module Plugins::FrontCache::FrontCacheHelper # save as cache all pages configured on settings of this plugin for public users def front_cache_front_before_load if current_site.get_option("refresh_cache") # clear cache every restart server front_cache_clean current_site.set_option("refresh_cache", false) end return if signin? || Rails.env == "development" || Rails.env == "test" || !request.get? # avoid cache if current visitor is logged in or development environment # return if signin? # avoid cache if current visitor is logged in or development environment cache_key = front_cache_get_key if !flash.keys.present? && front_cache_exist?(cache_key) # recover cache file "============================================== readed cache: #{cache_key}" render text: front_cache_get(cache_key).gsub("{{form_authenticity_token}}", form_authenticity_token) return end @caches = current_site.get_meta("front_cache_elements") @_plugin_do_cache = false if match_path_patterns? || (params[:action] == "index" && @caches[:home].present?) # cache paths and home page @_plugin_do_cache = true elsif params[:action] == "post" && !params[:draft_id].present? begin post = current_site.the_posts.find_by_slug(params[:slug]).decorate if post.can_visit? @post = post @post_type = post.the_post_type @_plugin_do_cache = true if can_cache_page? end rescue # skip post not found end end end def front_cache_front_after_load cache_key = front_cache_get_key if @_plugin_do_cache && !flash.keys.present? front_cache_create(cache_key, response.body .gsub(/csrf-token" content="(.*?)"/, 'csrf-token" content="{{form_authenticity_token}}"') .gsub(/name="authenticity_token" value="(.*?)"/, 'name="authenticity_token" value="{{form_authenticity_token}}"')) "============================================== cache saved as: #{cache_key}" end end # on install plugin def front_cache_on_active(plugin) current_site.set_meta("front_cache_elements", {paths: [], posts: [], post_types: [current_site.post_types.where(slug: "page")], skip_posts: [], home: true, cache_login: true}) unless current_site.get_meta("front_cache_elements", nil).present? end # on uninstall plugin def front_cache_on_inactive(plugin) # current_site.delete_meta("front_cache_elements") end # cache actions (for logged users) def front_cache_on_render(args) return nil return if args[:options].include?(:skip_cache_action) || !signin? # avoid recursive calling if params[:controller] == "frontend" do_cache = false @caches = current_site.get_meta("front_cache_elements") return unless @caches[:cache_login] if @caches[:paths].include?(front_request_key) || (params[:action] == "index" && @caches[:home].present?) # cache paths and home page do_cache = true elsif params[:action] == "post" && !params[:draft_id].present? do_cache = true if can_cache_page? end cache_key = front_cache_get_key("___") if do_cache # save or recovery cache if args[:context].controller.page_cache_exist?(cache_key) # recover cache file args[:options][:skip_cache_action] = true args[:options][:text] =[:context].controller.page_cache_get(cache_key)) args[:options].delete(:file) return end Thread.abort_on_exception=true do options = args[:options].dup options[:layout] = false options[:skip_cache_action] = true args[:context].controller.cache_page(args[:context].controller.render_to_string(options), cache_key, false) end end end end # expire cache for a page after comment registered or updated def front_cache_before_load end def front_cache_plugin_options(arg) arg[:links] << link_to(t('plugin.front_cache.settings'), admin_plugins_front_cache_settings_path) arg[:links] << link_to(t('plugin.front_cache.clean_cache'), admin_plugins_front_cache_clean_path) end # save as cache all post requests def front_cache_post_requests if ( || request.patch?) front_cache_clean() end end # clear all frontend cache files def front_cache_clean FileUtils.rm_rf(Rails.root.join("tmp", "cache", "pages", # clear site pages cache end private def front_cache_exist?(key) File.exist?(Rails.root.join("tmp", "cache", "pages",, "#{key}.html").to_s) end def front_cache_get(key)"tmp", "cache", "pages",, "#{key}.html").to_s) end def front_cache_destroy(key) FileUtils.rm_f(Rails.root.join("tmp", "cache", "pages",, "#{key}.html").to_s) # clear site pages cache end def front_cache_create(key, content) dir = Rails.root.join("tmp", "cache", "pages", FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless Dir.exist?(dir) path = File.join(dir, "#{key}.html").to_s, 'wb'){ |fo| fo.write(content) } content end def front_cache_get_key(prefix = "") request.fullpath.parameterize end # check if current post can be cached (skip private pages) def can_cache_page? !@caches[:skip_posts].include?( && (@post.can_visit? && @post.visibility != "private") && (@caches[:post_types].include?( || @caches[:posts].include?( rescue false end def front_request_key request.path_info.split("?").first end def match_path_patterns? @caches[:paths].any? do |path_pattern| front_request_key =~ end end end