require 'ipaddr' module ExceptionNotifiable include SuperExceptionNotifier::CustomExceptionClasses include SuperExceptionNotifier::CustomExceptionMethods include HooksNotifier unless defined?(SILENT_EXCEPTIONS) noiseless = [] noiseless << ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound if defined?(ActiveRecord) if defined?(ActionController) noiseless << ActionController::UnknownController noiseless << ActionController::UnknownAction noiseless << ActionController::RoutingError noiseless << ActionController::MethodNotAllowed end SILENT_EXCEPTIONS = noiseless end # TODO: use ActionController::StatusCodes HTTP_ERROR_CODES = { "400" => "Bad Request", "403" => "Forbidden", "404" => "Not Found", "405" => "Method Not Allowed", "410" => "Gone", "418" => "IÕm a teapot", "422" => "Unprocessable Entity", "423" => "Locked", "500" => "Internal Server Error", "501" => "Not Implemented", "503" => "Service Unavailable" } unless defined?(HTTP_ERROR_CODES) def self.codes_for_rails_error_classes classes = { # These are standard errors in rails / ruby NameError => "503", TypeError => "503", RuntimeError => "500", ArgumentError => "500", # These are custom error names defined in lib/super_exception_notifier/custom_exception_classes AccessDenied => "403", PageNotFound => "404", InvalidMethod => "405", ResourceGone => "410", CorruptData => "422", NoMethodError => "500", NotImplemented => "501", MethodDisabled => "200" } # Highly dependent on the verison of rails, so we're very protective about these' classes.merge!({ ActionView::TemplateError => "500"}) if defined?(ActionView) && ActionView.const_defined?(:TemplateError) classes.merge!({ ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => "400" }) if defined?(ActiveRecord) && ActiveRecord.const_defined?(:RecordNotFound) classes.merge!({ ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound => "404" }) if defined?(ActiveResource) && ActiveResource.const_defined?(:ResourceNotFound) if defined?(ActionController) classes.merge!({ ActionController::UnknownController => "404" }) if ActionController.const_defined?(:UnknownController) classes.merge!({ ActionController::MissingTemplate => "404" }) if ActionController.const_defined?(:MissingTemplate) classes.merge!({ ActionController::MethodNotAllowed => "405" }) if ActionController.const_defined?(:MethodNotAllowed) classes.merge!({ ActionController::UnknownAction => "501" }) if ActionController.const_defined?(:UnknownAction) classes.merge!({ ActionController::RoutingError => "404" }) if ActionController.const_defined?(:RoutingError) classes.merge!({ ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken => "405" }) if ActionController.const_defined?(:InvalidAuthenticityToken) end end def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods # Adds the following class attributes to the classes that include ExceptionNotifiable # HTTP status codes and what their 'English' status message is base.cattr_accessor :http_error_codes base.http_error_codes = HTTP_ERROR_CODES # error_layout: # can be defined at controller level to the name of the desired error layout, # or set to true to render the controller's own default layout, # or set to false to render errors with no layout base.cattr_accessor :error_layout base.error_layout = nil # Rails error classes to rescue and how to rescue them (which error code to use) base.cattr_accessor :rails_error_classes base.rails_error_classes = self.codes_for_rails_error_classes # Verbosity of the gem base.cattr_accessor :exception_notifier_verbose base.exception_notifier_verbose = false # Do Not Ever send error notification emails for these Error Classes base.cattr_accessor :silent_exceptions base.silent_exceptions = SILENT_EXCEPTIONS # Notification Level base.cattr_accessor :notification_level base.notification_level = [:render, :email, :web_hooks] end module ClassMethods # specifies ip addresses that should be handled as though local def consider_local(*args) local_addresses.concat( { |a| }) end def local_addresses addresses = read_inheritable_attribute(:local_addresses) unless addresses addresses = ["")] write_inheritable_attribute(:local_addresses, addresses) end addresses end # set the exception_data deliverer OR retrieve the exception_data def exception_data(deliverer = nil) if deliverer write_inheritable_attribute(:exception_data, deliverer) else read_inheritable_attribute(:exception_data) end end end private def notification_level_renders? self.class.notification_level.include?(:render) end def notification_level_sends_email? self.class.notification_level.include?(:email) end def notification_level_sends_web_hooks? self.class.notification_level.include?(:web_hooks) end # overrides Rails' local_request? method to also check any ip # addresses specified through consider_local. def local_request? remote = !self.class.local_addresses.detect { |addr| addr.include?(remote) }.nil? end # When the action being executed has its own local error handling (rescue) def rescue_with_handler(exception) to_return = super if to_return data = get_exception_data status_code = status_code_for_exception(exception) #We only send email if it has been configured in environment send_email = should_email_on_exception?(exception, status_code, self.class.exception_notifier_verbose) #We only send web hooks if they've been configured in environment send_web_hooks = should_web_hook_on_exception?(exception, status_code, self.class.exception_notifier_verbose) the_blamed = ExceptionNotifier.config[:git_repo_path].nil? ? nil : lay_blame(exception) verbose_output(exception, status_code, "rescued by handler", send_email, send_web_hooks, nil, the_blamed) if self.class.exception_notifier_verbose # Send the exception notificaiton email perform_exception_notify_mailing(exception, data, nil, the_blamed) if send_email # Send Web Hook requests HooksNotifier.deliver_exception_to_web_hooks(ExceptionNotifier.config, exception, self, request, data, the_blamed) if send_web_hooks end to_return end # When the action being executed is letting SEN handle the exception completely def rescue_action_in_public(exception) # If the error class is NOT listed in the rails_errror_class hash then we get a generic 500 error: # OTW if the error class is listed, but has a blank code or the code is == '200' then we get a custom error layout rendered # OTW the error class is listed! verbose = self.class.exception_notifier_verbose status_code = status_code_for_exception(exception) if status_code == '200' notify_and_render_error_template(status_code, request, exception, ExceptionNotifier.get_view_path_for_class(exception, verbose), verbose) else notify_and_render_error_template(status_code, request, exception, ExceptionNotifier.get_view_path_for_status_code(status_code, verbose), verbose) end end def notify_and_render_error_template(status_cd, request, exception, file_path, verbose = false) status = self.class.http_error_codes[status_cd] ? status_cd + " " + self.class.http_error_codes[status_cd] : status_cd data = get_exception_data #We only send email if it has been configured in environment send_email = should_email_on_exception?(exception, status_cd, verbose) #We only send web hooks if they've been configured in environment send_web_hooks = should_web_hook_on_exception?(exception, status_cd, verbose) the_blamed = ExceptionNotifier.config[:git_repo_path].nil? ? nil : lay_blame(exception) # Debugging output verbose_output(exception, status_cd, file_path, send_email, send_web_hooks, request, the_blamed) if verbose # Send the email before rendering to avert possible errors on render preventing the email from being sent. perform_exception_notify_mailing(exception, data, request, the_blamed) if send_email # Send Web Hook requests HooksNotifier.deliver_exception_to_web_hooks(ExceptionNotifier.config, exception, self, request, data, the_blamed) if send_web_hooks # Render the error page to the end user render_error_template(file_path, status) end def get_exception_data deliverer = self.class.exception_data return case deliverer when nil then {} when Symbol then send(deliverer) when Proc then end end def render_error_template(file, status) respond_to do |type| type.html { render :file => file, :layout => self.class.error_layout, :status => status } type.all { render :nothing => true, :status => status} end end def verbose_output(exception, status_cd, file_path, send_email, send_web_hooks, request = nil, the_blamed = nil) puts "[EXCEPTION] #{exception}" puts "[EXCEPTION CLASS] #{exception.class}" puts "[EXCEPTION STATUS_CD] #{status_cd}" puts "[ERROR LAYOUT] #{self.class.error_layout}" if self.class.error_layout puts "[ERROR VIEW PATH] #{ExceptionNotifier.config[:view_path]}" if !ExceptionNotifier.nil? && !ExceptionNotifier.config[:view_path].nil? puts "[ERROR FILE PATH] #{file_path.inspect}" puts "[ERROR EMAIL] #{send_email ? "YES" : "NO"}" puts "[ERROR WEB HOOKS] #{send_web_hooks ? "YES" : "NO"}" puts "[COMPAT MODE] #{ExceptionNotifierHelper::COMPAT_MODE ? "YES" : "NO"}" puts "[THE BLAMED] #{the_blamed}" req = request ? " for request_uri=#{request.request_uri} and env=#{request.env.inspect}" : "" logger.error("render_error(#{status_cd}, #{self.class.http_error_codes[status_cd]}) invoked#{req}") if !logger.nil? end def perform_exception_notify_mailing(exception, data, request = nil, the_blamed = nil) if !ExceptionNotifier.config[:exception_recipients].blank? # Send email with ActionMailer ExceptionNotifier.deliver_exception_notification(exception, self, request, data, the_blamed) end end def should_email_on_exception?(exception, status_cd = nil, verbose = false) notification_level_sends_email? && !ExceptionNotifier.config[:exception_recipients].empty? && should_notify_on_exception?(exception, status_cd, verbose) end def should_web_hook_on_exception?(exception, status_cd = nil, verbose = false) notification_level_sends_web_hooks? && !ExceptionNotifier.config[:web_hooks].empty? && should_notify_on_exception?(exception, status_cd, verbose) end def should_notify_on_exception?(exception, status_cd = nil, verbose = false) # don't notify (email or web hooks) on exceptions raised locally puts "skipping local notification" if verbose && ExceptionNotifier.config[:skip_local_notification] && is_local? return false if ExceptionNotifier.config[:skip_local_notification] && is_local? # don't notify (email or web hooks) exceptions raised that match ExceptionNotifiable.silent_exceptions return false if self.class.silent_exceptions.respond_to?(:any?) && self.class.silent_exceptions.any? {|klass| klass === exception } return true if ExceptionNotifier.config[:notify_error_classes].include?(exception.class) return true if !status_cd.nil? && ExceptionNotifier.config[:notify_error_codes].include?(status_cd) return ExceptionNotifier.config[:notify_other_errors] end def is_local? (consider_all_requests_local || local_request?) end def status_code_for_exception(exception) self.class.rails_error_classes[exception.class].nil? ? '500' : self.class.rails_error_classes[exception.class].blank? ? '200' : self.class.rails_error_classes[exception.class] end def lay_blame(exception) error = {} unless(ExceptionNotifier.config[:git_repo_path].nil?) if(exception.class == ActionView::TemplateError) blame = blame_output(exception.line_number, "app/views/#{exception.file_name}") error[:author] = blame[/^author\s.+$/].gsub(/author\s/,'') error[:line] = exception.line_number error[:file] = exception.file_name else exception.backtrace.each do |line| file = exception_in_project?(line[/^.+?(?=:)/]) unless(file.nil?) line_number = line[/:\d+:/].gsub(/[^\d]/,'') # Use relative path or weird stuff happens blame = blame_output(line_number, file.gsub("#{RAILS_ROOT}/"),'')) error[:author] = blame[/^author\s.+$/].sub(/author\s/,'') error[:line] = line_number error[:file] = file break end end end end error end def blame_output(line_number, path) app_directory = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir ExceptionNotifier.config[:git_repo_path] blame = `git blame -p -L #{line_number},#{line_number} #{path}` Dir.chdir app_directory blame end def exception_in_project?(path) # should be a path like /path/to/broken/thingy.rb dir = File.split(path).first rescue '' if( and !(path =~ /vendor\/plugins/) and path.include?(RAILS_ROOT)) path else nil end end end