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`ytsongdw 'Titanic Song'`
Download from a youtube link into folder '~/songs/'
`ytsongdw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM7SZ5SBzyY ~/songs/`

Download all songs in a youtube playlist
`ytsongdw https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9B23A78D3D249A74`
Download multiple songs from a file containing several youtube urls, song names or playlist urls (one per line). Basically all the above options in a `.txt` file
`ytsongdw songs.txt`

By default all the .m4a files will be stored into the folder named "~/Music/" (will be created if it doesn't exist). You can change the folder name by passing a second argument to the command line as shown in the second example above. DO NOT FORGET the endind '/' on the folder name, or else it will be treated as a filename prefix instead of a folder path. ## Original Author Based on https://github.com/ggouzi/Youtube-Download-Songs, only changed it to download songs by name, in m4a format and supporting playlists. ## Licence This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v2. See GPL.txt for details.