Uses of Class

Packages that use POIFSFileSystem
org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel HSSF eventmodel Package provides an event-based API for reading HSSF files. 
org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel usermodel package maps HSSF low level strutures to familiar workbook/sheet model 
org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem filesystem package maps OLE 2 Compound document files to a more familiar filesystem interface.   

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi

Fields in org.apache.poi declared as POIFSFileSystem
protected  POIFSFileSystem POIDocument.filesystem
          The open POIFS FileSystem that contains our document

Methods in org.apache.poi that return POIFSFileSystem
 POIFSFileSystem POIOLE2TextExtractor.getFileSystem()
          Return the underlying POIFS FileSystem of this document.

Methods in org.apache.poi with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
protected  void POIDocument.copyNodes(POIFSFileSystem source, POIFSFileSystem target, java.util.List excepts)
          Copies nodes from one POIFS to the other minus the excepts
protected  void POIDocument.writeProperties(POIFSFileSystem outFS)
          Writes out the standard Documment Information Properties (HPSF)
protected  void POIDocument.writeProperties(POIFSFileSystem outFS, java.util.List writtenEntries)
          Writes out the standard Documment Information Properties (HPSF)
protected  void POIDocument.writePropertySet(java.lang.String name, PropertySet set, POIFSFileSystem outFS)
          Writes out a given ProperySet

Constructors in org.apache.poi with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
POIDocument(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
POIDocument(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.extractor

Methods in org.apache.poi.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
static POIOLE2TextExtractor ExtractorFactory.createExtractor(DirectoryNode poifsDir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
static POIOLE2TextExtractor ExtractorFactory.createExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hdgf

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hdgf with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
HDGFDiagram(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
HDGFDiagram(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hdgf.extractor

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hdgf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
VisioTextExtractor(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
VisioTextExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hpbf

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hpbf with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
HPBFDocument(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Opens an embeded publisher document, at the given directory.
HPBFDocument(POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Opens a new publisher document

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in

Constructors in with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
HPBFDumper(POIFSFileSystem fs)
PLCDumper(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hpbf.extractor

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hpbf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
PublisherTextExtractor(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
PublisherTextExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hpsf.extractor

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hpsf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
HPSFPropertiesExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hslf

Methods in org.apache.poi.hslf that return POIFSFileSystem
protected  POIFSFileSystem HSLFSlideShow.getPOIFSFileSystem()
          Returns the underlying POIFSFileSystem for the document that is open.

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hslf with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
HSLFSlideShow(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem filesystem)
          Constructs a Powerpoint document from a specific point in a POIFS Filesystem.
HSLFSlideShow(POIFSFileSystem filesystem)
          Constructs a Powerpoint document from a POIFS Filesystem.

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in

Constructors in with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
SlideShowDumper(POIFSFileSystem filesystem)
          Constructs a Powerpoint dump from a POIFS Filesystem.

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hslf.extractor

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hslf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
PowerPointExtractor(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
PowerPointExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Creates a PowerPointExtractor, from an open POIFSFileSystem
QuickButCruddyTextExtractor(POIFSFileSystem poifs)
          Creates an extractor from a POIFS Filesystem

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hslf.record

Methods in org.apache.poi.hslf.record with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
 void CurrentUserAtom.writeToFS(POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Writes ourselves back out to a filesystem

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hslf.record with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
CurrentUserAtom(POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Find the Current User in the filesystem, and create from that

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hsmf

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hsmf with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
MAPIMessage(DirectoryNode poifsDir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Constructor for reading MSG Files from a certain point within a POIFS filesystem
MAPIMessage(POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Constructor for reading MSG Files from a POIFS filesystem

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hsmf.extractor

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hsmf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
OutlookTextExtactor(DirectoryNode poifsDir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
OutlookTextExtactor(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hsmf.parsers

Methods in org.apache.poi.hsmf.parsers with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
static ChunkGroup[] POIFSChunkParser.parse(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel

Methods in org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
 short HSSFEventFactory.abortableProcessWorkbookEvents(HSSFRequest req, POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Processes a file into essentially record events.
 void HSSFEventFactory.processWorkbookEvents(HSSFRequest req, POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Processes a file into essentially record events.

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hssf.extractor

Methods in org.apache.poi.hssf.extractor that return POIFSFileSystem
 POIFSFileSystem EventBasedExcelExtractor.getFileSystem()
          Return the underlying POIFS FileSystem of this document.

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hssf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
EventBasedExcelExtractor(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
EventBasedExcelExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
ExcelExtractor(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
ExcelExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
HSSFObjectData(ObjRecord record, POIFSFileSystem poifs)
          Constructs object data by wrapping a lower level object record.
HSSFWorkbook(DirectoryNode directory, POIFSFileSystem fs, boolean preserveNodes)
          given a POI POIFSFileSystem object, and a specific directory within it, read in its Workbook and populate the high and low level models.
HSSFWorkbook(POIFSFileSystem fs)
HSSFWorkbook(POIFSFileSystem fs, boolean preserveNodes)
          given a POI POIFSFileSystem object, read in its Workbook and populate the high and low level models.

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hwpf

Methods in org.apache.poi.hwpf that return POIFSFileSystem
static POIFSFileSystem HWPFDocumentCore.verifyAndBuildPOIFS( istream)
          Takens an InputStream, verifies that it's not RTF, builds a POIFSFileSystem from it, and returns that.

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hwpf with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
HWPFDocument(DirectoryNode directory, POIFSFileSystem pfilesystem)
          This constructor loads a Word document from a specific point in a POIFSFileSystem, probably not the default.
HWPFDocument(POIFSFileSystem pfilesystem)
          This constructor loads a Word document from a POIFSFileSystem
HWPFDocumentCore(DirectoryNode directory, POIFSFileSystem pfilesystem)
          This constructor loads a Word document from a specific point in a POIFSFileSystem, probably not the default.
HWPFDocumentCore(POIFSFileSystem pfilesystem)
          This constructor loads a Word document from a POIFSFileSystem
HWPFOldDocument(DirectoryNode directory, POIFSFileSystem fs)
HWPFOldDocument(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor

Constructors in org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
Word6Extractor(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
Word6Extractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Create a new Word Extractor
WordExtractor(DirectoryNode dir, POIFSFileSystem fs)
WordExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Create a new Word Extractor

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt

Methods in org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem Decryptor.getDataStream(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Constructors in org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
EncryptionInfo(POIFSFileSystem fs)

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem

Methods in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem that return POIFSFileSystem
 POIFSFileSystem DirectoryNode.getFileSystem()

Methods in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
static Ole10Native Ole10Native.createFromEmbeddedOleObject(POIFSFileSystem poifs)
          Creates an instance of this class from an embedded OLE Object.

Uses of POIFSFileSystem in

Methods in with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem
static Workbook WorkbookFactory.create(POIFSFileSystem fs)
          Creates an HSSFWorkbook from the given POIFSFileSystem

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