# MockRedis A mock redis gem. MockRedis provides the same interface as redis-rb, but it stores its data in memory instead of talking to a Redis server. It is intended for use in tests. ## Getting Started It's as easy as `require 'mock_redis'; mr = MockRedis.new`. Then you can call the same methods on it as you can call on a real `Redis` object. For example: >> require 'mock_redis' >> mr = MockRedis.new >> mr.set('some key', 'some value') => "OK" >> mr.get('some key') => "some value" ## Supported Features mock_redis supports most of the methods that redis-rb does. Examples of supported methods: * String methods: `get`, `set`, `append`, `incr`, etc. * List methods: `lpush`, `lpop`, `lrange`, `rpoplpush`, etc. * Set methods: `sadd`, `sinter`, `sismember`, etc. * Hash methods: `hset`, `hget`, `hgetall`, `hmget`, etc. * Sorted set methods: `zadd`, `zrank`, `zunionstore`, etc. * Expirations: `expire`, `ttl`, etc. * Transactions: `multi`, `exec`, `discard` ## Mostly-Supported Commands A MockRedis object can't do everything that a real Redis client can since it's an in-memory object confined to a single process. MockRedis makes every attempt to be Redis-compatible, but there are some necessary exceptions. * Blocking list commands (`#blpop`, `#brpop`, and `#brpoplpush`) work as expected if there is data for them to retrieve. If you use one of these commands with a nonzero timeout and there is no data for it to retrieve, then the command returns immediately. However, if you ask one of these commands for data with a 0 timeout (means "wait forever") and there is no data available, then a `MockRedis::WouldBlock` exception is raised. It's not what a real Redis client would do, but it beats hanging your test run forever. * `#info` just returns canned values; they don't update over time. ## Unsupported Commands Some stuff, we just can't do with a single Ruby object in a single Ruby process. * Debugging commands (`#debug('object', key)` and `#debug('segfault')`) aren't available. * `#object` isn't available since we don't have any Redis internals to poke at. * `#monitor` isn't available; there's no place for requests to come from, so there's nothing to receive. * Pubsub commands (`#psubscribe`, `#publish`, `#punsubscribe`) aren't available. * `#slowlog` isn't available. ## Remaining Work There are some things we want to have in here, but that we just haven't gotten to doing yet. If you're interested in helping out, please submit a pull request with your (tested!) implementation. * `#config(:get|:set|:resetstat)` isn't done. They can just return canned values. * `#sort` isn't done. We just haven't gotten to it yet. The input validation will be a pain in the butt, but other than that, it shouldn't be too bad. ## Running the Tests If you want to work on this, you'll probably want to run the tests. (Just kidding! There's no probably about it.) These tests were written with Redis 2.2.11 running on localhost without any passwords required. If you're using a different version of Redis, you may see failures due to error message text being different. If you're running a really old version of Redis, you'll definitely see failures due to stuff that doesn't work!