###### (Automatically generated documentation) # Thermal Bridging and Derating - TBD ## Description Derates opaque constructions from major thermal bridges. ## Modeler Description Check out rd2.github.io/tbd ## Measure Type ModelMeasure ## Taxonomy ## Arguments ### Alter OpenStudio model (Apply Measures Now) For EnergyPlus simulations, leave CHECKED. For iterative exploration with Apply Measures Now, UNCHECK to preserve original OpenStudio model. **Name:** alter_model, **Type:** Boolean, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Load 'tbd.json' Loads existing 'tbd.json' file (under '/files'), may override 'default thermal bridge' set. **Name:** load_tbd_json, **Type:** Boolean, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Default thermal bridge set e.g. 'poor', 'regular', 'efficient', 'code' (may be overridden by 'tbd.json' file). **Name:** option, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Write 'tbd.out.json' Write out 'tbd.out.json' file e.g., to customize for subsequent runs (edit, and place under '/files' as 'tbd.json'). **Name:** write_tbd_json, **Type:** Boolean, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Wall construction(s) to 'uprate' Target 1x (or 'ALL') wall construction(s) to 'uprate', to achieve wall Ut target below. **Name:** wall_option, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Roof construction(s) to 'uprate' Target 1x (or 'ALL') roof construction(s) to 'uprate', to achieve roof Ut target below. **Name:** roof_option, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Floor construction(s) to 'uprate' Target 1x (or 'ALL') floor construction(s) to 'uprate', to achieve floor Ut target below. **Name:** floor_option, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Wall Ut target (W/m2•K) Overall Ut target to meet for wall construction(s). Ignored if previous wall 'uprate' option is set to 'NONE'. **Name:** wall_ut, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Roof Ut target (W/m2•K) Overall Ut target to meet for roof construction(s). Ignored if previous roof 'uprate' option is set to 'NONE'. **Name:** roof_ut, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Floor Ut target (W/m2•K) Overall Ut target to meet for floor construction(s). Ignored if previous floor 'uprate' option is set to 'NONE'. **Name:** floor_ut, **Type:** Double, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Generate UA' report Compare ∑U•A + ∑PSI•L + ∑KHI•n : 'Design' vs UA' reference (see pull-down option below). **Name:** gen_UA_report, **Type:** Boolean, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### UA' reference e.g. 'poor', 'regular', 'efficient', 'code'. **Name:** ua_reference, **Type:** Choice, **Units:** , **Required:** true, **Model Dependent:** false ### Generate Kiva inputs Generates Kiva settings & objects for surfaces with 'foundation' boundary conditions (not 'ground'). **Name:** gen_kiva, **Type:** Boolean, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false ### Force-generate Kiva inputs Overwrites 'ground' boundary conditions as 'foundation' before generating Kiva inputs (recommended). **Name:** gen_kiva_force, **Type:** Boolean, **Units:** , **Required:** false, **Model Dependent:** false