require_relative 'parsers/common' require_relative 'parsers/expression' require_relative 'parsers/bel_script' require_relative 'mixin/line_mapping' require_relative 'mixin/line_continuator' module BELParser # ASTGenerator yields AST results for each line in some {IO}. # See #{ASTGenerator#each}. class ASTGenerator include LineMapping include LineContinuator map_const = ->(x) { { |c| x.const_get(c) } } PARSERS = [,, ].flatten! # Yields AST results for each line of the IO. # # @example Receive AST results in given block. # # doctest setup require 'bel_parser' self.class.include AST::Sexp # # # example usage line_io ="\"AKT1\"\n") line = # nil ast_res = nil # { |(line_number, line, results)| # # do something # } # # @example Receive AST results as an enumerator. # # doctest setup require 'bel_parser' self.class.include AST::Sexp # # # example usage line_io ="\"AKT1\"\n") line, # ast_res = # # @param [IO] io the IO-object to read each line from @yield # [[Integer, String, Array]] yields line number, line, # and AST results as an {Array} # @return [IO, #] the {IO} # object is returned if a block is given, otherwise an # {Enumerator} object is returned that can be iterated with # {Enumerator#each} def each(io) # rubocop:disable MethodLength if block_given? line_enumerator = map_lines(io.each_line.lazy) line_number = 1 loop do begin line = expand_line_continuator(line_enumerator) ast_results = [] do |parser| parser.parse(line) { |ast| ast_results << ast } end yield([line_number, line, ast_results]) line_number += 1 rescue StopIteration return end end else enum_for(:each, io) end end end end if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME$stdin) do |line_results| line_number, line, ast_results = line_results puts "#{line_number}: #{line}" ast_results.each do |ast| puts ast.to_s(1) end end end