module Workarea module Storefront module NavigationHelper def navigation_menus @navigation_menus ||= Navigation::Menu .all .includes(:content) .sort_by(&:position) .select(&:active?) end def navigation_menu_item_data_attribute(menu) return if menu.content.blank? return if { primary_nav_content: } end def mobile_nav_return_path uri = URI.parse( params[:return_to].presence || request.referer.presence || root_url ) uri.path end def link_selected?(taxon) !!@breadcrumbs.try(:selected?, taxon) end def left_navigation return '' unless @breadcrumbs.present? taxon = @breadcrumbs[-2] || @breadcrumbs.last return '' unless taxon.present? if taxon.has_children? selected_child_taxon = taxon.children.detect do |child| link_selected?(child) end render 'workarea/storefront/shared/left_navigation', taxon: taxon, selected_child_taxon: selected_child_taxon else '' end end def link_to_menu(menu) styles = 'primary-nav__link' styles << ' primary-nav__link--selected' if link_selected?(menu.taxon) options = { class: styles, data: { analytics: primary_navigation_analytics_data(menu.taxon).to_json } } if menu.taxon.placeholder? content_tag :span,, options else link_to, storefront_path_for(menu.taxon), options end end def storefront_path_for(taxon) if taxon.url? taxon.url elsif taxon.root? respond_to?(:storefront) ? storefront.root_path : root_path elsif taxon.search_results? search_path(taxon.navigable.params) elsif taxon.navigable? send("#{taxon.resource_name}_path", taxon.navigable_slug) end end # Generate a cache key for a taxon's left navigation. Uses the # `:selected` taxon in the cache key if a given node is selected, # otherwise just appends the `section` argument onto the `taxon`'s # cache key. # # @param [Symbol] section - Section of the page we are caching # @option [Workarea::Navigation::Taxon] selected - Selected child taxon # @return [Array] Elements of a given cache key that Rails will # expand. def taxon_cache_key(taxon, section = nil, selected: nil) selected_cache_key = "selected:#{selected.cache_key}" if selected.present? fragment = section&.to_s [taxon.cache_key, selected_cache_key, fragment] end end end end