RSpec::Support.require_rspec_support "object_formatter" module RSpec module Mocks # Raised when a message expectation is not satisfied. MockExpectationError = # Raised when a test double is used after it has been torn # down (typically at the end of an rspec-core example). ExpiredTestDoubleError = # Raised when doubles or partial doubles are used outside of the per-test lifecycle. OutsideOfExampleError = # Raised when an expectation customization method (e.g. `with`, # `and_return`) is called on a message expectation which has already been # invoked. MockExpectationAlreadyInvokedError = # Raised for situations that RSpec cannot support due to mutations made # externally on arguments that RSpec is holding onto to use for later # comparisons. # # @deprecated We no longer raise this error but the constant remains until # RSpec 4 for SemVer reasons. CannotSupportArgMutationsError = # @private UnsupportedMatcherError = # @private NegationUnsupportedError = # @private VerifyingDoubleNotDefinedError = # @private class ErrorGenerator attr_writer :opts def initialize(target=nil) @target = target end # @private def opts @opts ||= {} end # @private def raise_unexpected_message_error(message, args) __raise "#{intro} received unexpected message :#{message} with #{format_args(args)}\nDouble instantiated from:\n#{ { |line| ' ' + line }.join("\n")}" end # @private def raise_unexpected_message_args_error(expectation, args_for_multiple_calls, source_id=nil) __raise error_message(expectation, args_for_multiple_calls), nil, source_id end # @private def raise_missing_default_stub_error(expectation, args_for_multiple_calls) __raise( error_message(expectation, args_for_multiple_calls) + "\n Please stub a default value first if message might be received with other args as well. \n" ) end # @private def raise_similar_message_args_error(expectation, args_for_multiple_calls, backtrace_line=nil) __raise error_message(expectation, args_for_multiple_calls), backtrace_line end def default_error_message(expectation, expected_args, actual_args) "#{intro} received #{expectation.message.inspect} #{unexpected_arguments_message(expected_args, actual_args)}".dup end # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists # @private def raise_expectation_error(message, expected_received_count, argument_list_matcher, actual_received_count, expectation_count_type, args, backtrace_line=nil, source_id=nil, args_history=nil) expected_part = expected_part_of_expectation_error(expected_received_count, expectation_count_type, argument_list_matcher) received_part = received_part_of_expectation_error(actual_received_count, args, args_history) __raise "(#{intro(:unwrapped)}).#{message}#{format_args(args)}\n #{expected_part}\n #{received_part}", backtrace_line, source_id end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists # @private def raise_unimplemented_error(doubled_module, method_name, object) message = case object when InstanceVerifyingDouble "the %s class does not implement the instance method: %s".dup << if ObjectMethodReference.for(doubled_module, method_name).implemented? ". Perhaps you meant to use `class_double` instead?" else "" end when ClassVerifyingDouble "the %s class does not implement the class method: %s".dup << if InstanceMethodReference.for(doubled_module, method_name).implemented? ". Perhaps you meant to use `instance_double` instead?" else "" end else "%s does not implement: %s" end __raise message % [doubled_module.description, method_name] end # @private def raise_non_public_error(method_name, visibility) raise NoMethodError, "%s method `%s' called on %s" % [ visibility, method_name, intro ] end # @private def raise_invalid_arguments_error(verifier) __raise verifier.error_message end # @private def raise_expired_test_double_error raise ExpiredTestDoubleError, "#{intro} was originally created in one example but has leaked into " \ "another example and can no longer be used. rspec-mocks' doubles are " \ "designed to only last for one example, and you need to create a new " \ "one in each example you wish to use it for." end # @private def describe_expectation(verb, message, expected_received_count, _actual_received_count, args) "#{verb} #{message}#{format_args(args)} #{count_message(expected_received_count)}" end # @private def raise_out_of_order_error(message) __raise "#{intro} received :#{message} out of order" end # @private def raise_missing_block_error(args_to_yield) __raise "#{intro} asked to yield |#{arg_list(args_to_yield)}| but no block was passed" end # @private def raise_wrong_arity_error(args_to_yield, signature) __raise "#{intro} yielded |#{arg_list(args_to_yield)}| to block with #{signature.description}" end # @private def raise_only_valid_on_a_partial_double(method) __raise "#{intro} is a pure test double. `#{method}` is only " \ "available on a partial double." end # @private def raise_expectation_on_unstubbed_method(method) __raise "#{intro} expected to have received #{method}, but that " \ "object is not a spy or method has not been stubbed." end # @private def raise_expectation_on_mocked_method(method) __raise "#{intro} expected to have received #{method}, but that " \ "method has been mocked instead of stubbed or spied." end # @private def raise_double_negation_error(wrapped_expression) __raise "Isn't life confusing enough? You've already set a " \ "negative message expectation and now you are trying to " \ "negate it again with `never`. What does an expression like " \ "`#{wrapped_expression}.not_to receive(:msg).never` even mean?" end # @private def raise_verifying_double_not_defined_error(ref) notify( "#{ref.description.inspect} is not a defined constant. " \ "Perhaps you misspelt it? " \ "Disable check with `verify_doubled_constant_names` configuration option." )) end # @private def raise_have_received_disallowed(type, reason) __raise "Using #{type}(...) with the `have_received` " \ "matcher is not supported#{reason}." end # @private def raise_cant_constrain_count_for_negated_have_received_error(count_constraint) __raise "can't use #{count_constraint} when negative" end # @private def raise_method_not_stubbed_error(method_name) __raise "The method `#{method_name}` was not stubbed or was already unstubbed" end # @private def raise_already_invoked_error(message, calling_customization) error_message = "The message expectation for #{intro}.#{message} has already been invoked " \ "and cannot be modified further (e.g. using `#{calling_customization}`). All message expectation " \ "customizations must be applied before it is used for the first time." notify end def raise_expectation_on_nil_error(method_name) __raise expectation_on_nil_message(method_name) end def expectation_on_nil_message(method_name) "An expectation of `:#{method_name}` was set on `nil`. " \ "To allow expectations on `nil` and suppress this message, set `RSpec::Mocks.configuration.allow_message_expectations_on_nil` to `true`. " \ "To disallow expectations on `nil`, set `RSpec::Mocks.configuration.allow_message_expectations_on_nil` to `false`" end # @private def intro(unwrapped=false) case @target when TestDouble then TestDoubleFormatter.format(@target, unwrapped) when Class then formatted = "#{@target.inspect} (class)" return formatted if unwrapped "#<#{formatted}>" when NilClass then "nil" else @target.inspect end end # @private def method_call_args_description(args, generic_prefix=" with arguments: ", matcher_prefix=" with ") case args.first when ArgumentMatchers::AnyArgsMatcher then "#{matcher_prefix}any arguments" when ArgumentMatchers::NoArgsMatcher then "#{matcher_prefix}no arguments" else if yield "#{generic_prefix}#{format_args(args)}" else "" end end end private def received_part_of_expectation_error(actual_received_count, args, args_history=nil) extra = '' if args_history args_history.each_with_index do |(arg, backtrace), index| extra += "\n call #{index+1}: #{arg.inspect}" backtrace.each do |line| extra += "\n from #{line}" end end end "received: #{count_message(actual_received_count)}" + method_call_args_description(args) do actual_received_count > 0 && args.length > 0 end + extra end def expected_part_of_expectation_error(expected_received_count, expectation_count_type, argument_list_matcher) "expected: #{count_message(expected_received_count, expectation_count_type)}" + method_call_args_description(argument_list_matcher.expected_args) do argument_list_matcher.expected_args.length > 0 end end def unexpected_arguments_message(expected_args_string, actual_args_string) "with unexpected arguments\n expected: #{expected_args_string}\n got: #{actual_args_string}" end def error_message(expectation, args_for_multiple_calls) expected_args = format_args(expectation.expected_args) actual_args = format_received_args(args_for_multiple_calls) message = default_error_message(expectation, expected_args, actual_args) if diff = diff_message(expectation.expected_args, args_for_multiple_calls.first) message << "\nDiff:#{diff}" unless diff.strip.empty? end message end def diff_message(expected_args, actual_args) formatted_expected_args = do |x| RSpec::Support.rspec_description_for_object(x) end formatted_expected_args, actual_args = unpack_string_args(formatted_expected_args, actual_args) differ.diff(actual_args, formatted_expected_args) end def unpack_string_args(formatted_expected_args, actual_args) if [formatted_expected_args, actual_args].all? { |x| list_of_exactly_one_string?(x) } [formatted_expected_args.first, actual_args.first] else [formatted_expected_args, actual_args] end end def list_of_exactly_one_string?(args) Array === args && args.count == 1 && String === args.first end def differ => RSpec::Mocks.configuration.color?) end def __raise(message, backtrace_line=nil, source_id=nil) message = opts[:message] unless opts[:message].nil? exception = prepend_to_backtrace(exception, backtrace_line) if backtrace_line notify exception, :source_id => source_id end if RSpec::Support::Ruby.jruby? def prepend_to_backtrace(exception, line) raise exception rescue RSpec::Mocks::MockExpectationError => with_backtrace with_backtrace.backtrace.unshift(line) end else def prepend_to_backtrace(exception, line) exception.set_backtrace(caller.unshift line) end end def notify(*args) RSpec::Support.notify_failure(*args) end def format_args(args) return "(no args)" if args.empty? "(#{arg_list(args)})" end def arg_list(args) { |arg| RSpec::Support::ObjectFormatter.format(arg) }.join(", ") end def format_received_args(args_for_multiple_calls) grouped_args(args_for_multiple_calls).map do |args_for_one_call, index| "#{format_args(args_for_one_call)}#{group_count(index, args_for_multiple_calls)}" end.join("\n ") end def count_message(count, expectation_count_type=nil) return "at least #{times(count.abs)}" if count < 0 || expectation_count_type == :at_least return "at most #{times(count)}" if expectation_count_type == :at_most times(count) end def times(count) "#{count} time#{count == 1 ? '' : 's'}" end def grouped_args(args) Hash[args.group_by { |x| x }.map { |k, v| [k, v.count] }] end def group_count(index, args) " (#{times(index)})" if args.size > 1 || index > 1 end end # @private def self.error_generator @error_generator ||= end end end