Packages that use POIFSFileSystem | |
org.apache.poi | |
org.apache.poi.extractor | |
org.apache.poi.hdgf | |
org.apache.poi.hdgf.extractor | |
org.apache.poi.hpbf | |
org.apache.poi.hpbf.dev | |
org.apache.poi.hpbf.extractor | |
org.apache.poi.hpsf.extractor | |
org.apache.poi.hslf | |
org.apache.poi.hslf.dev | |
org.apache.poi.hslf.extractor | |
org.apache.poi.hslf.record | |
org.apache.poi.hsmf | |
org.apache.poi.hsmf.extractor | |
org.apache.poi.hsmf.parsers | |
org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel | HSSF eventmodel Package provides an event-based API for reading HSSF files. |
org.apache.poi.hssf.extractor | |
org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel | usermodel package maps HSSF low level strutures to familiar workbook/sheet model |
org.apache.poi.hwpf | |
org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor | |
org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt | |
org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem | filesystem package maps OLE 2 Compound document files to a more familiar filesystem interface. |
org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi |
Fields in org.apache.poi declared as POIFSFileSystem | |
protected POIFSFileSystem |
The open POIFS FileSystem that contains our document |
Methods in org.apache.poi that return POIFSFileSystem | |
POIFSFileSystem |
Return the underlying POIFS FileSystem of this document. |
Methods in org.apache.poi with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
protected void |
POIDocument.copyNodes(POIFSFileSystem source,
POIFSFileSystem target,
java.util.List excepts)
Copies nodes from one POIFS to the other minus the excepts |
protected void |
POIDocument.writeProperties(POIFSFileSystem outFS)
Writes out the standard Documment Information Properties (HPSF) |
protected void |
POIDocument.writeProperties(POIFSFileSystem outFS,
java.util.List writtenEntries)
Writes out the standard Documment Information Properties (HPSF) |
protected void |
POIDocument.writePropertySet(java.lang.String name,
PropertySet set,
POIFSFileSystem outFS)
Writes out a given ProperySet |
Constructors in org.apache.poi with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
POIDocument(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
POIDocument(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.extractor |
Methods in org.apache.poi.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
static POIOLE2TextExtractor |
ExtractorFactory.createExtractor(DirectoryNode poifsDir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
static POIOLE2TextExtractor |
ExtractorFactory.createExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hdgf |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hdgf with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
HDGFDiagram(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
HDGFDiagram(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hdgf.extractor |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hdgf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
VisioTextExtractor(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
VisioTextExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hpbf |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hpbf with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
HPBFDocument(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
Opens an embeded publisher document, at the given directory. |
HPBFDocument(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Opens a new publisher document |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hpbf.dev |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hpbf.dev with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
HPBFDumper(POIFSFileSystem fs)
PLCDumper(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hpbf.extractor |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hpbf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
PublisherTextExtractor(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
PublisherTextExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hpsf.extractor |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hpsf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
HPSFPropertiesExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hslf |
Methods in org.apache.poi.hslf that return POIFSFileSystem | |
protected POIFSFileSystem |
Returns the underlying POIFSFileSystem for the document that is open. |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hslf with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
HSLFSlideShow(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem filesystem)
Constructs a Powerpoint document from a specific point in a POIFS Filesystem. |
HSLFSlideShow(POIFSFileSystem filesystem)
Constructs a Powerpoint document from a POIFS Filesystem. |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hslf.dev |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hslf.dev with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
SlideShowDumper(POIFSFileSystem filesystem)
Constructs a Powerpoint dump from a POIFS Filesystem. |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hslf.extractor |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hslf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
PowerPointExtractor(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
PowerPointExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Creates a PowerPointExtractor, from an open POIFSFileSystem |
QuickButCruddyTextExtractor(POIFSFileSystem poifs)
Creates an extractor from a POIFS Filesystem |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hslf.record |
Methods in org.apache.poi.hslf.record with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
void |
CurrentUserAtom.writeToFS(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Writes ourselves back out to a filesystem |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hslf.record with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
CurrentUserAtom(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Find the Current User in the filesystem, and create from that |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hsmf |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hsmf with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
MAPIMessage(DirectoryNode poifsDir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
Constructor for reading MSG Files from a certain point within a POIFS filesystem |
MAPIMessage(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Constructor for reading MSG Files from a POIFS filesystem |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hsmf.extractor |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hsmf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
OutlookTextExtactor(DirectoryNode poifsDir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
OutlookTextExtactor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hsmf.parsers |
Methods in org.apache.poi.hsmf.parsers with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
static ChunkGroup[] |
POIFSChunkParser.parse(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel |
Methods in org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
short |
HSSFEventFactory.abortableProcessWorkbookEvents(HSSFRequest req,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
Processes a file into essentially record events. |
void |
HSSFEventFactory.processWorkbookEvents(HSSFRequest req,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
Processes a file into essentially record events. |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hssf.extractor |
Methods in org.apache.poi.hssf.extractor that return POIFSFileSystem | |
POIFSFileSystem |
Return the underlying POIFS FileSystem of this document. |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hssf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
EventBasedExcelExtractor(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
EventBasedExcelExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
ExcelExtractor(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
ExcelExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
HSSFObjectData(ObjRecord record,
POIFSFileSystem poifs)
Constructs object data by wrapping a lower level object record. |
HSSFWorkbook(DirectoryNode directory,
POIFSFileSystem fs,
boolean preserveNodes)
given a POI POIFSFileSystem object, and a specific directory within it, read in its Workbook and populate the high and low level models. |
HSSFWorkbook(POIFSFileSystem fs)
HSSFWorkbook(POIFSFileSystem fs,
boolean preserveNodes)
given a POI POIFSFileSystem object, read in its Workbook and populate the high and low level models. |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hwpf |
Methods in org.apache.poi.hwpf that return POIFSFileSystem | |
static POIFSFileSystem |
HWPFDocumentCore.verifyAndBuildPOIFS(java.io.InputStream istream)
Takens an InputStream, verifies that it's not RTF, builds a POIFSFileSystem from it, and returns that. |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hwpf with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
HWPFDocument(DirectoryNode directory,
POIFSFileSystem pfilesystem)
This constructor loads a Word document from a specific point in a POIFSFileSystem, probably not the default. |
HWPFDocument(POIFSFileSystem pfilesystem)
This constructor loads a Word document from a POIFSFileSystem |
HWPFDocumentCore(DirectoryNode directory,
POIFSFileSystem pfilesystem)
This constructor loads a Word document from a specific point in a POIFSFileSystem, probably not the default. |
HWPFDocumentCore(POIFSFileSystem pfilesystem)
This constructor loads a Word document from a POIFSFileSystem |
HWPFOldDocument(DirectoryNode directory,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
HWPFOldDocument(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor |
Constructors in org.apache.poi.hwpf.extractor with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
Word6Extractor(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
Word6Extractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Create a new Word Extractor |
WordExtractor(DirectoryNode dir,
POIFSFileSystem fs)
WordExtractor(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Create a new Word Extractor |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt |
Methods in org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
java.io.InputStream |
Decryptor.getDataStream(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Constructors in org.apache.poi.poifs.crypt with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
EncryptionInfo(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem |
Methods in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem that return POIFSFileSystem | |
POIFSFileSystem |
Methods in org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
static Ole10Native |
Ole10Native.createFromEmbeddedOleObject(POIFSFileSystem poifs)
Creates an instance of this class from an embedded OLE Object. |
Uses of POIFSFileSystem in org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel |
Methods in org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel with parameters of type POIFSFileSystem | |
static Workbook |
WorkbookFactory.create(POIFSFileSystem fs)
Creates an HSSFWorkbook from the given POIFSFileSystem |