= ClothRed HTML 2 Textile converter == What it is A script to convert HTML into TExtile markup for use, for example, with RedCloth. == Requirements All you need is Ruby. == Get it Available as a gem on RubyForge: gem install ClothRed Or download from Rubyforge: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=3427 Or get the source: svn checkout svn://viewvc.rubyforge.mmmultiworks.com/var/svn/clothred == Features This is alpha software, and only a few Textile rules have been implemented yet: * font markup and weight (, , ...) * text formatting (, , ,) == Usage require 'clothred' text = ClothRed.new("Bold HTML!") text.to_textile == Get Help Feel free to contact me, or peruse the homepage. * http://clothred.rubyforge.org/ * http://rubyforge.org/projects/clothred/