###! * Character Editor * Author: Alexander Kravets @ slatestudio.com * Licensed under the MIT license Usage: $('#editor').editor({placeholder: 'Title' }) inst = $('#editor').data('editor') inst.serialize() ### #= require_self #= require character_editor/_selection #= require character_editor/toolbar/_toolbar # Object - an object representing a concept that you want # to model (e.g. a car) @CharacterEditor = options: allowMultiParagraphSelection: true anchorInputPlaceholder: 'Paste or type a link' buttons: 'bold italic underline anchor header1 header2 quote' delay: 0 diffLeft: 0 diffTop: -10 disableReturn: false disableToolbar: false forcePlainText: true placeholder: 'Type your text...' targetBlank: false firstHeader: 'h2' secondHeader: 'h3' tabSpaces: ' ' viewSelector: 'body' parentElements: ['p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'blockquote', 'pre'] _dataOptions: -> result = {} dataOptions = @$elem.attr('data-options') if dataOptions opts = dataOptions.split(';') isNumber = (n) -> return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n) removeQuotes = (str) -> str.replace(/^['\\/"]+|(;\s?})+|['\\/"]+$/g, '') trim = (val) -> if typeof val == 'string' then removeQuotes($.trim(val)) else val $.each opts, (i, opt) -> p = opt.split(':') if /true/i.test(p[1]) p[1] = true else if /false/i.test(p[1]) p[1] = false else if isNumber(p[1]) p[1] = parseFloat(p[1]) if p.length == 2 and p[0].length > 0 result[ trim(p[0]) ] = trim(p[1]) return result init: (options, elem) -> @elem = elem @$elem = $(elem) @options = $.extend({}, @options, @_dataOptions(), options) @_build() @_bind() @ _build: -> @$elem.attr('contenteditable', true) @$elem.attr('data-editor-element', true) @_setPlaceholder() if not @options.disableToolbar @_addToolbar() _addToolbar: -> @toolbar = window.characterEditorToolbar if not @toolbar @toolbar = Object.create(CharacterEditor.Toolbar).init(@options) window.characterEditorToolbar = @toolbar _setPlaceholder: -> @$elem.attr('data-placeholder', @options.placeholder) activatePlaceholder = (el) -> if el.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') == '' $(el).addClass('character-editor-placeholder') activatePlaceholder(@elem) @$elem.on 'blur keypress', (e) -> $(@).removeClass('character-editor-placeholder') if e.type != 'keypress' activatePlaceholder(@) _bind: -> @_bindNewParagraph() @_bindReturn() @_bindTab() @_bindPaste() _bindNewParagraph: -> @$elem.on 'keyup', (e) => node = getSelectionStart() if node and node.getAttribute('data-editor-element') and node.children.length == 0 and !@options.disableReturn document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, 'p') if e.which == 13 and !e.shiftKey node = getSelectionStart() tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase() if !@options.disableReturn and tagName != 'li' and !isListItemChild(node) document.execCommand('formatBlock', false, 'p') if tagName == 'a' document.execCommand('unlink', false, null) _bindReturn: -> @$elem.on 'keypress', (e) => if e.which == 13 and @options.disableReturn e.preventDefault() _bindTab: -> @$elem.on 'keydown', (e) => if e.which == 9 tag = getSelectionStart().tagName.toLowerCase() if tag == "pre" e.preventDefault() document.execCommand('insertHtml', null, @options.tabSpaces) _bindPaste: -> return if !@options.forcePlainText @$elem.on 'paste', (e) => html = '' $(@).removeClass('character-editor-placeholder') if e.clipboardData and e.clipboardData.getData e.preventDefault() if !@options.disableReturn paragraphs = e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain').split(/[\r\n]/g) $.each paragraphs, (i, p) -> if p != '' then html += "


" document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, html) else document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, e.clipboardData.getData('text/plain')) serialize: -> @$elem.html().trim() destroy: -> @$elem.removeAttr('contenteditable') @$elem.removeAttr('data-editor-element') @$elem.removeAttr('data-placeholder') @$elem.removeClass('character-editor-placeholder') @$elem.off 'blur keypress keyup keydown paste' if @toolbar @toolbar.destroy() delete @toolbar delete window.characterEditorToolbar # Object.create support test, and fallback for browsers without it if typeof Object.create isnt "function" Object.create = (o) -> F = -> F:: = o new F() # Create a plugin based on a defined object $.plugin = (name, object) -> $.fn[name] = (options) -> @each -> $.data @, name, Object.create(object).init(options, @) unless $.data(@, name) return $.plugin('editor', CharacterEditor)