require 'aquarium/aspects/aspect' require 'aquarium/utils/type_utils' # Convenience methods added to Object to promote an AOP DSL. If you don't want these methods added to Object, # then only require aspect.rb and create instances of Aspect. module Aquarium module Aspects module DSL module AspectDSL def advise *options, &block o = append_implicit_self options *o, &block end %w[before after after_returning after_raising around].each do |advice_kind| module_eval(<<-ADVICE_METHODS, __FILE__, __LINE__) def #{advice_kind} *options, &block advise :#{advice_kind}, *options, &block end ADVICE_METHODS end %w[after after_returning after_raising].each do |after_kind| module_eval(<<-AFTER, __FILE__, __LINE__) def before_and_#{after_kind} *options, &block advise :before, :#{after_kind}, *options, &block end AFTER end alias :after_returning_from :after_returning alias :after_raising_within :after_raising alias :after_raising_within_or_returning_from :after alias :before_and_after_returning_from :before_and_after_returning alias :before_and_after_raising_within :before_and_after_raising alias :before_and_after_raising_within_or_returning_from :before_and_after def pointcut *options, &block o = append_implicit_self options *o, &block end # Add the methods as class, not instance, methods. def self.append_features clazz super(class << clazz; self; end) end private def append_implicit_self options opts = options.dup if (!opts.empty?) && opts.last.kind_of?(Hash) opts.last[:default_objects] = self else opts << {:default_objects => self} end opts end end end end end