# = WxSugar - Keyword Constructors Classes # # This extension defines the keyword parameters for +new+ methods for # widgets, windows and frames. It's for use with *Keyword Constructors* # and is no use on its own - except if you are looking for a bug or want # to add a missing class. # # For each class, the parameters *must* be declared in the order that # they are supplied to wxRuby. A parameter is specified by a symbol # name, and, optionally, a default argument which will of whatever type # the wxRuby core library accepts. Because hashes are unordered in Ruby # 1.8, if a default argument is specified, this must be the last in a # list of parameters. # # Some common parameters to constructors such as size, position, title, # id and so forth always have a standard default argumnet, which is # defined in keyword_ctors. In these cases, it is not necessary to # supply the default argument in the definition. module Wx @defined_kw_classes = {} # accepts a string unadorned name of a WxWidgets class, and block, which # defines the constructor parameters and style flags for that class. # If the named class exists in the available WxRuby, the block is run and # the class may use keyword constructors. If the class is not available, the # block is ignored. def self.define_keyword_ctors(klass_name, &block) # check this class hasn't already been defined if @defined_kw_classes[klass_name] raise ArgumentError, "Keyword ctor for #{klass_name} already defined" else @defined_kw_classes[klass_name] = true end begin klass = Wx::const_get(klass_name) rescue NameError return nil end klass.module_eval { include Wx::KeywordConstructor } klass.instance_eval(&block) end end # Window : base class for all widgets and frames Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Window') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style wx_ctor_params :name => 'window' end ### FRAMES # wxTopLevelWindow ABSTRACT: Any top level window, dialog or frame # Normal frame Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Frame') do wx_ctor_params :id, :title, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE wx_ctor_params :name => 'frame' end # MDI child frame Wx::define_keyword_ctors('MDIChildFrame') do wx_ctor_params :id, :title, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE wx_ctor_params :name => 'frame' end # MDI parent frame Wx::define_keyword_ctors('MDIParentFrame') do wx_ctor_params :id, :title, :pos, :size wx_ctor_params :style => Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE|Wx::VSCROLL|Wx::HSCROLL wx_ctor_params :name => 'frame' end # wxMiniFrame A frame with a small title bar Wx::define_keyword_ctors('MiniFrame') do wx_ctor_params :id, :title, :pos, :size wx_ctor_params :style => Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE wx_ctor_params :name => 'frame' end # wxSplashScreen Splash screen class # FIXME - this probably won't work at present because the 'parent' arg # comes in a funny place in this class's ctor # # Wx::define_keyword_ctors('SplashScreen') do # wx_ctor_params :bitmap => Wx::NULL_BITMAP # wx_ctor_params :splashstyle, :milliseconds, :id => 1 # wx_ctor_params :parent => nil # wx_ctor_params :title => '' # wx_ctor_params :pos, :size # wx_ctor_params :style => Wx::SIMPLE_BORDER|Wx::FRAME_NO_TASKBAR|Wx::STAY_ON_TOP # end # wxPropertySheetDialog Property sheet dialog # wxTipWindow Shows text in a small window # wxWizard A wizard dialog Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Wizard') do wx_ctor_params :id, :title, :bitmap => Wx::NULL_BITMAP wx_ctor_params :pos # NB - no size argument for this class wx_ctor_params :style => Wx::DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE end # MISCELLANEOUS WINDOWS # A window whose colour changes according to current user settings Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Panel') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::TAB_TRAVERSAL wx_ctor_params :name => 'panel' end # wxScrolledWindow Window with automatically managed scrollbars Wx::define_keyword_ctors('ScrolledWindow') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::VSCROLL|Wx::HSCROLL wx_ctor_params :name => 'scrolledWindow' end # wxGrid A grid (table) window Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Grid') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::WANTS_CHARS wx_ctor_params :name => 'grid' end # Window which can be split vertically or horizontally Wx::define_keyword_ctors('SplitterWindow') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::SP_3D wx_ctor_params :name => 'splitterWindow' end # Implements the status bar on a frame Wx::define_keyword_ctors('StatusBar') do wx_ctor_params :id, :style => Wx::ST_SIZEGRIP wx_ctor_params :name => 'statusBar' end # Toolbar class Wx::define_keyword_ctors('ToolBar') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::TB_HORIZONTAL|Wx::NO_BORDER wx_ctor_params :name => 'toolBar' # not as documented in Wx 2.6.3 end # Notebook class Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Notebook') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style, :name => 'noteBook' end # Similar to notebook but using list control - undocumented Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Listbook') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style, :name => 'listBook' end # Similar to notebook but using choice control Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Choicebook') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style, :name => 'choiceBook' end # wxSashWindow: Window with four optional sashes that can be dragged Wx::define_keyword_ctors('SashWindow') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size wx_ctor_params :style => Wx::CLIP_CHILDREN|Wx::SW_3D wx_ctor_params :name => 'sashWindow' end # wxSashLayoutWindow: Window that can be involved in an IDE-like layout # arrangement Wx::define_keyword_ctors('SashLayoutWindow') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size wx_ctor_params :style => Wx::CLIP_CHILDREN|Wx::SW_3D wx_ctor_params :name => 'layoutWindow' end # wxVScrolledWindow: As wxScrolledWindow but supports lines of variable height # wxWizardPage: A base class for the page in wizard dialog. Wx::define_keyword_ctors('WizardPage') do wx_ctor_params :bitmap => Wx::NULL_BITMAP end # wxWizardPageSimple: A page in wizard dialog. Wx::define_keyword_ctors('WizardPageSimple') do wx_ctor_params :prev => nil wx_ctor_params :next => nil wx_ctor_params :bitmap => Wx::NULL_BITMAP end ### DIALOGS # wxDialog Base class for common dialogs Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Dialog') do wx_ctor_params :id, :title => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => Wx::DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE wx_ctor_params :name => 'dialogBox' end # wxColourDialog Colour chooser dialog Wx::define_keyword_ctors('ColourDialog') do wx_ctor_params :colour_data => nil end # wxDirDialog Directory selector dialog Wx::define_keyword_ctors('DirDialog') do wx_ctor_params :message => 'Choose a directory' wx_ctor_params :default_path => '' wx_ctor_params :style, :pos, :size, :name => 'wxDirCtrl' end # wxFileDialog File selector dialog Wx::define_keyword_ctors('FileDialog') do wx_ctor_params :message => 'Choose a file' wx_ctor_params :default_dir => '' wx_ctor_params :default_file => '' wx_ctor_params :wildcard => '*.*' wx_ctor_params :style, :pos end # wxFindReplaceDialog Text search/replace dialog Wx::define_keyword_ctors('FindReplaceDialog') do wx_ctor_params :find_replace_data => Wx::FindReplaceData.new() wx_ctor_params :title => 'findReplaceDialog' wx_ctor_params :style end # wxMultiChoiceDialog Dialog to get one or more selections from a list # wxSingleChoiceDialog Dialog to get a single selection from a list and return the string # Dialog to get a single line of text from the user Wx::define_keyword_ctors('TextEntryDialog') do wx_ctor_params :message => '' wx_ctor_params :caption => 'Please enter text' wx_ctor_params :default_value => '' wx_ctor_params :style => Wx::OK|Wx::CANCEL|Wx::CENTRE wx_ctor_params :pos end # wxPasswordEntryDialog Dialog to get a password from the user # Wx::define_keyword_ctors('PasswordEntryDialog') do # wx_ctor_params :message => '' # wx_ctor_params :caption => 'Enter password' # wx_ctor_params :default_value => '' # wx_ctor_params :style => Wx::OK|Wx::CANCEL|Wx::CENTRE # wx_ctor_params :pos # end # wxFontDialog Font chooser dialog # wxPageSetupDialog Standard page setup dialog Wx::define_keyword_ctors('PageSetupDialog') do wx_ctor_params :data end # wxPrintDialog Standard print dialog Wx::define_keyword_ctors('PrintDialog') do wx_ctor_params :data end # Simple message box dialog Wx::define_keyword_ctors('MessageDialog') do wx_ctor_params :message => '' wx_ctor_params :caption => 'Message box' wx_ctor_params :style => Wx::OK|Wx::CANCEL wx_ctor_params :pos end ### CONTROLS # Push button control, displaying text Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Button') do wx_ctor_params :id, :label => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'button' end # Push button control, displaying a bitmap Wx::define_keyword_ctors('BitmapButton') do wx_ctor_params :id, :bitmap, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::BU_AUTODRAW wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'button' end # A button which stays pressed when clicked by user. Wx::define_keyword_ctors('ToggleButton') do wx_ctor_params :id, :label, :pos, :size, :style wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'checkBox' end # Control showing an entire calendar month Wx::define_keyword_ctors('CalendarCtrl') do wx_ctor_params :id, :date => Time.now() wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => Wx::CAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS wx_ctor_params :name => 'calendar' end # Checkbox control Wx::define_keyword_ctors('CheckBox') do wx_ctor_params :id, :label => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'checkBox' end # A listbox with a checkbox to the left of each item Wx::define_keyword_ctors('CheckListBox') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :choices, :style wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'listBox' end # wxChoice Choice control (a combobox without the editable area) Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Choice') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :choices, :style wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'choice' end # wxComboBox A choice with an editable area Wx::define_keyword_ctors('ComboBox') do wx_ctor_params :id, :value => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :choices => [] wx_ctor_params :style wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'comboBox' end # wxBitmapComboBox A choice with an editable area Wx::define_keyword_ctors('BitmapComboBox') do wx_ctor_params :id, :value => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :choices => [] wx_ctor_params :style wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'comboBox' end # wxDatePickerCtrl Small date picker control # wxGauge A control to represent a varying quantity, such as time # remaining Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Gauge') do wx_ctor_params :id, :range, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::GA_HORIZONTAL wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'gauge' end # wxGenericDirCtrl A control for displaying a directory tree Wx::define_keyword_ctors('GenericDirCtrl') do # TODO :dir => Wx::DIR_DIALOG_DEFAULT_FOLDER_STR wx_ctor_params :id, :dir => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => Wx::DIRCTRL_3D_INTERNAL|Wx::SUNKEN_BORDER wx_ctor_params :filter => '' wx_ctor_params :default_filter => 0 wx_ctor_params :name => 'genericDirCtrl' end # wxHtmlListBox A listbox showing HTML content # wxListBox A list of strings for single or multiple selection Wx::define_keyword_ctors('ListBox') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :choices => [] wx_ctor_params :style wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'listBox' end # wxListCtrl A control for displaying lists of strings and/or icons, plus a multicolumn report view Wx::define_keyword_ctors('ListCtrl') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::LC_ICON wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'listCtrl' end # wxListView A simpler interface (facade for wxListCtrl in report mode # wxTreeCtrl Tree (hierarchy) control Wx::define_keyword_ctors('TreeCtrl') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::TR_HAS_BUTTONS wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'treeCtrl' end # wxSpinCtrl A spin control - i.e. spin button and text control Wx::define_keyword_ctors('SpinCtrl') do wx_ctor_params :id, :value => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => Wx::SP_ARROW_KEYS wx_ctor_params :min => 0 wx_ctor_params :max => 100 wx_ctor_params :initial => 0 wx_ctor_params :name => 'spinCtrl' end # One or more lines of non-editable text Wx::define_keyword_ctors('StaticText') do wx_ctor_params :id, :label, :pos, :size, :style, :name => 'staticText' end Wx::define_keyword_ctors('StaticBox') do wx_ctor_params :id, :label, :pos, :size, :style, :name => 'staticBox' end Wx::define_keyword_ctors('StaticLine') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::LI_HORIZONTAL wx_ctor_params :name => 'staticBox' end # wxStaticBitmap A control to display a bitmap Wx::define_keyword_ctors('StaticBitmap') do wx_ctor_params :id, :label, :pos, :size, :style end # wxRadioBox A group of radio buttons Wx::define_keyword_ctors('RadioBox') do wx_ctor_params :id, :label => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :choices => [] wx_ctor_params :major_dimension => 0 wx_ctor_params :style => Wx::RA_SPECIFY_COLS wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'radioBox' end # wxRadioButton: A round button used with others in a mutually exclusive way Wx::define_keyword_ctors('RadioButton') do wx_ctor_params :id, :label => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => 0 wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'radioButton' end # wxSlider A slider that can be dragged by the user Wx::define_keyword_ctors('Slider') do wx_ctor_params :id, :value => 0 wx_ctor_params :min_value, :max_value wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => Wx::SL_HORIZONTAL wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'slider' end # wxSpinButton - Has two small up and down (or left and right) arrow buttons Wx::define_keyword_ctors('SpinButton') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::SP_HORIZONTAL wx_ctor_params :name => 'spinButton' end # wxScrollBar - standalone scrollbar with arrows and thumb Wx::define_keyword_ctors('ScrollBar') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::SB_HORIZONTAL wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'scrollBar' end # wxVListBox A listbox supporting variable height rows # wxTextCtrl Single or multiline text editing control Wx::define_keyword_ctors('TextCtrl') do wx_ctor_params :id, :value => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'textCtrl' end # wxHtmlWindow - Control for displaying HTML Wx::define_keyword_ctors('HtmlWindow') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => Wx::HW_DEFAULT_STYLE wx_ctor_params :name => 'htmlWindow' end # wxHyperTextCtrl - display a clickable URL Wx::define_keyword_ctors('HyperlinkCtrl') do wx_ctor_params :id, :label => '' wx_ctor_params :url => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => 0 wx_ctor_params :name => 'hyperlink' end Wx::define_keyword_ctors('StyledTextCtrl') do wx_ctor_params :id, :pos, :size, :style => 0 wx_ctor_params :name => 'styledTextCtrl' end Wx::define_keyword_ctors('CollapsiblePane') do wx_ctor_params :id, :label => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => 0 wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'collapsiblePane' end Wx::define_keyword_ctors('MediaCtrl') do wx_ctor_params :id, :filename => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => 0 wx_ctor_params :backend => '' wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'mediaCtrl' end Wx::define_keyword_ctors('SearchCtrl') do wx_ctor_params :id, :value => '' wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => 0 wx_ctor_params :validator, :name => 'searchCtrl' end Wx::define_keyword_ctors('AnimationCtrl') do wx_ctor_params :id, :anim wx_ctor_params :pos, :size, :style => Wx::AC_DEFAULT_STYLE wx_ctor_params :name => 'animationCtrl' end