{chk["FL"]}>Florida</option>
  <option value="HI"#{chk["HI"]}>Hawaii</option>
  <option value="NY"#{chk["NY"]}>New York</option>
  <option value="TX"#{chk["TX"]}>Texas</option>

If you have errors on preprocessing, you should check source script by -Ps option(*1).

The following is an another example. Assume that link_to() is a helper method which takes label and url and generate <a></a> tag. In this case, label and url can be parameterized by _p("...") and _P("..."). The former is converted into #{...} and the latter converted into ${...} by preprocessor.

File 'example13.rbhtml':
<?RB require 'cgi' ?>
<?RB ## ex. link_to('Show', '/show/1')  => <a href="/show/1">Show</a> ?>
<?RB def link_to(label, url) ?>
<?RB     return "<a href=\"#{CGI.unescape(url)}\">#{label}</a>" ?>
<?RB end ?>
#{{link_to 'Show '+_P('@params["name"]'), '/items/show/'+_p('@params["id"]')}}
Preprocessed template:
$ rbtenjin -P example13.rbhtml
<a href="/items/show/#{@params["id"]}">Show ${@params["name"]}</a>
Translated script code:
$ rbtenjin --preprocess -sb example13.rbhtml
 _buf << %Q`<a href="/items/show/#{@params["id"]}">Show #{escape((@params["name"]).to_s)}</a>\n`

There are many web-application framework and they provides helper functions. These helper functions are divided into two groups.

Preprocessor has the power to make your application much faster, but it may make the debugging difficult. You should use it carefully.

Command-line option '-Ps' is available but '-PS' is not availabe. This is a current restriction of rbtenjin.

Other Options

Developer's Guide

This section shows how to use rbTenjin in your Ruby script.

If you want to know the notation or features of rbTenjin, see Designer's Guide section.

An Example

The following is an example to use rbTenjin in Ruby.

require 'tenjin'
engine = Tenjin::Engine.new()
context = { :title=>'rbTenjin Example', :items=>['AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC'] }
filename = 'file.rbhtml'
output = engine.render(filename, context)
print output

Classes and Functions in rbTenjin

rbTenjin has the follwoing classes.

This class represents a template file. An object of Tenjin::Template correspond to a template file.
This class represents some template objects. It can handle nested template and layout template. Using Tenjin::Engine class, you can use rbTenjin as a template engine for web application.
This class represents context data.

rbTenjin has the following utility functions. These are defined at Tenjin::HtmlHelper module and Tenjin::Context class includes it.

Class Tenjin::Template

Tenjin::Template class represents a template file. An object of Tenjin::Template corresponds to a template file. It doesn't support nested template nor layout template (use Tenjin::Engine class instead).

This class has the following methods and attributes.

Tenjin::Template.new(filename=nil, :escapefunc=>'escape')
Create template object. If filename is given, read and convert it to Ruby code.
Tenjin::Template#convert(input, filename=None)
Convert input text into Ruby code and return it.
Convert file into Ruby code and return it. This is equivarent to Tenjin::Template#convert(File.read(filename), filename)
Compile Ruby code, evaluate it with context data, and return the result of evaluation.
Converted Ruby code

The followings are examples to use Tenjin::Template in Ruby script.

File 'example14.rbhtml':
<?rb for item in @items ?>
<?rb end ?>
File 'example14.rb':
## template file
filename = 'example14.rbhtml'

## convert into ruby code
require 'tenjin'
template = Tenjin::Template.new(filename)
## or
# template = Tenjin::Template.new()
# script = template.convert_file(filename)
## or
# template = Tenjin::Template.new()
# input = File.read(filename)
# script = template.convert(input, filename)  # filename is optional

## show converted ruby code
puts "---- ruby code ----"
puts template.script

## evaluate ruby code
hash = {:title=>'rbTenjin Example', :items=>['<AAA>','B&B','"CCC"']}
output = template.render(hash)
puts "---- output ----"
puts output
## or
#hash = {:title=>'rbTenjin Example', :items=>['<AAA>','B&B','"CCC"']}
#context = Tenjin::Context.new(hash)
#output = template.render(context)
## or
# context = Tenjin::Context.new
# context[:title] = 'rbTenjin Example'
# context[:items] = ['<AAA>','B&B','"CCC"']
# output = template.render(context)
$ ruby example14.rb
---- ruby code ----
 _buf << %Q`<h1>#{@title}</h1>
for item in @items
 _buf << %Q` <li>#{escape((item).to_s)}</li>\n`
 _buf << %Q`</ul>\n`
---- output ----
<h1>rbTenjin Example</h1>

Class Tenjin::Engine

Tenjin::Engine class contains some template objects. It can handle nested template and layout template. Using Tenjin::Engine class, you can use rbTenjin as a template engine for web application.

This class has the following methods.

Tenjin::Engine.new(:prefix=>'', :postfix=>'', :layout=>nil, :path=nil, :cache=>true, :preprocess=>false, :templateclass=>Tenjin::Template)
Create Engine object. :path represents template search path and it should be an Array of directory name. Other arguments are passed to Tenjin::Template.new() internally.
Tenjin::Engine#render(template_name, context=nil, layout=nil)
Convert template into Ruby code, evaluate it with context data, and return the result of it. If layout is true or nil then layout template name specified by constructor option is used as layout template, else if false then layout template is not used, else if string then it is regarded as layout template name.

Argument template_name in render() methods is filename or short name of template. Template short name is a Symbol. For example, 'render(:list, context)' is equivarent to 'render("user_list.rbhtml", context)' if prefix option is 'user_' and postfix option is '.rbhtml'.

In template file, the followings are available.

This variable represents the result of evaluation of other template. This is available only in layout template file.
Include and evaluate other template. This method is an instance method of Tenjin::Context class.
Start capturing. Result will be stored into @name.
Stop capturing.
If captured string as varname is exist then append it into @_buf and return true, else return false. This is a helper function for layout template.

The followings are example of Tenjin::Engine class.

File 'user_form.rbhtml':
<?rb #@ARGS params ?>
  Name:  <input type="text" name="name"  value="${params['name']}" /><br />
  Email: <input type="text" name="email" value="${params['email']}" /><br />
<?rb gender = @params['gender'] ?>
<?rb chk = { true=>' checked="checked"', false=>'' } ?>
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="m" #{chk[gender=='m']} />Male
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="f" #{chk[gender=='f']} />Female
File 'user_create.rbhtml':
<?rb #@ARGS ?>
<form action="user_app.cgi" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="create" />
<?rb import :form ?>
  <input type="submit" value="Create" />
File 'user_edit.rbhtml':
<?rb #@ARGS params ?>
<form action="user_app.cgi" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" />
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="${params['id']}" />
<?rb import :form ?>
  <input type="submit" value="Edit" />
File 'user_layout.rbhtml':
<?rb #@ARGS _content, title ?>


    <div id="main-content">

    <div id="footer">
<?rb import 'footer.html' ?>

File 'footer.html':
<?rb #@ARGS ?>
<hr />
  <a href="mailto:webmaster@example.com">webmaster@example.com</a>
File 'user_app.cgi':
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'cgi'
require 'tenjin'

## set action ('create' or 'edit')
action = nil
cgi = nil
  cgi = CGI.new
  action = cgi['action']
elsif ARGV[0]
  action = ARGV[0]
action = 'create' unless ['create', 'edit'].include?(action)

## set context data
if action == 'create'
  title = 'Create User'
  params = {}
  title = 'Edit User'
  params = {:name=>'Margalette',
	    :id=>123 }
context = { :title=>title, :params=>params }
# or context = Tenjin::Context.new(:title=>title, :params=>params)

## create engine object
layout = :layout   # or 'user_layout.rbhtml'
engine = Tenjin::Engine.new(:prefix=>'user_', :postfix=>'.rbhtml', :layout=>layout)

## evaluate template
template_name = action.intern   # :create or :edit
output = engine.render(template_name, context)
print cgi.header() if cgi
print output
$ ruby user_app.cgi create

    <h1>Create User</h1>

    <div id="main-content">
<form action="user_app.cgi" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="create" />
  Name:  <input type="text" name="name"  value="" /><br />
  Email: <input type="text" name="email" value="" /><br />
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="m"  />Male
  <input type="radio" name="gender" value="f"  />Female
  <input type="submit" value="Create" />


    <div id="footer">
<hr />
  <a href="mailto:webmaster@example.com">webmaster@example.com</a>


Template Initialize Options

Tenjin::Template() can take the follwoing options.

Constructor of Tenjin::Engine can also take the same options as above. These options given to constructor of Tenjin::Engine are passed to constructor of Tenjin::Template internally.

File 'example15.rb':
require 'tenjin'
filename = 'example14.rbhtml'
template = Tenjin::Template.new(filename, :escapefunc=>'CGI.escapeHTML')
print template.script, "\n"

require 'cgi'
title = 'rbTenjin Example'
items = ['<foo>', '&bar', '"baz"']
output = template.render(:title=>title, :items=>items)
print output
$ ruby example15.rb
 _buf << %Q`<h1>#{@title}</h1>
for item in @items
 _buf << %Q` <li>#{CGI.escapeHTML((item).to_s)}</li>\n`
 _buf << %Q`</ul>\n`

<h1>rbTenjin Example</h1>

Add Your Helper Functions

There are several ways to use helper functions.

Assume the following template.

File 'example16.rbhtml':
<?rb #@ARGS label, url ?>
  <li>#{link_to(label, url)}</li>

(A) Define helper functions as global function.

File 'example16a.rb':
require 'tenjin'

def link_to(label, url)
  return "<a href=\"#{escape_xml(url)}\">#{escape_xml(label)}</a>"

engine = Tenjin::Engine.new()
context = { :label=>'Top', :url=>'/' }
output = engine.render('example16.rbhtml', context)
print output
$ ruby example16a.rb
  <li><a href="/">Top</a></li>

(B) Define helper functions as module function of Tenjin::ContextHelper module.

File 'example16b.rb':
require 'tenjin'

module Tenjin::ContextHelper
  def link_to(label, url)
    return "<a href=\"#{escape_xml(url)}\">#{escape_xml(label)}</a>"

engine = Tenjin::Engine.new()
context = { :label=>'Top', :url=>'/' }
output = engine.render('example16.rbhtml', context)
print output
$ ruby example16b.rb
  <li><a href="/">Top</a></li>

(C) Define subclass of Tenjin::Context and define helper functions as instance method.

File 'example16c.rb':
require 'tenjin'

class MyContext < Tenjin::Context
  def link_to(label, url)
    return "<a href=\"#{escape_xml(url)}\">#{escape_xml(label)}</a>"

engine = Tenjin::Engine.new()
context = MyContext.new(:label=>'Top', :url=>'/')
output = engine.render('example16.rbhtml', context)
print output
$ ruby example16c.rb
  <li><a href="/">Top</a></li>

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