require 'will_paginate/core_ext'
module WillPaginate
# = Will Paginate view helpers
# Currently there is only one view helper: +will_paginate+. It renders the
# pagination links for the given collection. The helper itself is lightweight
# and serves only as a wrapper around link renderer instantiation; the
# renderer then does all the hard work of generating the HTML.
# == Global options for helpers
# Options for pagination helpers are optional and get their default values from the
# WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options hash. You can write to this hash to
# override default options on the global level:
# WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options[:prev_label] = 'Previous page'
# By putting this into your environment.rb you can easily translate link texts to previous
# and next pages, as well as override some other defaults to your liking.
module ViewHelpers
# default options that can be overridden on the global level
@@pagination_options = {
:class => 'pagination',
:prev_label => '« Previous',
:next_label => 'Next »',
:inner_window => 4, # links around the current page
:outer_window => 1, # links around beginning and end
:separator => ' ', # single space is friendly to spiders and non-graphic browsers
:param_name => :page,
:params => nil,
:renderer => 'WillPaginate::LinkRenderer',
:page_links => true,
:container => true
mattr_reader :pagination_options
# Renders Digg/Flickr-style pagination for a WillPaginate::Collection
# object. Nil is returned if there is only one page in total; no point in
# rendering the pagination in that case...
# ==== Options
# * :class -- CSS class name for the generated DIV (default: "pagination")
# * :prev_label -- default: "« Previous"
# * :next_label -- default: "Next »"
# * :inner_window -- how many links are shown around the current page (default: 4)
# * :outer_window -- how many links are around the first and the last page (default: 1)
# * :separator -- string separator for page HTML elements (default: single space)
# * :param_name -- parameter name for page number in URLs (default: :page)
# * :params -- additional parameters when generating pagination links
# (eg. :controller => "foo", :action => nil)
# * :renderer -- class name of the link renderer (default: WillPaginate::LinkRenderer)
# * :page_links -- when false, only previous/next links are rendered (default: true)
# * :container -- toggles rendering of the DIV container for pagination links, set to
# false only when you are rendering your own pagination markup (default: true)
# * :id -- HTML ID for the container (default: nil). Pass +true+ to have the ID automatically
# generated from the class name of objects in collection: for example, paginating
# ArticleComment models would yield an ID of "article_comments_pagination".
# All options beside listed ones are passed as HTML attributes to the container
# element for pagination links (the DIV). For example:
# <%= will_paginate @posts, :id => 'wp_posts' %>
# ... will result in:
# ==== Using the helper without arguments
# If the helper is called without passing in the collection object, it will
# try to read from the instance variable inferred by the controller name.
# For example, calling +will_paginate+ while the current controller is
# PostsController will result in trying to read from the @posts
# variable. Example:
# <%= will_paginate :id => true %>
# ... will result in @post collection getting paginated:
def will_paginate(collection = nil, options = {})
options, collection = collection, nil if collection.is_a? Hash
unless collection or !controller
collection_name = "@#{controller.controller_name}"
collection = instance_variable_get(collection_name)
raise ArgumentError, "The #{collection_name} variable appears to be empty. Did you " +
"forget to specify the collection object for will_paginate?" unless collection
# early exit if there is nothing to render
return nil unless collection.page_count > 1
options = options.symbolize_keys.reverse_merge WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options
# create the renderer instance
renderer_class = options[:renderer].to_s.constantize
renderer = collection, options, self
# render HTML for pagination
# This class does the heavy lifting of actually building the pagination
# links. It is used by +will_paginate+ helper internally, but avoid using it
# directly (for now) because its API is not set in stone yet.
class LinkRenderer
def initialize(collection, options, template)
@collection = collection
@options = options
@template = template
def to_html
links = @options[:page_links] ? windowed_paginator : []
# previous/next buttons
links.unshift page_link_or_span(@collection.previous_page, 'disabled', @options[:prev_label])
links.push page_link_or_span(@collection.next_page, 'disabled', @options[:next_label])
html = links.join(@options[:separator])
@options[:container] ? @template.content_tag(:div, html, html_attributes) : html
def html_attributes
return @html_attributes if @html_attributes
@html_attributes = @options.except *(WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options.keys - [:class])
# pagination of Post models will have the ID of "posts_pagination"
if @options[:container] and @options[:id] === true
@html_attributes[:id] = + '_pagination'
def windowed_paginator
inner_window, outer_window = @options[:inner_window].to_i, @options[:outer_window].to_i
window_from = current_page - inner_window
window_to = current_page + inner_window
# adjust lower or upper limit if other is out of bounds
if window_to > total_pages
window_from -= window_to - total_pages
window_to = total_pages
elsif window_from < 1
window_to += 1 - window_from
window_from = 1
visible = (1..total_pages).to_a
left_gap = (2 + outer_window)...window_from
right_gap = (window_to + 1)...(total_pages - outer_window)
visible -= left_gap.to_a if left_gap.last - left_gap.first > 1
visible -= right_gap.to_a if right_gap.last - right_gap.first > 1
links, prev = [], 0
visible.each do |n|
unless n - prev > 1
prev = n
links << page_link_or_span(n)
# ellipsis represents the gap between windows
prev = n - 1
links << '...'
def page_link_or_span(page, span_class = 'current', text = nil)
text ||= page.to_s
if page and page != current_page
@template.link_to text, url_options(page)
@template.content_tag :span, text, :class => span_class
def url_options(page)
options = { param_name => page }
# page links should preserve GET parameters
options = params.merge(options) if @template.request.get?
options.rec_merge!(@options[:params]) if @options[:params]
return options
def current_page
def total_pages
def param_name
@param_name ||= @options[:param_name].to_sym
def params
@params ||= @template.params.to_hash.symbolize_keys