{% for metadata in site.data.books %} {% if metadata.Title == book.Title %} {% assign authors_all = metadata.Author | split: '; ' %} Escrita por {% for author_raw in authors_all | limit: 3 %} {% assign author_firstlast = author_raw | split: ', ' %} {{ author_firstlast | reverse | join: " " }} {% unless forloop.last == true %} + {% endunless %} {% endfor %} // Publicada en {{ book.Place }} por {{ book.Publisher }} en {{ book.Date }}{% if book.Edition == book.Date %}. Primera ediciĆ³n{% else if book.Edition != "" and book.Edition != nil %} // Publicada por primera vez en {{ book.Edition }}{% endif %} {% if book.Archive != "" and book.Archive != nil %}// Recuperada por {{ book.Archive }}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}