require('colors'); var SpecReporter = function(baseReporterDecorator, formatError, config) { baseReporterDecorator(this); this.failures = []; // colorize output of BaseReporter functions if (config.colors) { this.USE_COLORS = true; this.SPEC_FAILURE = '%s %s FAILED'.red + '\n'; this.SPEC_SLOW = '%s SLOW %s: %s'.yellow + '\n'; this.ERROR = '%s ERROR'.red + '\n'; this.FINISHED_ERROR = ' ERROR'.red; this.FINISHED_SUCCESS = ' SUCCESS'.green; this.FINISHED_DISCONNECTED = ' DISCONNECTED'.red; this.X_FAILED = ' (%d FAILED)'.red; this.TOTAL_SUCCESS = 'TOTAL: %d SUCCESS'.green + '\n'; this.TOTAL_FAILED = 'TOTAL: %d FAILED, %d SUCCESS'.red + '\n'; } else { this.USE_COLORS = false; } this.onRunComplete = function(browsers, results) { // the renderBrowser function is defined in karma/reporters/Base.js this.writeCommonMsg('\n' +'\n') + '\n'); if (browsers.length >= 1 && !results.disconnected && !results.error) { if (!results.failed) { this.write(this.TOTAL_SUCCESS, results.success); } else { this.write(this.TOTAL_FAILED, results.failed, results.success); this.logFinalErrors(this.failures); } } this.write("\n"); this.failures = []; }; this.logFinalErrors = function(errors) { this.writeCommonMsg('\n\n') ; this.WHITESPACE = ' '; errors.forEach(function(failure, index) { index = index + 1; this.writeCommonMsg((index + ') ' + failure.description + '\n').red) ; this.writeCommonMsg((this.WHITESPACE + failure.suite.join(' ') + '\n').red); failure.log.forEach(function(log) { this.writeCommonMsg(this.WHITESPACE + log.replace(/\\n/g, '\n').grey); }, this); }, this); this.writeCommonMsg('\n\n') ; }; this.currentSuite = []; this.writeSpecMessage = function(status) { return (function(browser, result) { var suite = result.suite; var indent = " "; suite.forEach(function(value, index) { if (index >= this.currentSuite.length || this.currentSuite[index] != value) { if (index === 0) { this.writeCommonMsg('\n'); } this.writeCommonMsg(indent + value + '\n'); this.currentSuite = []; } indent += " "; }, this); this.currentSuite = suite; var specName = result.description; //TODO: add timing information if(this.USE_COLORS) { if(result.skipped) specName = specName.cyan; else if(!result.success) specName =; } var msg = indent + status + specName; result.log.forEach(function(log) { msg += '\n' + formatError(log, '\t'); }); this.writeCommonMsg(msg + '\n'); // other useful properties; browser.fullName; result.time; result.skipped; result.success; }).bind(this); }; this.LOG_SINGLE_BROWSER = '%s LOG: %s\n'; this.LOG_MULTI_BROWSER = '%s %s LOG: %s\n'; this.onBrowserLog = function(browser, log, type) { if (this._browsers && this._browsers.length === 1) { this.write(this.LOG_SINGLE_BROWSER, type.toUpperCase(), this.USE_COLORS ? log.cyan : log); } else { this.write(this.LOG_MULTI_BROWSER, browser, type.toUpperCase(), this.USE_COLORS ? log.cyan : log); } }; var reporterCfg = config.specReporter || {}; var prefixes = reporterCfg.prefixes || { success: '✓ ', failure: '✗ ', skipped: '- ' }; function noop(){} this.onSpecFailure = function(browsers, results) { this.failures.push(results); this.writeSpecMessage(this.USE_COLORS ? : prefixes.failure).apply(this, arguments); }; this.specSuccess = reporterCfg.suppressPassed ? noop : this.writeSpecMessage(this.USE_COLORS ? : prefixes.success); this.specSkipped = reporterCfg.suppressSkipped ? noop : this.writeSpecMessage(this.USE_COLORS ? prefixes.skipped.cyan : prefixes.skipped); this.specFailure = reporterCfg.suppressFailed ? noop : this.onSpecFailure; }; SpecReporter.$inject = ['baseReporterDecorator', 'formatError', 'config']; module.exports = { 'reporter:spec': ['type', SpecReporter] };