opal_filter "Enumerator as generator" do fails "Enumerator#next returns the next element of the enumeration" fails "Enumerator#next raises a StopIteration exception at the end of the stream" fails "Enumerator#next cannot be called again until the enumerator is rewound" fails "Enumerator#rewind resets the enumerator to its initial state" fails "Enumerator#rewind returns self" fails "Enumerator#rewind has no effect on a new enumerator" fails "Enumerator#rewind has no effect if called multiple, consecutive times" fails "Enumerator#rewind does nothing if the object doesn't have a #rewind method" fails "Enumerator#rewind works with peek to reset the position" fails "Enumerator#rewind calls the enclosed object's rewind method if one exists" end