require 'spec_helper' require 'command_kit/help/man' describe CommandKit::Help::Man do module TestHelpMan class TestCommand include CommandKit::Help::Man man_dir "#{__dir__}/fixtures/man" end class TestCommandWithManPage include CommandKit::Help::Man man_dir "#{__dir__}/fixtures/man" man_page 'foo.1' end class TestCommandWithRelativeManDir include CommandKit::Help::Man man_dir File.join(__dir__,'..','..','..','man') end class TestCommandWithManDirNotSet include CommandKit::Help::Man end end let(:command_class) { TestHelpMan::TestCommand } describe ".included" do subject { command_class } it "must include CommandName" do expect(subject).to include(CommandKit::CommandName) end it "must include Help" do expect(subject).to include(CommandKit::Help) end it "must include Stdio" do expect(subject).to include(CommandKit::Stdio) end end describe ".man_dir" do context "when no man_dir have been set" do subject { TestHelpMan::TestCommandWithManDirNotSet } it "should default to nil" do expect(subject.man_dir).to be_nil end end context "when a man_dir is explicitly set" do subject { TestHelpMan::TestCommand } it "must return the explicitly set man_dir" do expect(subject.man_dir).to eq(File.join(__dir__,'fixtures','man')) end context "but it's a relative path" do subject { TestHelpMan::TestCommandWithRelativeManDir } it "must expand the given man_dir path" do expect(subject.man_dir).to eq( File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__,'..','..','..','man')) ) end end end context "when the command class inherites from another class" do context "but no man_dir is set" do module TestHelpMan class BaseCmd include CommandKit::Help::Man end class InheritedCmd < BaseCmd end end subject { TestHelpMan::InheritedCmd } it "must search each class then return nil "do expect(subject.man_dir).to be_nil end end module TestHelpMan class ExplicitBaseCmd include CommandKit::Help::Man man_dir 'set/in/baseclass' end end context "when the superclass defines an explicit man_dir" do module TestHelpMan class ImplicitInheritedCmd < ExplicitBaseCmd end end let(:super_subject) { TestHelpMan::ExplicitBaseCmd } subject { TestHelpMan::ImplicitInheritedCmd } it "must inherit the superclass'es man_dir" do expect(subject.man_dir).to eq(super_subject.man_dir) end it "must not change the superclass'es man_dir" do expect(super_subject.man_dir).to eq(File.expand_path('set/in/baseclass')) end end context "when the subclass defines an explicit man_dir" do module TestHelpMan class ImplicitBaseCmd include CommandKit::Help::Man end class ExplicitInheritedCmd < ImplicitBaseCmd man_dir 'set/in/subclass' end end let(:super_subject) { TestHelpMan::ImplicitBaseCmd } subject { TestHelpMan::ExplicitInheritedCmd } it "must return the subclass'es man_dir" do expect(subject.man_dir).to eq(File.expand_path('set/in/subclass')) end it "must not change the superclass'es man_dir" do expect(super_subject.man_dir).to be_nil end end context "when both the subclass overrides the superclass's man_dirs" do module TestHelpMan class ExplicitOverridingInheritedCmd < ExplicitBaseCmd man_dir 'set/in/subclass' end end let(:super_subject) { TestHelpMan::ExplicitBaseCmd } subject { TestHelpMan::ExplicitOverridingInheritedCmd } it "must return the subclass'es man_dir" do expect(subject.man_dir).to eq(File.expand_path('set/in/subclass')) end it "must not change the superclass'es man_dir" do expect(super_subject.man_dir).to eq(File.expand_path('set/in/baseclass')) end end end end describe ".man_page" do context "when no man_page has been set" do subject { TestHelpMan::TestCommand } it "should default to \"\#{command_name}.1\"" do expect(subject.man_page).to eq("#{subject.command_name}.1") end end context "when a man_page is explicitly set" do module TestHelpMan class ExplicitCmd include CommandKit::Help::Man man_page 'explicit.1' end end subject { TestHelpMan::ExplicitCmd } it "must return the explicitly set man_page" do expect(subject.man_page).to eq('explicit.1') end end context "when the command class inherites from another class" do module TestHelpMan class BaseCmd include CommandKit::Help::Man end class InheritedCmd < BaseCmd end end subject { TestHelpMan::InheritedCmd } it "should underscore the class'es name" do expect(subject.man_page).to eq('inherited_cmd.1') end context "when the superclass defines an explicit man_page" do module TestHelpMan class ExplicitBaseCmd include CommandKit::Help::Man man_page 'explicit.1' end class ImplicitInheritedCmd < ExplicitBaseCmd end end let(:super_subject) { TestHelpMan::ExplicitBaseCmd } subject { TestHelpMan::ImplicitInheritedCmd } it "must return the subclass'es man_page, not the superclass'es" do expect(subject.man_page).to eq('implicit_inherited_cmd.1') end it "must not change the superclass'es man_page" do expect(super_subject.man_page).to eq('explicit.1') end end context "when the subclass defines an explicit man_page" do module TestHelpMan class ImplicitBaseCmd include CommandKit::Help::Man end class ExplicitInheritedCmd < ImplicitBaseCmd man_page 'explicit.1' end end let(:super_subject) { TestHelpMan::ImplicitBaseCmd } subject { TestHelpMan::ExplicitInheritedCmd } it "must return the subclass'es man_page, not the superclass'es" do expect(subject.man_page).to eq('explicit.1') end it "must not change the superclass'es man_page" do expect(super_subject.man_page).to eq('implicit_base_cmd.1') end end end end subject { } describe "#help_man" do let(:man_page_path) do File.join(subject.class.man_dir,subject.class.man_page) end it "must open the .man_page within the .man_dir" do expect(subject).to receive(:system).with('man',man_page_path) subject.help_man end context "when given a custom man page" do let(:man_page) { 'bar.1' } let(:man_page_path) { File.join(subject.class.man_dir,man_page) } it "must open the custom man-page within the .man_dir" do expect(subject).to receive(:system).with('man',man_page_path) subject.help_man(man_page) end end end describe "#help" do let(:normal_help_output) do stdout = stdout).tap do |command| command.method(:help) end stdout.string end let(:stdout) { } subject { stdout) } context "when stdout is a TTY" do before do expect(subject.stdout).to receive(:tty?).and_return(true) end context "and man_dir is set" do it "must open the command's man-page" do expect(subject).to receive(:help_man).and_return(true) end context "but when the man command is not installed" do before do expect(subject).to receive(:help_man).and_return(nil) end it "must call the super help() method" do expect(subject.stdout.string).to eq(normal_help_output) end end end context "but the man_dir is not set" do let(:command_class) { TestHelpMan::TestCommandWithManDirNotSet } it "must call the super help() mehtod" do expect(stdout.string).to eq(normal_help_output) end end end context "when stdout is not a TTY" do it "must call the super help() method" do expect(stdout.string).to eq(normal_help_output) end end end end