RMagick 1.9.2
    o Feature 2412, add the virtual_pixel_method attribute and the VirtualPixelMethod
    o Feature 2462, add the ticks_per_second attribute

RMagick 1.9.1
    o Fixed bug #2157, Image#total_colors is now an alias of Image#number_colors
    o Fixed bug #2155, Image#dispose= now accepts a DisposeType enum, #dispose
      now returns a DisposeType enum.
    o Fixed bug #2156, Image#properties no longer returns garbage for the property
      name and value.
    o Fixed bug #2190, Image#compose now returns a CompositeOperator
    o Fixed bug #2191, Image#composite no longer abends when called with 0 arguments
    o Fixed bug #2213, ImageList#montage method no longer leaves the imagelist corrupt
      after raising an ImageMagickError
    o Feature #2159, added GrayChannel ChannelType enum value, BlendCompositeOp and
      ColorBurnCompositeOp CompositeOperator enum values, RLECompression CompressionType
      enum value, deprecate RunlengthCompression
    o Feature #2172, added optional argument to crop and crop! to reset the saved
      page offsets after cropping
    o Deprecated Image#channel_threshold. This method is deprecated in ImageMagick.
    o Feature #2373, change Image#import_pixels to accept a pixel data buffer as well
      as a pixel data array. (Thanks to Ara T. Howard for this suggestion!)
    o Fixed to compile without errors with ImageMagick 6.2.4-4.

RMagick 1.9.0
    o Added Image#monitor=, Image::Info#monitor=. Deprecated Magick.set_monitor.
    o Fixed bug #2070, support color names with embedded spaces
    o Fixed bug #2109, properly scope Magick constants in RVG

RMagick 1.8.3
    o Tested with ImageMagick 6.2.3-2
    o Added comment, delay, dispose, fill, gravity, and label attributes to

RMagick 1.8.2
    o Fix bug #1983, potential buffer overflow in version_constants
    o Added feature #2015, support the pointsize, authenticate,
      and sampling_factor attributes in Image::Info

RMagick 1.8.1
    o Fix bugs #1876, #1888, #1919
    o Added feature #1941, RVG's polyline, polygon accept array arguments
    o Numerous fixes to the RVG documentation

RMagick 1.8.0
    o Added Image#shadow (ImageMagick 6.1.7)
    o Added Image::Info#undefine, #[], #[]=
    o Added sigmoidal_contrast_channel, sepiatone to Image class (ImageMagick 6.2.1)
    o Added JPEG2000Compression constant (ImageMagick 6.2.2)
    o Incorporated RVG classes
    o Added RVG documentation, examples, updated installer
    o Tested with ImageMagick 6.2.2-0, latest GraphicsMagick 1.2

RMagick 1.7.4
    o Fix bug #1727
    o Fix affine_transform.rb
    o Tested with ImageMagick 6.2.1

RMagick 1.7.3
    o Fix bug #1553, a build issue with ImageMagick 6.0.x

RMagick 1.7.2
    o Fix bugs #1308, #1310, #1314, #1533

RMagick 1.7.1
    o Fix bugs #1250, #1253
    o Tested with ImageMagick 6.1.7, Ruby 1.8.2

RMagick 1.7.0
    o Added splice, set_channel_depth to Image class (ImageMagick 6.0.0)
    o Added sharpen_channel, blur_channel to Image class (ImageMagick 6.0.1)
    o Added get_multiline_type_metrics to Draw class (ImageMagick 6.1.5),
      added new example scripts and images
    o Added normalize_channel, unsharp_mask_channel to Image class
      (ImageMagick 6.1.0)
    o Added read_inline to Image class
    o Renamed channel_compare to compare_channel, retained old name as an alias
      for backward compatibility.
    o Added default values for unsharp_mask arguments
    o Fixed bug #1193
    o Fixed segfault in destroy_Draw when Ruby gc'd the temp file name
      array before calling destroy_Draw
    o Tested with ImageMagick 6.1.6, GraphicsMagick 1.1.4, Ruby 1.8.2preview3.

RMagick 1.6.2
    o Fixed ImageList#deconstruct to return an imagelist
    o Fixed installation procedure to propagate user's CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS,
      and LDFLAGS through to the low-level Makefile
    o Fixed bugs #1048, #1127

RMagick 1.6.1
    o Changed to match changes in ImageMagick 6.1.4 API
    o Fixed bug #950

RMagick 1.6.0
    o Added posterize, gaussian_blur_channel, convolve_channel methods to Image class
      (ImageMagick 6.0.0)
    o Added new CompositeOperator constants (ImageMagick 6.0.0)
    o Added trim and trim! methods to Image class
    o Added each method to Enum subclasses
    o Added stroke_width= attribute to the Draw class
    o Fixed bugs #624, #642, #716, applied patch #819 (thanks to Daniel Quimper)
    o Tested with ImageMagick 6.0.5-2, GraphicsMagick 1.1.3, Ruby 1.8.2

RMagick 1.5.0
    o Added meaningful implementations of dup and clone to the Image and Draw
      classes. Clarified the documentation.
    o Do not allow changes to frozen Image, ImageList, and Draw objects.
    o Raise TypeError if freeze method sent to Image::Info or ImageList::Montage
    o Added view method to Image, Image::View class (thanks to Ara T. Howard and
      Charles Comstock on c.l.r for the discussion which prompted me to add this class)
    o Added grayscale_pseudo_class method to Image class (GraphicsMagick 1.1)
    o Added radial_blur, random_threshold_channel methods to Image class
      (ImageMagick 6.0.0)
    o Added quantum_operator method to Image class (GraphicsMagick 1.1, ImageMagick 6.0.0)
    o Added statistics method to Image class (GraphicsMagick 1.1)
    o Support channel_extrema, channel_mean with GraphicsMagick 1.1
    o Added endian attribute to Image class
    o Added composite! method to Image class
    o Deprecated random_channel_threshold method when linked with ImageMagick 6.0.0.

RMagick 1.4.0
    o Revised and updated documentation
    o Implemented enumeration values as instances of an Enum
      class. Based on a description by Paul Brannon in ruby-talk 79041.
    o Added HSLColorspace, HWBColorspace constants (ImageMagick 5.5.7,
      GraphicsMagick 1.0.2)
    o Added CopyCyanCompositeOp, CopyMagentaCompositeOp,
      CopyYellowCompositeOp, CopyBlackCompositeOp constants (ImageMagick 5.5.7,
      GraphicsMagick 1.1)
    o Added ReplaceCompositeOp. CopyCompositeOp constants (ImageMagick 6.0.0)
    o Added color_histogram to Image class. (ImageMagick 6.0.0, GraphicsMagick 1.1)
    o Added define method to Image::Info class (ImageMagick 6.0.0, GraphicsMagick 1.1)
    o Added tint, each_profile, channel_extrema, channel_compare,
      channel_depth, channel_mean, quantum_depth, preview, gamma_channel,
      negate_channel, bilevel_channel methods to Image class (ImageMagick 6.0.0)
    o Added get_exif_by_entry, get_exif_by_tag to Image class
    o Added border! method to Image class
    o Added fcmp, intensity methods to Pixel class
    o Added Version_long constant
    o The 'fuzz' attribute in the Image and ImageInfo classes now
      accepts a percentage value as well as a numeric value.
    o Added Geometry class and changed all methods that accept a geometry
      string to accept a Geometry object as well
    o Added dup and clone methods to the ImageList, Image, and Draw
      classes (Fix for bug #254.)
    o Tested with latest ImageMagick 6.0.0 beta and GraphicsMagick 1.1 snapshot

RMagick 1.3.2
    o Fix profile! to require only 2 arguments, as documented.
    o Correct spelling of 'transparent' in text_antialias.rb example.
    o Add output of `Magick-config --libs` to LIBS variable in configure
    o Minor fixes in documentation
    o Test with GraphicsMagick 1.0.4
    o Test with latest ImageMagick 5.5.8 beta

RMagick 1.3.1
    o Fixed default base URI in the links to the installed xMagick doc
    o Applied the patch for bug #76 that caused the rubyname.rb example
      to hang when installing on FreeBSD.
    o Fixed the <=> method in Image to return nil when the class of the
      other object is not Image
    o Added code to ensure that the `text' argument to Draw#text is not
      nil or empty
    o Fixed the handle_error function to re-initialize the exception
      structure after destroying its contents.

RMagick 1.3.0
    o Added strip!, import_pixels, export_pixels, random_channel_threshold
      to the Image class. (Available only with ImageMagick 5.5.8, which
      is still in beta.)
    o Added black_threshold and white_threshold to the Image class.
    o Added format= attribute writer to the Image class
    o Added monochrome= attribute writer to the Image::Info class
    o Added annotate to the Image class.
    o Made the image argument to get_type_metrics optional. (Thanks to
      Hal Fulton for suggesting this change and the annotate change!)
    o Enhance the read, write, and ping methods in both the Image
      class and the ImageList class to accept an open File object as
      well as a filename argument.
    o Added change_geometry to the Image class
    o Changed configure to generate top-level Makefile with install
      and uninstall targets. (Thanks to Bob Friesenhahn for the
      suggestion and the the Makefile!)
    o Incorporated patch to correct problems when building
      with Ruby 1.6.7.
    o Added "magick_location" attribute to the ImageMagickError
      class. (Available only with GraphicsMagick 1.1, not yet released.)
    o Tested with ImageMagick 5.5.8 beta
    o Tested with GraphicsMagick 1.0.2 and 1.1 snapshot
    o Tested with Ruby 1.8.0
    o Changed to MIT license

RMagick 1.2.2
    o Fixed many bugs in configuration script
    o Added support for GraphicsMagick 1.0 (with assistance from Bob Friesenhahn)
    o Changed default documentation directory (--doc-dir option default) to
    o Added "examples" directory to contain example programs that aren't
      referenced by the documentation

RMagick 1.2.1
    o Yet another fix to the Cygwin installation procedure

RMagick 1.2.0
    o Changed install to work correctly on Cygwin
      (Cygwin testing by Yuki Hirakawa and David Martinez Garcia.)
    o Changed install to support Gentoo ebuild
      (Gentoo support provided by Tom Payne.)
    o Changed configure script to find IM doc in IM 5.5.7
    o Added Image#capture
    o Added optional matte_pct argument to Image#colorize
    o Add default argument values to Image#gaussian_blur
    o Fix bug in Image#store_pixels that prevented it from working with
      GIF and other PseudoClass image formats
    o Changed Image#crop and Image#crop! to accept a GravityType constant
      as the first argument, instead of the x- and y-offset arguments.
      (Suggested by Robert Wagner.)
    o Added Image::Info#filename=, image_type=
    o Added ImageList#__map__ as an alias for Enumerable#map
    o Added fetch, insert, select, reject methods to ImageList class for
      Ruby 1.8.0
    o Undefined zip and transpose methods in ImageList class for Ruby 1.8.0
    o ImageMagick 5.5.7 supported

RMagick 1.1.0
    o Fixed bug in handle_error that caused an abend when linked with IM 5.5.6
    o Added RMAGICK image "format". When read, returns 252x108 RMagick logo
      in PNG format.
    o Changed examples to give all floating point constants a leading digit.
    o Added Image#rotate!
    o Tested with Ruby 1.8.0preview2
    o Added Image#extract_info, Image::Info#extract=, Image::Info#scene=,
      Image::Info#number_scenes=, Image::Info#tile=
    o Added Draw#text_align, Draw#text_anchor, Draw#text_undercolor
    o ImageMagick 5.5.6 supported

RMagick 1.0.0
    o Fixed warnings when compiling with Ruby 1.8.0
    o Added Draw#rotation=, rotated_text.rb
    o Fixed temp image files in Montage_texture and Draw_composite
    o ImageMagick 5.5.5 supported

RMagick 0.9.5
    o Added channel.rb example
    o Fixed install problems with IM 5.5.1

RMagick 0.9.4
    o Cleaned up documentation.
    o Added logging methods Magick.set_log_event_mask and Magick.set_log_format
    o Added Magick.set_monitor
    o Added custom serialization methods _dump and _load to Image class.
      Added marshaling section to usage doc.
    o Added Image#mime_type
    o Changed install to use autoconf-generated configure script
    o Replaced makedoc.rb with post-install.rb hook
    o Added rmconst.rb utility script
    o ImageMagick 5.5.4 supported

RMagick 0.9.3
    o Changed ImageList#<=> to use same algorithm as Array#<=>
    o Changed Draw class variables to class constants
    o Fixed bug in Magick::colors method that caused some colors
      to be repeated or missed when the optional block is used
    o Changed fill classes to not inherit from common Fill class.
      Removed Fill class.
    o Improved usage documentation
    o Added Image#level_channel, introduced with IM 5.5.3
    o ImageMagick 5.5.3 supported
    o Ruby 1.6.8, 1.8.0preview1 supported

RMagick 0.9.2
    o Added crop!, flip!, flop!, magnify!, minify!, resize!, sample!,
      scale!, shave!, channel_threshold methods to Image class
    o Documented DisposeType, ColorSeparationMatteType and OptimizeType
    o Changed Image#<=>, ImageList#<=> to raise TypeError if the other
      argument is not in the same class
    o Deleted Image#==, ImageList#==, include Comparable in both classes
    o Added Image#thumbnail, thumbnail!, adaptive_threshold for 5.5.2 & later
    o Used image list functions in 5.5.2 & later
    o ImageMagick 5.5.2 supported
    o Removed last vestiges of 5.4.9 support

RMagick 0.9.1
    o Added -Wl,rpath option to $LDFLAGS in extconf.rb
    o #include <sys/types.h> in rmagick.h
    o Changed set_cache_threshold to call SetMagickResourceLimit instead of SetCacheThreshold
    o Changed Image_texture_flood_fill to clone texture image instead of adding a reference
    o Many fixes to the Array methods in ImageList
    o Defined Image#<=>, defined Image#== in terms of Image#<=>
    o Defined ImageList#<=> in terms of Image#<=>

RMagick 0.9.0
    1st beta