@no-clobber Feature: RSpec Background: Given I have created the app "myapp" with pah Scenario: Have correct files Then I have a spec/spec_helper.rb Then I have a spec/rails_helper.rb Then I have a spec/support/database_cleaner.rb Then I have a spec/support/factory_girl.rb Then I have a spec/support/suppress_log.rb Then I have the file spec/support/vcr.rb and contents of this file should include: """ c.filter_sensitive_data("<#{key.upcase}>") { value } """ Then I have the file spec/support/random_timezone.rb and contents of this file should include: """ Time.zone = ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.sample """ Then I have the file spec/rails_helper.rb and contents of this file should include: """ config.include ActiveSupport::Testing::TimeHelpers """