class MTG attr_accessor :card, :sets, :market_price, :price_fluctuate, :image @@modern_up = [] @@modern_down = [] @@standard_up = [] @@standard_down = [] @@temp_array = [] ATTRIBUTES = [ "Card:", "Set:", "Market Value:", "Rise/Fall amount:", "Image URL:" ] #new instance will be created with already assigned values to MTG attrs def initialize(attributes) attributes.each {|key, value| self.send("#{key}=", value)} end def save_modern_up @@modern_up << self end def save_modern_down @@modern_down << self end def save_standard_up @@standard_up << self end def save_standard_down @@standard_down << self end def self.create_modern_up(attributes) #allows cards instance to auto return thanks to tap implementation cards = {|card| card.save_modern_up} end def self.create_modern_down(attributes) cards = {|card| card.save_modern_down} end def self.create_standard_up(attributes) cards = {|card| card.save_standard_up} end def self.create_standard_down(attributes) cards = {|card| card.save_standard_down} end def self.all(format) #iterate through each instance that was appended into class variable during initialization format.each_with_index do |card, number| puts "" puts "|- #{number + 1} -|".fg COLORS[4] puts "" #line below helps resolve glitch that allows 'ghost/invalid' cards to be selected from Parser.purchase if number < Parser.table_length #iterate through each instance method that was defined for the stored instance variable card.instance_variables.each_with_index do |value, index| #returns the value of the instance method applied to the instance #with an index value of the first/last, key/value pairs ordered in Parser.scrape_cards #associates a named definition of the values by titling it from constant ATTRIBUTES if index < 4 puts "#{ATTRIBUTES[index].fg COLORS[2]} #{card.instance_variable_get(value)}" end end end puts "" print " ".bg COLORS[7] end end #hack that resolves glitch that would display duplicate #recursions in the selected cards to show by user request in CLI.set_input def self.store_temp_array(array) @@temp_array = array self.all(@@temp_array) @@temp_array.clear end def self.search_modern_up self.all(@@modern_up) end def self.search_modern_down self.all(@@modern_down) end def self.search_standard_up self.all(@@standard_up) end def self.search_standard_down self.all(@@standard_down) end def self.modern_up @@modern_up end def self.modern_down @@modern_down end def self.standard_up @@standard_up end def self.standard_down @@standard_down end end