Coprl::Presenters.define(:tagged_input) do helpers Demo::Helpers::IndentedGrid attach :top_nav attach :events_drawer indented_grid do display 'Tagged Input' body %(This demonstrates the ability to tag containers or components and then to post those values in an event action. Sometimes you need to pull values from different nesting levels on a page to post. Tags let you collect all tagged inputs from anywhere on the page and post them to some server side action. An example of this can be found in the [search select](/search_select) pattern demo.) blank body 'Tags can be applied to containers and/or components. Containers include content blocks, grids, forms, steppers, dialogs and cards. All input components accept tags.' title 'Example' content tag: :somefields do radio_button text: :on, name: :check_me, value: :on, checked: true radio_button text: :off, name: :check_me, value: :off end text_field name: :myfield2, tag: :somefields do label 'More Data to post' end button 'Press me' do event :click do replaces :context_list, :context_list, input_tag: :somefields end end attach :context_list attach :code, file: __FILE__ end end