recipe :devise do description 'This will add Devise - flexible authentication solution for Rails' after :layout # Add links into layout def add_layout_links case retrieve(:markup) when :erb then create_userbar_with_erb when :haml then create_userbar_with_haml when :slim then create_userbar_with_slim end end # Process Devise views to choosen markup def process_views case retrieve(:markup) when :haml then process_views_with_haml when :slim then process_views_with_slim end end def create_userbar_with_erb gsub_file 'app/views/layouts/application.html.erb', ' ' do <<-CONTENT.gsub(/^ {6}/, '') <%= render 'shared/userbar' %> CONTENT end create_file 'app/views/shared/_userbar.html.erb' do <<-CONTENT.gsub(/^ {12}/, '')
CONTENT end end def create_userbar_with_haml gsub_file 'app/views/layouts/application.html.haml', ' #body' do <<-CONTENT.gsub(/^ {6}/, '') = render 'shared/userbar' #body CONTENT end create_file 'app/views/shared/_userbar.html.haml' do <<-'CONTENT'.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') #user-info %ul - if user_signed_in? %li Hello, Dear = succeed "!" do %strong= current_user.username Maybe, you want to #{link_to 'logout', main_app.destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete}? - else %li Hello Guest, maybe you want to #{link_to 'Join us', main_app.new_user_registration_path} or #{link_to 'login', main_app.new_user_session_path}? CONTENT end end def create_userbar_with_slim gsub_file 'app/views/layouts/application.html.slim', ' #body' do <<-'CONTENT'.gsub(/^ {6}/, '') = render 'shared/userbar' #body CONTENT end create_file 'app/views/shared/_userbar.html.slim' do <<-'CONTENT'.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') #user-info ul - if user_signed_in? li ' Hello, Dear strong= current_user.username ' ! Maybe, you want to #{link_to 'logout', main_app.destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete}? - else li | Hello Guest, maybe you want to #{link_to 'Join us', main_app.new_user_registration_path} or #{link_to 'login', main_app.new_user_session_path}? CONTENT end end def process_views_with_haml Dir["#{destination_root}/app/views/devise/**/*.erb"].each do |erb_file| haml_file = erb_file.gsub(/\.erb$/, '.haml') run "html2haml #{erb_file} #{haml_file}" run "rm #{erb_file}" end end def process_views_with_slim process_views_with_haml Dir["#{destination_root}/app/views/devise/**/*.haml"].each do |haml_file| slim_file = haml_file.gsub(/\.haml$/, '.slim') run "haml2slim #{haml_file} #{slim_file}" run "rm #{haml_file}" end end ask "Would you like to use Devise in this project?" do gem 'devise' # Generate Devise stuff generate "devise:install" generate "devise User" generate "devise:views" after_install do # Add sign_up/login links into layout add_layout_links # Process Devise views to choosen markup process_views # Add :name accessor to default accessors # Also add some specific methods gsub_file 'app/models/user.rb', ' attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me' do <<-CONTENT.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me, :name cattr_accessor :current # Return user name or user name from email address def username name.blank? ? email.match(/^[^@]+/)[0] : name end CONTENT end # Create migration that adds name field to users table filename = "db/migrate/#{( - 3600).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}_add_name_to_users.rb" create_file filename, <<-CONTENT.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') class AddNameToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_column :users, :name, :string end end CONTENT end # Create default user append_to_file 'db/seeds.rb' do <<-CONTENT.gsub(/^ {12}/, '') user = User.create!( :email => '', :password => 'secret', :password_confirmation => 'secret' ) user2 = User.create!( :email => '', :password => 'secret', :password_confirmation => 'secret' ) CONTENT end end end