module ActiveRecord class Base class << self def seamless_database_pool_connection(config) pool_weights = {} config = config.with_indifferent_access default_config = {:pool_weight => 1}.merge(config.merge(:adapter => config[:pool_adapter])).with_indifferent_access default_config.delete(:master) default_config.delete(:read_pool) default_config.delete(:pool_adapter) master_config = default_config.merge(config[:master]).with_indifferent_access establish_adapter(master_config[:adapter]) master_connection = send("#{master_config[:adapter]}_connection".to_sym, master_config) pool_weights[master_connection] = master_config[:pool_weight].to_i if master_config[:pool_weight].to_i > 0 read_connections = [] config[:read_pool].each do |read_config| read_config = default_config.merge(read_config).with_indifferent_access read_config[:pool_weight] = read_config[:pool_weight].to_i if read_config[:pool_weight] > 0 begin establish_adapter(read_config[:adapter]) conn = send("#{read_config[:adapter]}_connection".to_sym, read_config) read_connections << conn pool_weights[conn] = read_config[:pool_weight] rescue Exception => e if logger logger.error("Error connecting to read connection #{read_config.inspect}") logger.error(e) end end end end if config[:read_pool] klass = ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SeamlessDatabasePoolAdapter.adapter_class(master_connection), logger, master_connection, read_connections, pool_weights) end def establish_adapter(adapter) raise"database configuration does not specify adapter") unless adapter raise"database pool must specify adapters") if adapter == 'seamless_database_pool' begin require 'rubygems' gem "activerecord-#{adapter}-adapter" require "active_record/connection_adapters/#{adapter}_adapter" rescue LoadError begin require "active_record/connection_adapters/#{adapter}_adapter" rescue LoadError raise "Please install the #{adapter} adapter: `gem install activerecord-#{adapter}-adapter` (#{$!})" end end adapter_method = "#{adapter}_connection" if !respond_to?(adapter_method) raise AdapterNotFound, "database configuration specifies nonexistent #{adapter} adapter" end end end module SeamlessDatabasePoolBehavior def self.included(base) base.alias_method_chain(:reload, :seamless_database_pool) end # Force reload to use the master connection since it's probably being called for a reason. def reload_with_seamless_database_pool(*args) SeamlessDatabasePool.use_master_connection do reload_without_seamless_database_pool(*args) end end end include(SeamlessDatabasePoolBehavior) unless include?(SeamlessDatabasePoolBehavior) end module ConnectionAdapters class SeamlessDatabasePoolAdapter < AbstractAdapter attr_reader :read_connections, :master_connection class << self # Create an anonymous class that extends this one and proxies methods to the pool connections. def adapter_class(master_connection) adapter_class_name = master_connection.adapter_name.classify return const_get(adapter_class_name) if const_defined?(adapter_class_name, false) # Define methods to proxy to the appropriate pool read_only_methods = [:select, :select_rows, :execute, :tables, :columns] clear_cache_methods = [:insert, :update, :delete] # Get a list of all methods redefined by the underlying adapter. These will be # proxied to the master connection. master_methods = [] override_classes = (master_connection.class.ancestors - AbstractAdapter.ancestors) override_classes.each do |connection_class| master_methods.concat(connection_class.public_instance_methods(false)) master_methods.concat(connection_class.protected_instance_methods(false)) end master_methods = master_methods.collect{|m| m.to_sym}.uniq master_methods -= public_instance_methods(false) + protected_instance_methods(false) + private_instance_methods(false) master_methods -= read_only_methods master_methods -= [:select_all, :select_one, :select_value, :select_values] master_methods -= clear_cache_methods klass = master_methods.each do |method_name| klass.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method_name}(*args, &block) use_master_connection do return proxy_connection_method(master_connection, :#{method_name}, :master, *args, &block) end end EOS end clear_cache_methods.each do |method_name| klass.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method_name}(*args, &block) clear_query_cache if query_cache_enabled use_master_connection do return proxy_connection_method(master_connection, :#{method_name}, :master, *args, &block) end end EOS end read_only_methods.each do |method_name| klass.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method_name}(*args, &block) connection = @use_master ? master_connection : current_read_connection proxy_connection_method(connection, :#{method_name}, :read, *args, &block) end EOS end klass.send :protected, :select const_set(adapter_class_name, klass) return klass end # Set the arel visitor on the connections. def visitor_for(pool) # This is ugly, but then again, so is the code in ActiveRecord for setting the arel # visitor. There is a note in the code indicating the method signatures should be updated. config = pool.spec.config.with_indifferent_access adapter = config[:master][:adapter] || config[:pool_adapter] SeamlessDatabasePool.adapter_class_for(adapter).visitor_for(pool) end end def initialize(connection, logger, master_connection, read_connections, pool_weights) @master_connection = master_connection @read_connections = read_connections.dup.freeze super(connection, logger) @weighted_read_connections = [] pool_weights.each_pair do |conn, weight| weight.times{@weighted_read_connections << conn} end @available_read_connections = [] end def adapter_name #:nodoc: 'Seamless_Database_Pool' end # Returns an array of the master connection and the read pool connections def all_connections [@master_connection] + @read_connections end # Get the pool weight of a connection def pool_weight(connection) return{|conn| conn == connection}.size end def requires_reloading? false end def transaction(options = {}) use_master_connection do super end end def visitor=(visitor) all_connections.each{|conn| conn.visitor = visitor} end def visitor master_connection.visitor end def active? active = true do_to_connections {|conn| active &=} return active end def reconnect! do_to_connections {|conn| conn.reconnect!} end def disconnect! do_to_connections {|conn| conn.disconnect!} end def reset! do_to_connections {|conn| conn.reset!} end def verify!(*ignored) do_to_connections {|conn| conn.verify!(*ignored)} end def reset_runtime total = 0.0 do_to_connections {|conn| total += conn.reset_runtime} total end # Get a random read connection from the pool. If the connection is not active, it will attempt to reconnect # to the database. If that fails, it will be removed from the pool for one minute. def random_read_connection weighted_read_connections = available_read_connections if @use_master || weighted_read_connections.empty? return master_connection else weighted_read_connections[rand(weighted_read_connections.length)] end end # Get the current read connection def current_read_connection return SeamlessDatabasePool.read_only_connection(self) end def using_master_connection? !!@use_master end # Force using the master connection in a block. def use_master_connection save_val = @use_master begin @use_master = true yield if block_given? ensure @use_master = save_val end end def to_s "#<#{}:0x#{object_id.to_s(16)} #{all_connections.size} connections>" end class DatabaseConnectionError < StandardError end # This simple class puts an expire time on an array of connections. It is used so the a connection # to a down database won't try to reconnect over and over. class AvailableConnections attr_reader :connections, :failed_connection attr_writer :expires def initialize(connections, failed_connection = nil, expires = nil) @connections = connections @failed_connection = failed_connection @expires = expires end def expired? @expires ? @expires <= : false end def reconnect! failed_connection.reconnect! raise unless end end # Get the available weighted connections. When a connection is dead and cannot be reconnected, it will # be temporarily removed from the read pool so we don't keep trying to reconnect to a database that isn't # listening. def available_read_connections available = @available_read_connections.last if available.expired? begin"Adding dead database connection back to the pool") if @logger available.reconnect! rescue => e # Couldn't reconnect so try again in a little bit if @logger @logger.warn("Failed to reconnect to database when adding connection back to the pool") @logger.warn(e) end available.expires = 30.seconds.from_now return available.connections end # If reconnect is successful, the connection will have been re-added to @available_read_connections list, # so let's pop this old version of the connection @available_read_connections.pop # Now we'll try again after either expiring our bad connection or re-adding our good one return available_read_connections else return available.connections end end def reset_available_read_connections @available_read_connections.slice!(1, @available_read_connections.length) @available_read_connections.first.connections.each do |connection| unless connection.reconnect! rescue nil end end end # Temporarily remove a connection from the read pool. def suppress_read_connection(conn, expire) available = available_read_connections connections = available.reject{|c| c == conn} # This wasn't a read connection so don't suppress it return if connections.length == available.length if connections.empty? @logger.warn("All read connections are marked dead; trying them all again.") if @logger # No connections available so we might as well try them all again reset_available_read_connections else @logger.warn("Removing #{conn.inspect} from the connection pool for #{expire} seconds") if @logger # Available connections will now not include the suppressed connection for a while @available_read_connections.push(, conn, expire.seconds.from_now)) end end private def proxy_connection_method(connection, method, proxy_type, *args, &block) begin connection.send(method, *args, &block) rescue => e # If the statement was a read statement and it wasn't forced against the master connection # try to reconnect if the connection is dead and then re-run the statement. if proxy_type == :read && !using_master_connection? unless suppress_read_connection(connection, 30) connection = current_read_connection SeamlessDatabasePool.set_persistent_read_connection(self, connection) end proxy_connection_method(connection, method, :retry, *args, &block) else raise e end end end # Yield a block to each connection in the pool. If the connection is dead, ignore the error # unless it is the master connection def do_to_connections all_connections.each do |conn| begin yield(conn) rescue => e raise e if conn == master_connection end end nil end end end end