require_relative 'rubytutor/version' # RubyTutor main class class RubyTutor def self.explain_full(object) puts full_explanation(object).join("\n") end def self.describe(object) puts retrieve_description(object) end def self.explain(object) puts retrieve_explanation(object).join("\n") end def self.available_methods(object, filter_str = nil) class_name = object.class == Class ? object : object.class methods = retrieve_methods(class_name, filter_str) puts methods end private_class_method def self.retrieve_methods(class_name, filter_str = nil) method_names = class_name.methods.sort if valid?(filter_str) last_index = filter_str.length method_names = do |method| method[0...last_index] == filter_str end end "Available Methods: \n" + method_names.join("\n").to_s + "\n\n" end def self.retrieve_explanation(object) class_name = retrieve_class(object) ancestors = class_name.ancestors[1..-1].join(', ') value = object.nil? ? 'nil' : object construct_explain(object, class_name, ancestors, value) end def self.construct_explain(object, class_name, ancestors, value) text = [] text << "Instance of Class: #{class_name}" text << "Value: #{value}" variable_text(object, text) text << "Mutable? #{object.frozen? ? 'No' : 'Yes'}" text << "Object ID: #{object.object_id}" text << "Inhertits From: #{ancestors}" text << '' end # Not pretty, but this is the method that determines which strings will go # Into each 'explain' or 'explain_full' call def self.variable_text(object, text) text << "Return Value: #{}" if need?(object, :call) text << "Source Value: #{object.source}" if need?(object, :source) text << "Members: #{object.members.join(', ')}" if need?(object, :members) text << "Keys: #{object.keys.join(', ')}" if need?(object, :keys) text << "Values: #{object.values.join(', ')}" if need?(object, :values) text << "Length: #{object.length}" if need?(object, :length) end def self.need?(object, method_symbol) object.respond_to?(method_symbol) end def self.full_explanation(object) full_string = [] full_string << retrieve_explanation(object) full_string << retrieve_description(object) full_string.flatten end def self.retrieve_description(object) class_name = retrieve_class(object) description = ["Description:\n"] files = [] find(files, class_name) extract_contents(files, description, object, class_name) description.join end def self.valid?(letter) letter.respond_to?(:match) ? letter.downcase.match(/[a-z]/) : false end def self.retrieve_class(object) object.respond_to?(:members) ? Struct : object.class end def self.extract_contents(files, description, object, class_name) files.each do |file_path| do |file| file.each do |line| description << format(line, value: object, class: class_name) end end end end def self.find(files, class_name) class_file = File.expand_path("../descriptions/#{class_name}.txt", __FILE__) blank_file = File.expand_path('../descriptions/blank.txt', __FILE__) files << File.expand_path('../descriptions/intro.txt', __FILE__) files << (File.file?(class_file) ? class_file : blank_file) files << File.expand_path('../descriptions/last.txt', __FILE__) end end