module Screengrab class Runner NEEDED_PERMISSIONS = [ 'android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE', 'android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE', 'android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION' ].freeze attr_accessor :number_of_retries def initialize(executor = FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor, config = Screengrab.config, android_env = Screengrab.android_environment) @executor = executor @config = config @android_env = android_env end def run FastlaneCore::PrintTable.print_values(config: @config, hide_keys: [], title: "Summary for screengrab #{Fastlane::VERSION}") app_apk_path = @config.fetch(:app_apk_path, ask: false) tests_apk_path = @config.fetch(:tests_apk_path, ask: false) discovered_apk_paths = Dir[File.join('**', '*.apk')] apk_paths_provided = app_apk_path && !app_apk_path.empty? && tests_apk_path && !tests_apk_path.empty? unless apk_paths_provided || discovered_apk_paths.any? UI.error 'No APK paths were provided and no APKs could be found' UI.error "Please provide APK paths with 'app_apk_path' and 'tests_apk_path' and make sure you have assembled APKs prior to running this command." return end test_classes_to_use = @config[:use_tests_in_classes] test_packages_to_use = @config[:use_tests_in_packages] if test_classes_to_use && test_classes_to_use.any? && test_packages_to_use && test_packages_to_use.any? UI.error "'use_tests_in_classes' and 'use_tests_in_packages' can not be combined. Please use one or the other." return end if (test_classes_to_use.nil? || test_classes_to_use.empty?) && (test_packages_to_use.nil? || test_packages_to_use.empty?) UI.important 'Limiting the test classes run by `screengrab` to just those that generate screenshots can make runs faster.' UI.important 'Consider using the :use_tests_in_classes or :use_tests_in_packages option, and organize your tests accordingly.' end device_type_dir_name = "#{@config[:device_type]}Screenshots" clear_local_previous_screenshots(device_type_dir_name) device_serial = select_device device_screenshots_paths = [ determine_external_screenshots_path(device_serial), determine_internal_screenshots_path ] clear_device_previous_screenshots(device_serial, device_screenshots_paths) app_apk_path ||= select_app_apk(discovered_apk_paths) tests_apk_path ||= select_tests_apk(discovered_apk_paths) validate_apk(app_apk_path) run_tests(device_serial, app_apk_path, tests_apk_path, test_classes_to_use, test_packages_to_use, @config[:launch_arguments]) number_of_screenshots = pull_screenshots_from_device(device_serial, device_screenshots_paths, device_type_dir_name) open_screenshots_summary(device_type_dir_name) UI.success "Captured #{number_of_screenshots} screenshots! 📷✨" end def select_device devices = run_adb_command("adb devices -l", print_all: true, print_command: true).split("\n") # the first output by adb devices is "List of devices attached" so remove that and any adb startup output devices.reject! do |device| [ 'server is out of date', # The adb server is out of date and must be restarted 'unauthorized', # The device has not yet accepted ADB control 'offline', # The device is offline, skip it '* daemon', # Messages printed when the daemon is starting up 'List of devices attached' # Header of table for data we want ].any? { |status| device.include? status } end UI.user_error! 'There are no connected and authorized devices or emulators' if devices.empty?! { |d| d.include?(@config[:specific_device]) } if @config[:specific_device] UI.user_error! "No connected devices matched your criteria: #{@config[:specific_device]}" if devices.empty? if devices.length > 1 UI.important "Multiple connected devices, selecting the first one" UI.important "To specify which connected device to use, use the -s (specific_device) config option" end # grab the serial number. the lines of output can look like these: # 00c22d4d84aec525 device usb:2148663295X product:bullhead model:Nexus_5X device:bullhead # device usb:2148663295X product:bullhead model:Nexus_5X device:genymotion # emulator-5554 device usb:2148663295X product:bullhead model:Nexus_5X device:emulator devices[0].match(/^\S+/)[0] end def select_app_apk(discovered_apk_paths) UI.important "To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'app_apk_path'"'Select your debug app APK', discovered_apk_paths) end def select_tests_apk(discovered_apk_paths) UI.important "To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'tests_apk_path'"'Select your debug tests APK', discovered_apk_paths) end def clear_local_previous_screenshots(device_type_dir_name) if @config[:clear_previous_screenshots] UI.message "Clearing #{device_type_dir_name} within #{@config[:output_directory]}" # We'll clear the temporary directory where screenshots wind up after being pulled from # the device as well, in case those got stranded on a previous run/failure ['screenshots', device_type_dir_name].each do |dir_name| files = screenshot_file_names_in(@config[:output_directory], dir_name) File.delete(*files) end end end def screenshot_file_names_in(output_directory, device_type) Dir.glob(File.join(output_directory, '**', device_type, '*.png'), File::FNM_CASEFOLD) end def determine_external_screenshots_path(device_serial) device_ext_storage = run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} shell echo \\$EXTERNAL_STORAGE", print_all: true, print_command: true) File.join(device_ext_storage, @config[:app_package_name], 'screengrab') end def determine_internal_screenshots_path "/data/data/#{@config[:app_package_name]}/app_screengrab" end def clear_device_previous_screenshots(device_serial, device_screenshots_paths) UI.message 'Cleaning screenshots on device' device_screenshots_paths.each do |device_path| if_device_path_exists(device_serial, device_path) do |path| run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} shell rm -rf #{path}", print_all: true, print_command: true) end end end def validate_apk(app_apk_path) unless @android_env.aapt_path UI.important "The `aapt` command could not be found on your system, so your app APK could not be validated" return end UI.message 'Validating app APK' apk_permissions = @executor.execute(command: "#{@android_env.aapt_path} dump permissions #{app_apk_path}", print_all: true, print_command: true) missing_permissions = NEEDED_PERMISSIONS.reject { |needed| apk_permissions.include?(needed) } if missing_permissions.any? UI.user_error! "The needed permission(s) #{missing_permissions.join(', ')} could not be found in your app APK" end end def install_apks(device_serial, app_apk_path, tests_apk_path) UI.message 'Installing app APK' apk_install_output = run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} install -r #{app_apk_path.shellescape}", print_all: true, print_command: true) UI.user_error! "App APK could not be installed" if apk_install_output.include?("Failure [") UI.message 'Installing tests APK' apk_install_output = run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} install -r #{tests_apk_path.shellescape}", print_all: true, print_command: true) UI.user_error! "Tests APK could not be installed" if apk_install_output.include?("Failure [") end def uninstall_apks(device_serial, app_package_name, tests_package_name) UI.message 'Uninstalling app APK' run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} uninstall #{app_package_name}", print_all: true, print_command: true) UI.message 'Uninstalling tests APK' run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} uninstall #{tests_package_name}", print_all: true, print_command: true) end def grant_permissions(device_serial) UI.message 'Granting the permission necessary to change locales on the device' run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} shell pm grant #{@config[:app_package_name]} android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION", print_all: true, print_command: true) device_api_version = run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} shell getprop", print_all: true, print_command: true).to_i if device_api_version >= 23 UI.message 'Granting the permissions necessary to access device external storage' run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} shell pm grant #{@config[:app_package_name]} android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE", print_all: true, print_command: true) run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} shell pm grant #{@config[:app_package_name]} android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE", print_all: true, print_command: true) end end def run_tests(device_serial, app_apk_path, tests_apk_path, test_classes_to_use, test_packages_to_use, launch_arguments) unless @config[:reinstall_app] install_apks(device_serial, app_apk_path, tests_apk_path) grant_permissions(device_serial) end @config[:locales].each do |locale| if @config[:reinstall_app] uninstall_apks(device_serial, @config[:app_package_name], @config[:tests_package_name]) install_apks(device_serial, app_apk_path, tests_apk_path) grant_permissions(device_serial) end run_tests_for_locale(locale, device_serial, test_classes_to_use, test_packages_to_use, launch_arguments) end end def run_tests_for_locale(locale, device_serial, test_classes_to_use, test_packages_to_use, launch_arguments) UI.message "Running tests for locale: #{locale}" instrument_command = ["adb -s #{device_serial} shell am instrument --no-window-animation -w", "-e testLocale #{'-', '_')}", "-e endingLocale #{@config[:ending_locale].tr('-', '_')}"] instrument_command << "-e class #{test_classes_to_use.join(',')}" if test_classes_to_use instrument_command << "-e package #{test_packages_to_use.join(',')}" if test_packages_to_use instrument_command << { |item| '-e ' + item }.join(' ') if launch_arguments instrument_command << "#{@config[:tests_package_name]}/#{@config[:test_instrumentation_runner]}" test_output = run_adb_command(instrument_command.join(" \\\n"), print_all: true, print_command: true) if @config[:exit_on_test_failure] UI.user_error!("Tests failed", show_github_issues: false) if test_output.include?("FAILURES!!!") else UI.error("Tests failed") if test_output.include?("FAILURES!!!") end end def pull_screenshots_from_device(device_serial, device_screenshots_paths, device_type_dir_name) UI.message "Pulling captured screenshots from the device" starting_screenshot_count = screenshot_file_names_in(@config[:output_directory], device_type_dir_name).length UI.verbose("Starting screenshot count is: #{starting_screenshot_count}") # Make a temp directory into which to pull the screenshots before they are moved to their final location. # This makes directory cleanup easier, as the temp directory will be removed when the block completes. Dir.mktmpdir do |tempdir| device_screenshots_paths.each do |device_path| if_device_path_exists(device_serial, device_path) do |path| run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} pull #{path} #{tempdir}", print_all: false, print_command: true) end end # The SDK can't 100% determine what kind of device it is running on relative to the categories that # supply and Google Play care about (phone, 7" tablet, TV, etc.). # # Therefore, we'll move the pulled screenshots from their genericly named folder to one named by the # user provided device_type option value to match the directory structure that supply expects move_pulled_screenshots(tempdir, device_type_dir_name) end ending_screenshot_count = screenshot_file_names_in(@config[:output_directory], device_type_dir_name).length UI.verbose("Ending screenshot count is: #{ending_screenshot_count}") # Because we can't guarantee the screenshot output directory will be empty when we pull, we determine # success based on whether there are more screenshots there than when we started. if starting_screenshot_count == ending_screenshot_count UI.error "Make sure you've used Screengrab.screenshot() in your tests and that your expected tests are being run." UI.user_error! "No screenshots were detected 📷❌" end ending_screenshot_count - starting_screenshot_count end def move_pulled_screenshots(pull_dir, device_type_dir_name) # Glob pattern that finds the pulled screenshots directory for each locale # Possible matches: # [pull_dir]/en-US/images/screenshots # [pull_dir]/screengrab/en-US/images/screenshots screenshots_dir_pattern = File.join(pull_dir, '**', "screenshots") Dir.glob(screenshots_dir_pattern, File::FNM_CASEFOLD).each do |screenshots_dir| src_screenshots = Dir.glob(File.join(screenshots_dir, '*.png'), File::FNM_CASEFOLD) # The :output_directory is the final location for the screenshots, so we begin by replacing # the temp directory portion of the path, with the output directory dest_dir = screenshots_dir.gsub(pull_dir, @config[:output_directory]) # Different versions of adb are inconsistent about whether they will pull down the containing # directory for the screenshots, so we'll try to remove that path from the directory name when # creating the destination path. # See: dest_dir = dest_dir.gsub(%r{(app_)?screengrab/}, '') # We then replace the last segment of the screenshots directory path with the device_type # specific name, as expected by supply # # (Moved to: fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots) dest_dir = File.join(File.dirname(dest_dir), device_type_dir_name) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest_dir) FileUtils.cp_r(src_screenshots, dest_dir) UI.success "Screenshots copied to #{dest_dir}" end end # Some device commands fail if executed against a device path that does not exist, so this helper method # provides a way to conditionally execute a block only if the provided path exists on the device. def if_device_path_exists(device_serial, device_path) return if run_adb_command("adb -s #{device_serial} shell ls #{device_path}", print_all: false, print_command: false).include?('No such file') yield device_path rescue # Some versions of ADB will have a non-zero exit status for this, which will cause the executor to raise. # We can safely ignore that and treat it as if it returned 'No such file' end def open_screenshots_summary(device_type_dir_name) unless @config[:skip_open_summary] UI.message "Opening screenshots summary" # MCF: this isn't OK on any platform except Mac run_adb_command("open #{@config[:output_directory]}/*/images/#{device_type_dir_name}/*.png", print_all: false, print_command: true) end end def run_adb_command(command, print_all: false, print_command: false) output = @executor.execute(command: command, print_all: print_all, print_command: print_command) || '' output.lines.reject do |line| # Debug/Warning output from ADB} line.start_with?('adb: ') end.join('') # Lines retain their newline chars end end end