# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe DarwinCore do before(:all) do @file_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'files') end describe "VERSION" do it "should return VERSION number" do DarwinCore::VERSION.split('.').join('').to_i.should > 41 end end describe "::nil_field?" do it "should return true for entries which normally mean nil" do [nil, '/N', ''].each do |i| DarwinCore.nil_field?(i).should be_true end end it "should return false for fields that are not nil" do [0, '0', '123', 123, 'dsdfs434343/N'].each do |i| DarwinCore.nil_field?(i).should be_false end end end describe ".new" do it "should create DarwinCore instance out of archive file" do ['data.zip', 'data.tar.gz', 'minimal.tar.gz', 'junk_dir_inside.zip'].each do |file| file = File.join(@file_dir, file) dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) dwc.archive.valid?.should be_true end end it "should raise an error if archive file does not exist" do file = 'not_a_file' lambda { DarwinCore.new(file) }.should raise_error(DarwinCore::FileNotFoundError) end it "should raise an error if archive is broken" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'broken.tar.gz') lambda { DarwinCore.new(file) }.should raise_error(DarwinCore::UnpackingError) end it "should raise an error if archive is invalid" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'invalid.tar.gz') lambda { DarwinCore.new(file) }.should raise_error(DarwinCore::InvalidArchiveError) end it "should raise an error if archive is not in utf-8" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'latin1.tar.gz') lambda { DarwinCore.new(file) }.should raise_error(DarwinCore::EncodingError) end it "should work with files that have non-alfanumeric characters and spaces" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'file with characters(3).gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) dwc.archive.valid?.should be_true end end describe ".normalize_classification" do it "should return flat list if file has no parent id information" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'flat_list.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) cn = DarwinCore::ClassificationNormalizer.new(dwc) cn.normalize cn.normalized_data.should_not be_nil cn.normalized_data.size.should > 0 end it "should return array or hash of name_strings back" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'data.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) cn = DarwinCore::ClassificationNormalizer.new(dwc) cn.normalize name_strings = cn.name_strings name_strings.is_a?(Array).should be_true name_strings.size.should > 1 name_strings = cn.name_strings(with_hash: true) name_strings.size.should > 1 name_strings.is_a?(Hash).should be_true name_strings.is_a?(Hash).should be_true name_strings.values.uniq.should == [1] vernacular_name_strings = cn.vernacular_name_strings vernacular_name_strings.is_a?(Array).should be_true vernacular_name_strings.size.should > 0 vernacular_name_strings = cn.vernacular_name_strings(with_hash: true) vernacular_name_strings.size.should > 0 vernacular_name_strings.is_a?(Hash).should be_true vernacular_name_strings.values.uniq.should == [1] end it "should traverse DarwinCore files and assemble data for every node in memory" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'data.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) norm = dwc.normalize_classification norm.class.should == Hash path_encodings = [] norm.each do |taxon_id, taxon| taxon.classification_path.each {|p| path_encodings << p.encoding} end path_encodings.uniq! path_encodings.size.should == 1 path_encodings[0].to_s.should == "UTF-8" norm['leptogastrinae:tid:2857'].class.should == DarwinCore::TaxonNormalized norm['leptogastrinae:tid:2857'].source.should == 'http://leptogastrinae.lifedesks.org/pages/2857' end it "should assemble synonyms from core" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'data.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) norm = dwc.normalize_classification syn = norm.values.select {|n| n.synonyms.size > 0}[0].synonyms[0] syn.id.should == 'leptogastrinae:tid:127' syn.name.should == "Leptogastridae" syn.source.should == 'http://leptogastrinae.lifedesks.org/pages/127' end it "should be able to assemble vernacular names from an extension" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'data.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) norm = dwc.normalize_classification norm.select { |k,v| !v.vernacular_names.empty? }.map { |k,v| v.vernacular_names }.size.should > 0 end it "should be able to assemble synonyms from extension" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'synonyms_in_extension.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) norm = dwc.normalize_classification norm.select { |k,v| !v.synonyms.empty? }.map { |k,v| v.synonyms }.size.should > 0 end it "should not assemble synonyms from extension with scientificName, and file name not matching 'synonym'" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'not_synonym_in_extension.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) norm = dwc.normalize_classification norm.select { |k,v| !v.synonyms.empty? }.map { |k,v| v.synonyms }.size.should == 0 end it "should not attempt to assemble extensions with with_extensions opts set to false" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'data.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) cn = DarwinCore::ClassificationNormalizer.new(dwc) norm = cn.normalize(:with_extensions => false) norm.select { |k,v| !v.vernacular_names.empty? }.size.should == 0 norm = cn.normalize() norm.select { |k,v| !v.vernacular_names.empty? }.size.should > 0 file = File.join(@file_dir, 'synonyms_in_extension.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) cn = DarwinCore::ClassificationNormalizer.new(dwc) norm = cn.normalize(:with_extensions => false) norm.select { |k,v| !v.synonyms.empty? }.size.should == 0 norm = cn.normalize() norm.select { |k,v| !v.synonyms.empty? }.size.should > 0 end it "should assemble linnean classification if terms for it exists" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'linnean.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) cn = DarwinCore::ClassificationNormalizer.new(dwc) norm = cn.normalize cn.normalized_data.first.last.linnean_classification_path.should == [["Animalia", :kingdom], ["Arthropoda", :phylum], ["Insecta", :class], ["Diptera", :order], ["Cecidomyiidae", :family], ["Resseliella", :genus]] end it "should keep linnean classification empty if terms are not there" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'data.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) cn = DarwinCore::ClassificationNormalizer.new(dwc) norm = cn.normalize cn.normalized_data.first.last.linnean_classification_path.should == [] end it "should be able to assemble synonyms from core" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'synonyms_in_core_accepted_name_field.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) norm = dwc.normalize_classification norm.select { |k,v| !v.synonyms.empty? }.map { |k,v| v.synonyms }.size.should > 0 end it "should be able to assemble synonyms from extension" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'data.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) norm = dwc.normalize_classification nodes_with_syn = norm.select { |k,v| !v.synonyms.empty? } nodes_with_syn.map { |k,v| v.synonyms }.size.should > 0 nodes_with_syn.first[1].synonyms.first.status.should == 'synonym' end it "should be able work with files which have scientificNameAuthorship" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'sci_name_authorship.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) cn = DarwinCore::ClassificationNormalizer.new(dwc) norm = cn.normalize path_encodings = norm.map {|taxon_id, taxon| taxon.classification_path}.flatten.map { |name| name.encoding.to_s }.uniq path_encodings.size.should == 1 path_encodings[0].should == "UTF-8" taxa = norm.select{|k,v| v.current_name_canonical.match " "}.select{|k,v| [v.current_name.split(" ").size > v.current_name_canonical.split(" ").size]} taxa.size.should == 507 syn = norm.select{|k,v| v.synonyms.size > 0}.map {|k,v| v.synonyms}.flatten.select {|s| s.name.split(" ").size > s.canonical_name.split(" ").size} syn.size.should == 50 end it "should be able work with files which repeat scientificNameAuthorship value in scientificName field" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'sci_name_authorship_dup.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) norm = dwc.normalize_classification taxa = norm.select{|k,v| v.current_name_canonical.match " "}.select{|k,v| [v.current_name.split(" ").size > v.current_name_canonical.split(" ").size]} taxa.size.should == 507 syn = norm.select{|k,v| v.synonyms.size > 0}.map {|k,v| v.synonyms}.flatten.select {|s| s.name.split(" ").size > s.canonical_name.split(" ").size} syn.size.should == 50 end it "should be able to get language and locality fields for vernacular names" do file = File.join(@file_dir, 'language_locality.tar.gz') dwc = DarwinCore.new(file) cn = DarwinCore::ClassificationNormalizer.new(dwc) cn.normalize vn = cn.normalized_data['leptogastrinae:tid:42'].vernacular_names.first vn.language.should == 'en' vn.locality.should == 'New England' end end end