# AvroTurf ## Unreleased ## v1.18.0 - Add `compatibility_issues` method to `ConfluentSchemaRegistry` to debug compatibility issues between a schema versions for a given subject (#212) - Update tests to support `sinatra` version 4.1 that includes a new `host_authorization` parameter to permit only authorized requests ## v1.17.0 - Add `register_schemas` option to `encode` method [#210](https://github.com/dasch/avro_turf/pull/210) ## v1.16.0 - Add compatibility with Avro v1.12.x. ## v1.15.0 - Use `default_namespace` from exception to load nested schemas from the correct namespace. (#203) - Bump minimum avro version to 1.11.3 - Add support for schema contexts (#205) ## v1.14.0 - Add `resolv_resolver` parameter to `AvroTurf::Messaging` to make use of custom domain name resolvers and their options, for example `nameserver` and `timeouts` (#202) - Stop using `Excon`'s `dns_timeouts` in favour of `resolv_resolver` because `dns_timeouts` is now deprecated due to https://github.com/excon/excon/issues/832 (#202) ## v1.13.0 - Set `idempotent: true` for the request except one that registers a new schema (#199) - Use `connect_timeout` for `Excon`'s `dns_timeouts` that set the timeout for the connection to the Domain Name Server (#201) ## v1.12.0 - Add `connect_timeout` parameter to `AvroTurf::Messaging` to set the timeout for the connection to the schema registry (#197) ## v1.11.0 - Add `decode_all` and `decode_all_from_stream` methods to return all entries in a data file (#194) - Improve the way schemas are automatically loaded (#190) - Increment dependency on `avro` gem to v1.8. ## v1.10.0 - Add `schema_subject_versions` to `ConfluentSchemaRegistry` to retrieve all subject versions for a schema id. (#189) - `FakeConfluentSchemaRegistryServer` now returns same id if identical schema is created for a different subject (#188) ## v1.9.0 - Send Accept and User-Agent headers on every request (#184) ## v1.8.0 - Add support for `Date` via appropriate logicalType defintion. This is a backwards incompatible change (#177) - Fixed schema file cache truncation on multiple running instances and parallel access to the cache files. ## v1.7.0 - Added extra params for the validation message schema before encode (#169) - Fix infinite retry when loading schema with nested primary type in separate file (#165) ## v1.6.0 - Schema registry path prefix (#162) ## v1.5.0 - Add CA cert file option (#157) - Add compatibility with Avro v1.11.x. ## v1.4.1 - Purge sub-schemas from cache before re-parsing schema (#151) ## v1.4.0 - Add support for Ruby 3 (#146) - Add ability to validate message before encoding in `AvroTurf#encode` interface ## v1.3.1 - Prevent CachedConfluentSchemaRegistry from caching the 'latest' version (#140) - Fix issue with zero length schema cache file (#138) ## v1.3.0 - Add support for plain user/password auth to ConfluentSchemaRegistry (#120) ## v1.2.0 - Expose `fetch_schema`, `fetch_schema_by_id` and `register_schema` schema in `Messaging` interface (#117, #119) - Add ability to validate message before encoding in `Messaging#encode` interface (#116, #118) ## v1.1.0 - Compatibility with Avro v1.10.x. ## v1.0.0 - Stop caching nested sub-schemas (#111) ## v0.11.0 - Add proxy support (#107) - Adding support for client certs (#109) ## v0.10.0 - Add more disk caching (#103) - Include schema information when decoding (#100, #101, #104) ## v0.9.0 - Compatibility with Avro v1.9.0 (#94) - Disable the auto registration of schema (#95) - abstracted caching from CachedConfluentSchemaRegistry (#74) - Load avro-patches if installed to silence deprecation errors (#85) - Make schema store to be thread safe (#92) ## v0.8.1 - Allow accessing schema store from outside AvroTurf (#68). ## v0.8.0 - The names `AvroTurf::SchemaRegistry`, `AvroTurf::CachedSchemaRegistry`, and `FakeSchemaRegistryServer` are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use `AvroTurf::ConfluentSchemaRegistry`, `AvroTurf::CachedConfluentSchemaRegistry`, and `FakeConfluentSchemaRegistryServer` instead. - Add support for the Config API (http://docs.confluent.io/3.1.2/schema-registry/docs/api.html#config) to `AvroTurf::ConfluentSchemaRegistry`.