module Trails module Twilio module CallHandling def self.included( klass ) raise "can\'t include #{self} in #{klass} - not a Controller?" unless klass.respond_to?( :before_filter ) Mime::Type.register_alias( "text/html", :twiml ) unless Mime.const_defined?( 'TWIML' ) klass.send( :before_filter, :setup_incoming_call ) klass.send( :attr_reader, :incoming_call ) klass.send( :alias_method_chain, :protect_against_forgery?, :twilio ) end protected def protect_against_forgery_with_twilio? is_twilio_call? ? false : protect_against_forgery_without_twilio? end def setup_incoming_call return unless is_twilio_call? logger.debug( "at the beginning, request.params = #{request.parameters}" ) request.format = :twiml response.content_type = 'text/xml' @incoming_call = request ) end # TODO: Move this onto the request object, # it makes more sense to say: # # request.is_twilio_call? # def is_twilio_call? return !Trails::Twilio::Account.sid_from_request( request ).blank? end protected end # module CallHandling end # module Twilio end # module Trails