# webpack-dev-server ## HTTPS If you're using the `webpack-dev-server` in development, you can serve your packs over HTTPS by setting the `https` option for `webpack-dev-server` to `true` in `config/webpacker.yml`, then start the dev server as usual with `./bin/webpack-dev-server`. Please note that the `webpack-dev-server` will use a self-signed certificate, so your web browser will display a warning/exception upon accessing the page. If you get `https://localhost:3035/sockjs-node/info?t=1503127986584 net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE` in your console, simply open the link in your browser and accept the SSL exception. Now if you refresh your Rails view everything should work as expected. ## HOT module replacement Webpacker out-of-the-box supports HMR with `webpack-dev-server` and you can toggle it by setting `dev_server/hmr` option inside `webpacker.yml`. Checkout this guide for more information: - https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/#devserver-hot To support HMR with React you would need to add `react-hot-loader`. Checkout this guide for more information: - https://gaearon.github.io/react-hot-loader/getstarted/ **Note:** Don't forget to disable `HMR` if you are not running `webpack-dev-server` otherwise you will get not found error for stylesheets. ## Nginx If you use Nginx in development to proxy requests to your Rails server from another domain, like `myapp.dev`, the Webpacker middleware will be able to forward requests for "packs" to the webpack dev server. If you're using `inline` mode behing Nginx, you may also need to provide the hostname to webpack dev server so it can initiate the websocket connection for live reloading ([Webpack docs](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/dev-server/#devserver-public)). To do so, set the `public` option in `config/webpacker.yml`: ```yaml development: # ... dev_server: # ... public: myapp.dev ``` You may also need to add the following location block to your local Nginx server configuration for your Rails app. ``` server { listen 80; server_name myapp.dev # Proxy webpack dev server websocket requests location /sockjs-node { proxy_redirect off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_pass; # change to match your webpack-dev-server host } # ... } ``` ## Customizing Logging By default, the dev server will display a colored progress notification while your code is being compiled. (Under the hood, we are using `webpack-dev-server --progress --color`). However, this might cause issues if you don't use `foreman` and/or try to log webpack-dev-server's output to a file. You can disable this stylized output by adding `pretty: false` to your `dev_server` config: ```yaml development: # ... dev_server: # ... pretty: false ```