# # The module storing Ruby interpreter configurations on building. # # This file was created by mkconfig.rb when ruby was built. It contains build # information for ruby which is used e.g. by mkmf to build compatible native # extensions. Any changes made to this file will be lost the next time ruby is # built. # module RbConfig # # expands variable with given `val` value. # # RbConfig.expand("$(bindir)") # => /home/foobar/all-ruby/ruby19x/bin # def self.expand: (String val, ?Hash[String, String] config) -> String def self.fire_update!: (String key, String val, ?Hash[String, String] mkconf, ?Hash[String, String] conf) -> Array[String]? def self.ruby: () -> String end # # The hash configurations stored. # RbConfig::CONFIG: Hash[String, String] # # DESTDIR on make install. # RbConfig::DESTDIR: String # # Almost same with CONFIG. MAKEFILE_CONFIG has other variable reference like # below. # # MAKEFILE_CONFIG["bindir"] = "$(exec_prefix)/bin" # # The values of this constant is used for creating Makefile. # # require 'rbconfig' # # print <<-END_OF_MAKEFILE # prefix = #{RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['prefix']} # exec_prefix = #{RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['exec_prefix']} # bindir = #{RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['bindir']} # END_OF_MAKEFILE # # => prefix = /usr/local # exec_prefix = $(prefix) # bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin MAKEFILE_CONFIG = {} # # RbConfig.expand is used for resolving references like above in rbconfig. # # require 'rbconfig' # p RbConfig.expand(RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG["bindir"]) # # => "/usr/local/bin" # RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG: Hash[String, String] # # Ruby installed directory. # RbConfig::TOPDIR: String