git_plugin = self namespace :nginx do task :load_vars do set :sites_available, -> { fetch(:nginx_sites_available_dir) } set :sites_enabled, -> { fetch(:nginx_sites_enabled_dir) } set :enabled_application, -> { File.join(fetch(:sites_enabled), fetch(:nginx_application_name)) } set :available_application, -> { File.join(fetch(:sites_available), fetch(:nginx_application_name)) } end # validate_sudo_settings task :validate_user_settings do path_and_dir_keys = [:nginx_log_path, :nginx_sites_enabled_dir, :nginx_sites_available_dir] nginx_task_keys = ['nginx:start', 'nginx:stop', 'nginx:restart', 'nginx:reload', 'nginx:configtest', 'nginx:site:add', 'nginx:site:disable', 'nginx:site:enable', 'nginx:site:remove' ] fetch(:nginx_sudo_paths).each do | path | abort("Invalid value in :nginx_sudo_paths, Unknown symbol '#{path}'") unless path_and_dir_keys.include? path end fetch(:nginx_sudo_tasks).each do | task | abort("Invalid symbol in :nginx_tasks! Unknown symbol '#{task}'") unless nginx_task_keys.include? task end end desc "Configtest nginx service" task :configtest do on release_roles fetch(:nginx_roles) do nginx_service = fetch(:nginx_service_path) execute( "sudo #{nginx_service} configtest", interaction_handler: ) end end %w[start stop restart reload].each do |command| desc "#{command.capitalize} nginx service" task command => ['nginx:validate_user_settings'] do on release_roles fetch(:nginx_roles) do arguments = fetch(:nginx_service_path), command git_plugin.add_sudo_if_required arguments, "nginx:#{command}" execute *arguments, interaction_handler: end end before "nginx:#{command}", 'nginx:configtest' unless command == 'stop' end task :create_log_paths do on release_roles fetch(:nginx_roles) do arguments = :mkdir, '-pv', fetch(:nginx_log_path) git_plugin.add_sudo_if_required arguments, :nginx_log_path execute *arguments, interaction_handler: end end after 'deploy:check', 'nginx:create_log_paths' desc 'Compress JS and CSS with gzip' task :gzip_static => ['nginx:load_vars'] do on release_roles fetch(:nginx_roles) do within release_path do arguments = :find, "'#{fetch(:nginx_static_dir)}' -type f -name '*.js' -o -name '*.css' -exec gzip -v -9 -f -k {} \\;" git_plugin.add_sudo_if_required arguments, :gzip_static execute *arguments, interaction_handler: end end end namespace :site do desc 'Creates the site configuration and upload it to the available folder' task :add => ['nginx:load_vars', 'nginx:validate_user_settings'] do on release_roles fetch(:nginx_roles) do within fetch(:sites_available) do config_file = fetch(:nginx_template) if config_file == :default config_file = File.expand_path('../../../../templates/nginx.conf.erb', __FILE__) end config = upload!, '/tmp/nginx.conf' arguments = :mv, '/tmp/nginx.conf', fetch(:nginx_application_name) git_plugin.add_sudo_if_required arguments, 'nginx:sites:add', :nginx_sites_available_dir execute *arguments, interaction_handler: end end end desc 'Enables the site creating a symbolic link into the enabled folder' task :enable => ['nginx:load_vars', 'nginx:validate_user_settings'] do on release_roles fetch(:nginx_roles) do if test "! [ -h #{fetch(:enabled_application)} ]" within fetch(:sites_enabled) do arguments = :ln, '-nfs', fetch(:available_application), fetch(:enabled_application) git_plugin.add_sudo_if_required arguments, 'nginx:sites:enable', :nginx_sites_enabled_dir execute *arguments, interaction_handler: end end end end desc 'Disables the site removing the symbolic link located in the enabled folder' task :disable => ['nginx:load_vars', 'nginx:validate_user_settings'] do on release_roles fetch(:nginx_roles) do if test "[ -f #{fetch(:enabled_application)} ]" within fetch(:sites_enabled) do arguments = :rm, '-f', fetch(:nginx_application_name) git_plugin.add_sudo_if_required arguments, 'nginx:sites:disable', :nginx_sites_enabled_dir execute *arguments, interaction_handler: end end end end desc 'Removes the site by removing the configuration file from the available folder' task :remove => ['nginx:load_vars', 'nginx:validate_user_settings'] do on release_roles fetch(:nginx_roles) do if test "[ -f #{fetch(:available_application)} ]" within fetch(:sites_available) do arguments = :rm, fetch(:nginx_application_name) git_plugin.add_sudo_if_required arguments, 'nginx:sites:remove', :nginx_sites_available_dir execute *arguments, interaction_handler: end end end end end end