module ForemanTasks class Task::DynflowTask < ForemanTasks::Task include Algebrick::TypeCheck scope :for_action, ->(action_class) { where(label: } def update_from_dynflow(data, planned) self.external_id = data[:id] self.started_at = data[:started_at] self.ended_at = data[:ended_at] self.state = data[:state].to_s self.result = data[:result].to_s if planned # for now, this part needs to laod the execution_plan to # load extra data, there is place for optimization on Dynflow side # if needed (getting more keys into the data value) unless self.label self.label = end end! end def progress execution_plan.progress end def execution_plan @execution_plan ||= end def input main_action.respond_to?(:task_input) && main_action.task_input end def output main_action.respond_to?(:task_output) && main_action.task_output end def humanized { action: get_humanized(:humanized_name), input: get_humanized(:humanized_input), output: get_humanized(:humanized_output) } end def cli_example if main_action.respond_to?(:cli_example) main_action.cli_example end end def main_action return @main_action if @main_action execution_plan.root_plan_step.action execution_plan end def get_humanized(method) Match! method, :humanized_name, :humanized_input, :humanized_output if main_action.respond_to? method begin main_action.send method rescue => error "#{error.message} (#{error.class})\n#{error.backtrace.join "\n"}" end end end end end