require 'fortitude/rendering_context' require 'fortitude/rails/fortitude_rails_helpers' require 'fortitude/support/method_overriding' require 'thread' if defined?(ActiveSupport) ActiveSupport.on_load(:before_initialize) do ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_view) do require "fortitude/rails/template_handler" end end end module Fortitude class << self def refine_rails_helpers(on_or_off = :not_specified) @refine_rails_helpers = !! on_or_off unless on_or_off == :not_specified !! @refine_rails_helpers end end refine_rails_helpers true end module Fortitude module Rails class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie class << self def _fortitude_view_roots @_fortitude_view_roots_mutex.synchronize do raise "@_fortitude_view_roots has not yet been set" unless @_fortitude_view_roots @_fortitude_view_roots end end def _fortitude_view_roots=(x) @_fortitude_view_roots_mutex.synchronize do if @_fortitude_view_roots_locked raise "@_fortitude_view_roots was locked, and cannot be changed. It was locked at:\n #{@_fortitude_view_roots_locked}" end @_fortitude_view_roots = x end end def _lock_fortitude_view_roots! @_fortitude_view_roots_mutex.synchronize do @_fortitude_view_roots_locked ||= caller.join("\n") end end end @_fortitude_view_roots_mutex = config.after_initialize do if Fortitude.refine_rails_helpers require 'fortitude/rails/helpers' Fortitude::Rails::Helpers.apply_refined_helpers_to!(Fortitude::Widget) end ::ActionView::Base.send(:include, ::Fortitude::Rails::FortitudeRailsHelpers) if ::Rails.env.development? ::Fortitude::Widget.class_eval do format_output true start_and_end_comments true debug true end end end initializer :fortitude, :before => :set_autoload_paths do |app| # All of this code is involved in setting up autoload_paths to work with Fortitude. # Why so hard? # # We're trying to do something that ActiveSupport::Dependencies -- which is what Rails uses for # class autoloading -- doesn't really support. We want all view paths to be on the autoload path, # because there are now Ruby classes living there. (It usually isn't just because all that's there # are template source files, not actual Ruby code.) That isn't an issue, though -- adding it # is trivial (just do # ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths += ::Rails.application.paths['app/views'].expanded). # # The real issue is that we want the class (e.g.) app/views/foo/bar.rb to define a class # called Views::Foo::Bar, not just plain Foo::Bar. This is what's different from what # ActiveSupport::Dependencies normally supports; it expects the filesystem path underneath the # root to be exactly identical to the fully-qualified class name. # # Why are we doing this crazy thing? Because we want you to be able to have a view called # app/views/user/password.rb, and _not_ have that conflict with a module you just happen to define # elsewhere called User::Password. If we don't prefix view classes with anything at all, then the # potential for conflicts is enormous. # # As such, we have this code. We'll walk through it step-by-step; note that at the end we *do* # add all view paths to the autoload path, so all this code is doing is just dealing with the fact that # the fully-qualified classname (Views::Foo::Bar) has one extra component on the front of it # (Views::) when compared to the subpath (foo/bar.rb) underneath what's on the autoload # path (app/views). # Go compute our view roots. # # Rails 3.0.x doesn't define #expanded on ::Rails::Paths::Path; it also has a different way of getting at # the view paths (, rather than # ::Rails.application.paths['app/views']). So, if we're on Rails 3.0.x, we simply inline the # equivalent code here. view_roots = if ::Rails.version =~ /^3\.0\./ paths = result = [] paths.each do |p| root_path = p.instance_variable_get("@root") root = if root_path then root_path.path else ::Rails.root end glob = p.instance_variable_get("@glob") path = File.expand_path(p, root) if glob && Dir.chdir(path) do result.concat(Dir.glob(glob).map { |file| File.join path, file }.sort) end else result << path end end result.uniq! result else ::Rails.application.paths['app/views'].expanded end ::Fortitude::Rails::Railtie._fortitude_view_roots = view_roots module ActiveSupportDependenciesOverrides class << self # When we delegate back to original methods, we want them to act as if # all view roots are _not_ on the autoload path. In order to be thread-safe # about that, we couple this method with our override of the writer side of the # mattr_accessor :autoload_paths, which simply prefers the thread-local # that we set to the actual underlying variable. def with_fortitude_views_removed_from_autoload_path begin Thread.current[:_fortitude_autoload_paths_override] = ::ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths - ::Fortitude::Rails::Railtie._fortitude_view_roots yield ensure Thread.current[:_fortitude_autoload_paths_override] = nil end end end module Common def autoload_paths_uniwith_fortitude(original_method) Thread.current[:_fortitude_autoload_paths_override] || end # This is the method that gets called to auto-generate namespacing empty # modules (_e.g._, the toplevel Views:: module) for directories # under an autoload path. # # The original method says: # # "Does the provided path_suffix correspond to an autoloadable module? # Instead of returning a boolean, the autoload base for this module is # returned." # # So, we just need to strip off the leading +views/+ from the +path_suffix+, # and see if that maps to a directory underneath one of our view roots; if so, # we'll return the path to that view root. Otherwise, we just # delegate back to the superclass method. def autoloadable_module_uniwith_fortitude?(original_method, path_suffix) if path_suffix =~ %r{^(views)(/.*)?$}i # If we got here, then we were passed a subpath of views/.... prefix = $1 subpath = $2 if subpath.blank? ::Fortitude::Rails::Railtie._fortitude_view_roots.each do |view_root| return view_root if File.basename(view_root).strip.downcase == prefix.strip.downcase end else ::Fortitude::Rails::Railtie._fortitude_view_roots.each do |view_root| return view_root if, subpath)) end end end ActiveSupportDependenciesOverrides.with_fortitude_views_removed_from_autoload_path do end end # The original method says: # # "Search for a file in autoload_paths matching the provided suffix." # # So, we just look to see if the given +path_suffix+ is specifying something like # views/foo/bar or the fully-qualified version thereof; if so, we glue it together properly, # removing the initial views/ first. (Otherwise, the mechanism would expect # Views::Foo::Bar to show up in app/views/views/foo/bar (yes, a double # +views+), since app/views is on the autoload path.) def search_for_file_uniwith_fortitude(original_method, path_suffix) # Remove any ".rb" extension, if present... new_path_suffix = path_suffix.sub(/(\.rb)?$/, "") found_subpath = nil if new_path_suffix =~ %r{^views(/.*)$}i found_subpath = $1 else ::Fortitude::Rails::Railtie._fortitude_view_roots.each do |view_root| if new_path_suffix =~ %r{^#{Regexp.escape(view_root)}(/.*)$}i found_subpath = $1 break end end end if found_subpath ::Fortitude::Rails::Railtie._fortitude_view_roots.each do |view_root| full_path = File.join(view_root, "#{found_subpath}") directory = File.dirname(full_path) if filename = File.basename(full_path) regexp1 = /^_?#{Regexp.escape(filename)}\./ regexp2 = /\.rb$/i applicable_entries = Dir.entries(directory).select do |entry| ((entry == filename) || (entry =~ regexp1 && entry =~ regexp2)) && File.file?(File.join(directory, entry)) end return nil if applicable_entries.length == 0 # Prefer those without an underscore without_underscore = { |e| e !~ /^_/ } applicable_entries = without_underscore if without_underscore.length > 0 entry_to_use = applicable_entries.sort_by { |e| e.length }.reverse.first return File.join(directory, entry_to_use) end end end # Make sure that we remove the views autoload path before letting the rest of # the dependency mechanism go searching for files, or else app/views/foo/bar.rb # *will* be found when looking for just ::Foo::Bar. ActiveSupportDependenciesOverrides.with_fortitude_views_removed_from_autoload_path do end end end end ::Fortitude::MethodOverriding.override_methods( ::ActiveSupport::Dependencies, ActiveSupportDependenciesOverrides::Common, :fortitude, [ :search_for_file, :autoloadable_module?, :autoload_paths ]) eigenclass = ::ActiveSupport::Dependencies.module_eval "class << self; self; end" ::Fortitude::MethodOverriding.override_methods( eigenclass, ActiveSupportDependenciesOverrides::Common, :fortitude, [ :autoload_paths ]) module RailsEngineOverrides # Two important comments here: # # 1: We also need to patch ::Rails::Engine.eager_load! so that it loads classes under all view roots. However, we # can't just add them to the normal eager load paths, because that will allow people to do "require 'foo/bar'" # and have it match app/views/foo/bar.rb, which we don't want. So, instead, we load these classes ourselves. # Note that we ALSO have to do things slightly differently than Rails does it, because we need to skip loading # 'foo.rb' if 'foo.html.rb' exists -- and because we have to require the fully-qualified pathname, since # app/views is not actually on the load path. # # 2: I (ageweke) added this very late in the path of Fortitude development, after trying to use Fortitude in a # deployment (production) environment in which widgets just weren't getting loaded at all. Yet there's something # I don't understand: clearly, without this code, widgets will not be eager-loaded (which is probably not a # great thing for performance reasons)...but I think they still should get auto-loaded and hence actually work # just fine. But they don't in that environment (you'll get errors like "uninitialized constant Views::Base"). # Since I understand what's going on and have the fix for it here, that's fine...except that I can't seem to # write a spec for it, because I don't know how to actually *make* it fail. If anybody comes along later and # knows what would make it fail (and I double-checked, and we don't have autoloading disabled in production or # anything like that), let me know, so that I can write a spec for this. Thanks! def eager_load_uniwith_fortitude!(original_method) eager_load_fortitude_views! end def eager_load_fortitude_views! ::Fortitude::Rails::Railtie._fortitude_view_roots.each do |load_path| all_files = Dir.glob("#{load_path}/**/*.rb") matcher = /\A#{Regexp.escape(load_path.to_s)}\/(.*)\.rb\Z/ all_files.sort.each do |full_path| filename = File.basename(full_path, ".rb") directory = File.dirname(full_path) longer_name_regex = /^#{Regexp.escape(filename)}\..+\.rb$/i longer_name = Dir.entries(directory).detect { |e| e =~ longer_name_regex } unless longer_name require_dependency File.join('views', full_path.sub(matcher, '\1')) end end end end end ::Fortitude::MethodOverriding.override_methods( ::Rails::Engine, RailsEngineOverrides, :fortitude, [ :eager_load! ]) # And, finally, this is where we add our view roots to the set of autoload paths. ::ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths += view_roots module ActionViewPathResolverOverrides # This is our support for partials. Fortitude doesn't really have a distinction between # partials and "full" templates -- everything is just a widget, which is much more elegant -- # but we still want you to be able to render a widget Views::Foo::Bar by saying # render :partial => 'foo/bar' (from ERb, although you can do it from Fortitude if # you want for some reason, too). # # Normally, ActionView only looks for partials in files starting with an underscore. We # do want to allow this, too (in the above case, if you define the widget in the file # app/views/foo/_bar.rb, it will still work fine); however, we also want to allow # you to define it in a file that does _not_ start with an underscore ('cause these are # Ruby classes, and that's just plain weird). # # So, we patch #find_templates: if it's looking for a partial, doesn't find one, and is # searching Fortitude templates (the +.rb+ handler), then we try again, turning off the # +partial+ flag, and return that instead. def find_templates_uniwith_fortitude(original_method, name, prefix, partial, details, *args) templates =, prefix, partial, details, *args) if partial && templates.empty? && details[:handlers] && details[:handlers].include?(:rb) templates =, prefix, false, details.merge(:handlers => [ :rb ]), *args) end templates end end ::Fortitude::MethodOverriding.override_methods( ::ActionView::PathResolver, ActionViewPathResolverOverrides, :fortitude, [ :find_templates ]) require "fortitude/rails/template_handler" require "fortitude/rails/rendering_methods" ::Fortitude::Rails::RenderingMethods.include_into!(::ActionController::Base) ::Fortitude::Rails::RenderingMethods.include_into!(::ActionMailer::Base) end end end end