## # Provides Rake tasks for packaging, publishing, and announcing your project. # # * An AUTHORS constant (which has the form "[[name, info]]" # where "name" is the name of a copyright holder and "info" is # their contact information) is added to the project module. # # Unless this information is supplied via the :authors option, # it is automatically extracted from copyright notices in the # project license file, where the first copyright notice is # expected to correspond to the primary project maintainer. # # Copyright notices must be in the following form: # # Copyright YEAR HOLDER # # Where HOLDER is the name of the copyright holder, YEAR is the year # when the copyright holder first began working on the project, and # EMAIL is (optional) the email address of the copyright holder. # # @param [Symbol] project_symbol # Name of the Ruby constant which serves # as a namespace for the entire project. # # @param [Hash] options # Additional method parameters, which are all optional: # # [Array] :authors => # A list of project authors and their contact information. This # list must have the form "[[name, info]]" where "name" is the name # of a project author and "info" is their contact information. # # [String] :license_file => # Path (relative to the main project directory which contains the # project Rakefile) to the file which contains the project license. # # The default value is "LICENSE". # # [String] :logins_file => # Path to the YAML file which contains login # information for publishing release announcements. # # The default value is "~/.config/inochi/logins.yaml" # where "~" is the path to your home directory. # # [String] :rubyforge_project => # Name of the RubyForge project where # release packages will be published. # # The default value is the value of the PROGRAM constant. # # [String] :rubyforge_section => # Name of the RubyForge project's File Release System # section where release packages will be published. # # The default value is the value of the :rubyforge_project parameter. # # [String] :raa_project => # Name of the RAA (Ruby Application Archive) entry for this project. # # The default value is the value of the PROGRAM constant. # # [String] :upload_target => # Where to upload the project documentation. # See "destination" in the rsync manual. # # The default value is nil. # # [String] :upload_delete => # Delete unknown files at the upload target location? # # The default value is false. # # [Array] :upload_options => # Additional command-line arguments to the rsync command. # # The default value is an empty array. # # @param gem_config # Block that is passed to Gem::specification.new() # for additonal gem configuration. # # @yieldparam [Gem::Specification] gem_spec the gem specification # def Inochi.rake project_symbol, options = {}, &gem_config program_file = first_caller_file program_home = File.dirname(program_file) # load the project module program_name = File.basename(program_home) project_libs = File.join('lib', program_name) require project_libs project_module = fetch_project_module(project_symbol) # supply default options options[:rubyforge_project] ||= program_name options[:rubyforge_section] ||= program_name options[:raa_project] ||= program_name options[:license_file] ||= 'LICENSE' options[:logins_file] ||= File.join( ENV['HOME'] || ENV['USERPROFILE'] || '.', '.config', 'inochi', 'logins.yaml' ) options[:upload_delete] ||= false options[:upload_options] ||= [] # add AUTHORS constant to the project module copyright_holders = options[:authors] || File.read(options[:license_file]). scan(/Copyright.*?\d+\s+(.*)/).flatten. map {|s| (s =~ /\s*<(.*?)>/) ? [$`, $1] : [s, ''] } project_module.const_set :AUTHORS, copyright_holders require 'rake/clean' hide_rake_task = lambda do |name| Rake::Task[name].instance_variable_set :@comment, nil end # translation directory 'lang' lang_dump_deps = 'lang' lang_dump_file = 'lang/phrases.yaml' desc 'Extract language phrases for translation.' task 'lang:dump' => lang_dump_file file lang_dump_file => lang_dump_deps do ENV['dump_lang_phrases'] = '1' Rake::Task[:test].invoke end lang_conv_delim = "\n" * 5 desc 'Translate extracted language phrases (from=LANGUAGE_CODE).' task 'lang:conv' => lang_dump_file do |t| require 'babelfish' unless src_lang = ENV['from'] and BabelFish::LANGUAGE_CODES.include? src_lang then message = ['The "from" parameter must be specified as follows:'] BabelFish::LANGUAGE_CODES.each do |c| n = BabelFish::LANGUAGE_NAMES[c] message << " rake #{t.name} from=#{c} # from #{n}" end raise ArgumentError, message.join("\n") end begin require 'yaml' phrases = YAML.load_file(lang_dump_file).keys.sort rescue warn "Could not load phrases from #{lang_dump_file.inspect}" raise end src_lang_name = BabelFish::LANGUAGE_NAMES[src_lang] BabelFish::LANGUAGE_PAIRS[src_lang].each do |dst_lang| dst_file = "lang/#{dst_lang}.yaml" dst_lang_name = BabelFish::LANGUAGE_NAMES[dst_lang] puts "Translating phrases from #{src_lang_name} into #{dst_lang_name} as #{dst_file.inspect}" translations = BabelFish.translate( phrases.join(lang_conv_delim), src_lang, dst_lang ).split(lang_conv_delim) File.open(dst_file, 'w') do |f| f.puts "# #{dst_lang} (#{dst_lang_name})" phrases.zip(translations).each do |a, b| f.puts "#{a}: #{b}" end end end end # testing desc 'Run all unit tests.' task :test do ruby '-w', '-I.', '-Ilib', '-r', program_name, '-e', %q{ # dump language phrases *after* exercising all code (and # thereby populating the phrases cache) in the project at_exit do if ENV['dump_lang_phrases'] == '1' file = %s list = %s::PHRASES.phrases data = list.map {|s| s + ':' }.join("\n") File.write file, data puts "Extracted #{list.length} language phrases into #{file.inspect}" end end # set title of test suite $0 = File.basename(Dir.pwd) require 'minitest/unit' require 'minitest/spec' require 'minitest/mock' MiniTest::Unit.autorun Dir['test/**/*.rb'].sort.each do |test| unit = test.sub('test/', 'lib/') if File.exist? unit # strip file extension because require() # does not normalize its input and it # will think that the two paths (with & # without file extension) are different unit_path = unit.sub(/\.rb$/, '').sub('lib/', '') test_path = test.sub(/\.rb$/, '') require unit_path require test_path else warn "Skipped test #{test.inspect} because it lacks a corresponding #{unit.inspect} unit." end end } % [lang_dump_file.inspect, project_symbol] end # documentation desc 'Build all documentation.' task :doc => %w[ doc:api doc:man ] # user manual doc_man_src = 'doc/index.erb' doc_man_dst = 'doc/index.xhtml' doc_man_deps = FileList['doc/*.erb'] doc_man_doc = nil task :doc_man_doc => doc_man_src do unless doc_man_doc require 'erbook' unless defined? ERBook doc_man_txt = File.read(doc_man_src) doc_man_doc = ERBook::Document.new(:xhtml, doc_man_txt, doc_man_src, :unindent => true) end end desc 'Build the user manual.' task 'doc:man' => doc_man_dst file doc_man_dst => doc_man_deps do Rake::Task[:doc_man_doc].invoke File.write doc_man_dst, doc_man_doc end CLOBBER.include doc_man_dst # API reference doc_api_dst = 'doc/api' desc 'Build API reference.' task 'doc:api' => doc_api_dst require 'yard' YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new doc_api_dst do |t| t.options.push '--protected', '--output-dir', doc_api_dst, '--readme', options[:license_file] task doc_api_dst => options[:license_file] end hide_rake_task[doc_api_dst] CLEAN.include '.yardoc' CLOBBER.include doc_api_dst # announcements desc 'Build all release announcements.' task :ann => %w[ ann:feed ann:html ann:text ann:mail ] # it has long been a tradition to use an "[ANN]" prefix # when announcing things on the ruby-talk mailing list ann_prefix = '[ANN] ' ann_subject = ann_prefix + project_module::DISPLAY ann_project = ann_prefix + project_module::PROJECT # fetch the project summary from user manual ann_nfo_doc = nil task :ann_nfo_doc => :doc_man_doc do ann_nfo_doc = $project_summary_node end # fetch release notes from user manual ann_rel_doc = nil task :ann_rel_doc => :doc_man_doc do unless ann_rel_doc if parent = $project_history_node if child = parent.children.first ann_rel_doc = child else raise 'The "project_history" node in the user manual lacks child nodes.' end else raise 'The user manual lacks a "project_history" node.' end end end # build release notes in HTML and plain text # converts the given HTML into plain text. we do this using # lynx because (1) it outputs a list of all hyperlinks used # in the HTML document and (2) it runs on all major platforms convert_html_to_text = lambda do |html| require 'tempfile' begin # lynx's -dump option requires a .html file tmp_file = Tempfile.new(Inochi::PROGRAM).path + '.html' File.write tmp_file, html text = `lynx -dump #{tmp_file} -width 70` ensure File.delete tmp_file end # improve readability of list items # by adding a blank line between them text.gsub! %r{(\r?\n)( +\* \S)}, '\1\1\2' text end # binds relative addresses in the given HTML to the project docsite resolve_html_links = lambda do |html| # resolve relative URLs into absolute URLs # see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme#Generic_syntax require 'addressable/uri' uri = Addressable::URI.parse(project_module::DOCSITE) doc_url = uri.to_s dir_url = uri.path =~ %r{/$|^$} ? doc_url : File.dirname(doc_url) html.to_s.gsub %r{(href=|src=)(.)(.*?)(\2)} do |match| a, b = $1 + $2, $3.to_s << $4 case $3 when %r{^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]\+\.\-]*://} # already absolute match when /^#/ a << File.join(doc_url, b) else a << File.join(dir_url, b) end end end ann_html = nil task :ann_html => [:doc_man_doc, :ann_nfo_doc, :ann_rel_doc] do unless ann_html ann_html = %{




#{ann_nfo_doc} #{ann_rel_doc} } # remove heading navigation menus ann_html.gsub! %r{}, '' # remove latex-style heading numbers ann_html.gsub! %r"(<(h\d)[^>]*>).+?(?: ){2}(.+?)()"m, '\1\3\4' ann_html = resolve_html_links[ann_html] end end ann_text = nil task :ann_text => :ann_html do unless ann_text ann_text = convert_html_to_text[ann_html] end end ann_nfo_text = nil task :ann_nfo_text => :ann_nfo_doc do unless ann_nfo_text ann_nfo_html = resolve_html_links[ann_nfo_doc] ann_nfo_text = convert_html_to_text[ann_nfo_html] end end # HTML ann_html_dst = 'ANN.html' desc "Build HTML announcement: #{ann_html_dst}" task 'ann:html' => ann_html_dst file ann_html_dst => doc_man_deps do Rake::Task[:ann_html].invoke File.write ann_html_dst, ann_html end CLEAN.include ann_html_dst # RSS feed ann_feed_dst = 'doc/ann.xml' desc "Build RSS announcement: #{ann_feed_dst}" task 'ann:feed' => ann_feed_dst file ann_feed_dst => doc_man_deps do require 'time' require 'rss/maker' feed = RSS::Maker.make('2.0') do |feed| feed.channel.title = ann_project feed.channel.link = project_module::WEBSITE feed.channel.description = project_module::TAGLINE Rake::Task[:ann_rel_doc].invoke Rake::Task[:ann_html].invoke item = feed.items.new_item item.title = ann_rel_doc.title item.link = project_module::DOCSITE + '#' + ann_rel_doc.here_frag item.date = Time.parse(item.title) item.description = ann_html end File.write ann_feed_dst, feed end CLOBBER.include ann_feed_dst # plain text ann_text_dst = 'ANN.txt' desc "Build plain text announcement: #{ann_text_dst}" task 'ann:text' => ann_text_dst file ann_text_dst => doc_man_deps do Rake::Task[:ann_text].invoke File.write ann_text_dst, ann_text end CLEAN.include ann_text_dst # e-mail ann_mail_dst = 'ANN.eml' desc "Build e-mail announcement: #{ann_mail_dst}" task 'ann:mail' => ann_mail_dst file ann_mail_dst => doc_man_deps do File.open ann_mail_dst, 'w' do |f| require 'time' f.puts "Date: #{Time.now.rfc822}" f.puts 'To: ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org' f.puts 'From: "%s" <%s>' % project_module::AUTHORS.first f.puts "Subject: #{ann_subject}" Rake::Task[:ann_text].invoke f.puts '', ann_text end end CLEAN.include ann_mail_dst # packaging desc 'Build a release.' task :pak => [:clobber, :doc] do sh $0, 'package' end CLEAN.include 'pkg' # ruby gem require 'rake/gempackagetask' gem = Gem::Specification.new do |gem| authors = project_module::AUTHORS if author = authors.first gem.author, gem.email = author end if authors.length > 1 gem.authors = authors.map {|name, mail| name } end gem.rubyforge_project = options[:rubyforge_project] # XXX: In theory, `gem.name` should be assigned to # ::PROJECT instead of ::PROGRAM # # In practice, PROJECT may contain non-word # characters and may also contain a mixture # of lowercase and uppercase letters. # # This makes it difficult for people to # install the project gem because they must # remember the exact spelling used in # `gem.name` when running `gem install ____`. # # For example, consider the "RedCloth" gem. # gem.name = project_module::PROGRAM gem.version = project_module::VERSION gem.summary = project_module::TAGLINE gem.description = gem.summary gem.homepage = project_module::WEBSITE gem.files = FileList['**/*'].exclude('_darcs') - CLEAN gem.executables = project_module::PROGRAM gem.has_rdoc = true unless project_module == Inochi gem.add_dependency 'inochi', Inochi::VERSION.requirement end project_module::REQUIRE.each_pair do |gem_name, version_reqs| gem.add_dependency gem_name, *version_reqs end # additional configuration is done by user yield gem if gem_config end Rake::GemPackageTask.new(gem).define # XXX: hide the tasks defined by the above gem packaging library %w[gem package repackage clobber_package].each {|t| hide_rake_task[t] } # releasing desc 'Publish a release.' task 'pub' => %w[ pub:pak pub:doc pub:ann ] # connect to RubyForge services pub_forge = nil pub_forge_project = options[:rubyforge_project] pub_forge_section = options[:rubyforge_section] task :pub_forge do require 'rubyforge' pub_forge = RubyForge.new pub_forge.configure('release_date' => project_module::RELEASE) unless pub_forge.autoconfig['group_ids'].key? pub_forge_project raise "The #{pub_forge_project.inspect} project was not recognized by the RubyForge client. Either specify a different RubyForge project by passing the :rubyforge_project option to Inochi.rake(), or ensure that the client is configured correctly (see `rubyforge --help` for help) and try again." end pub_forge.login end # documentation desc 'Publish documentation to project website.' task 'pub:doc' => [:doc, 'ann:feed'] do target = options[:upload_target] unless target require 'addressable/uri' docsite = Addressable::URI.parse(project_module::DOCSITE) # provide uploading capability to websites hosted on RubyForge if docsite.host.include? '.rubyforge.org' target = "#{pub_forge.userconfig['username']}@rubyforge.org:#{File.join '/var/www/gforge-projects', options[:rubyforge_project], docsite.path}" end end if target cmd = ['rsync', '-auvz', 'doc/', "#{target}/"] cmd.push '--delete' if options[:upload_delete] cmd.concat options[:upload_options] p cmd sh(*cmd) end end # announcement desc 'Publish all announcements.' task 'pub:ann' => %w[ pub:ann:forge pub:ann:raa pub:ann:talk ] # login information ann_logins_file = options[:logins_file] ann_logins = nil task :ann_logins do ann_logins = begin require 'yaml' YAML.load_file ann_logins_file rescue => e warn "Could not read login information from #{ann_logins_file.inspect}:" warn e warn "** You will NOT be able to publish release announcements! **" {} end end desc 'Announce to RubyForge news.' task 'pub:ann:forge' => :pub_forge do puts 'Announcing to RubyForge news...' project = options[:rubyforge_project] if group_id = pub_forge.autoconfig['group_ids'][project] # check if this release was already announced require 'mechanize' www = WWW::Mechanize.new page = www.get "http://rubyforge.org/news/?group_id=#{group_id}" posts = (page/'//a[starts-with(./@href, "/forum/forum.php?forum_id=")]/text()').map {|e| e.to_s.gsub("\302\240", '').strip } already_announced = posts.include? ann_subject if already_announced warn 'This release was already announced to RubyForge news, so I will NOT announce it there again.' else # make the announcement Rake::Task[:ann_text].invoke pub_forge.post_news project, ann_subject, ann_text puts 'Successfully announced to RubyForge news:', page.uri end else raise "Could not determine the group_id of the #{project.inspect} RubyForge project. Run `rubyforge config` and try again." end end desc 'Announce to ruby-talk mailing list.' task 'pub:ann:talk' => :ann_logins do puts 'Announcing to ruby-talk mailing list...' host = 'http://ruby-forum.com' ruby_talk = 4 # ruby-talk forum ID require 'mechanize' www = WWW::Mechanize.new # check if this release was already announced already_announced = begin page = www.get "#{host}/forum/#{ruby_talk}", :filter => %{"#{ann_subject}"} posts = (page/'//div[@class="forum"]//a[starts-with(./@href, "/topic/")]/text()').map {|e| e.to_s.strip } posts.include? ann_subject rescue false end if already_announced warn 'This release was already announced to the ruby-talk mailing list, so I will NOT announce it there again.' else # log in to RubyForum page = www.get "#{host}/user/login" form = page.forms.first if login = ann_logins['www.ruby-forum.com'] form['name'] = login['user'] form['password'] = login['pass'] end page = form.click_button # use the first submit button if (page/'//a[@href="/user/logout"]').empty? warn "Could not log in to RubyForum using the login information in #{ann_logins_file.inspect}, so I can NOT announce this release to the ruby-talk mailing list." else # make the announcement page = www.get "#{host}/topic/new?forum_id=#{ruby_talk}" form = page.forms.first Rake::Task[:ann_text].invoke form['post[subject]'] = ann_subject form['post[text]'] = ann_text form.checkboxes.first.check # enable email notification page = form.submit errors = [page/'//div[@class="error"]/text()'].flatten if errors.empty? puts 'Successfully announced to ruby-talk mailing list:', page.uri else warn 'Could not announce to ruby-talk mailing list:' warn errors.join("\n") end end end end desc 'Announce to RAA (Ruby Application Archive).' task 'pub:ann:raa' => :ann_logins do puts 'Announcing to RAA (Ruby Application Archive)...' show_page_error = lambda do |page, message| warn "#{message}, so I can NOT announce this release to RAA:" warn "#{(page/'h2').text} -- #{(page/'p').first.text.strip}" end resource = "#{options[:raa_project].inspect} project entry on RAA" require 'mechanize' www = WWW::Mechanize.new page = www.get "http://raa.ruby-lang.org/update.rhtml?name=#{options[:raa_project]}" if form = page.forms[1] resource << " (owned by #{form.owner.inspect})" Rake::Task[:ann_nfo_text].invoke form['description'] = ann_nfo_text form['description_style'] = 'Pre-formatted' form['short_description'] = project_module::TAGLINE form['version'] = project_module::VERSION form['url'] = project_module::WEBSITE form['pass'] = ann_logins['raa.ruby-lang.org']['pass'] page = form.submit if page.title =~ /error/i show_page_error[page, "Could not update #{resource}"] else puts 'Successfully announced to RAA (Ruby Application Archive).' end else show_page_error[page, "Could not access #{resource}"] end end # release packages desc 'Publish release packages to RubyForge.' task 'pub:pak' => :pub_forge do # check if this release was already published version = project_module::VERSION packages = pub_forge.autoconfig['release_ids'][pub_forge_section] if packages and packages.key? version warn "The release packages were already published, so I will NOT publish them again." else # create the FRS package section unless pub_forge.autoconfig['package_ids'].key? pub_forge_section pub_forge.create_package pub_forge_project, pub_forge_section end # publish the package to the section uploader = lambda do |command, *files| pub_forge.__send__ command, pub_forge_project, pub_forge_section, version, *files end Rake::Task[:pak].invoke packages = Dir['pkg/*.[a-z]*'] unless packages.empty? # NOTE: use the 'add_release' command ONLY for the first # file because it creates a new sub-section on the # RubyForge download page; we do not want one package # per sub-section on the RubyForge download page! # uploader[:add_release, packages.shift] unless packages.empty? uploader[:add_file, *packages] end puts "Successfully published release packages to RubyForge." end end end end