require 'mspire/spectrum_like' require 'mspire/mzml/data_array' require 'mspire/mzml/data_array_container_like' require 'mspire/mzml/scan_list' require 'mspire/mzml/precursor' require 'mspire/mzml/product' require 'andand' module Mspire class Mzml # MAY supply a *child* term of MS:1000465 (scan polarity) only once # e.g.: MS:1000129 (negative scan) # e.g.: MS:1000130 (positive scan) # MUST supply a *child* term of MS:1000559 (spectrum type) only once # e.g.: MS:1000322 (charge inversion mass spectrum) # e.g.: MS:1000325 (constant neutral gain spectrum) # e.g.: MS:1000326 (constant neutral loss spectrum) # e.g.: MS:1000328 (e/2 mass spectrum) # e.g.: MS:1000341 (precursor ion spectrum) # e.g.: MS:1000581 (CRM spectrum) # e.g.: MS:1000582 (SIM spectrum) # e.g.: MS:1000583 (SRM spectrum) # e.g.: MS:1000789 (enhanced multiply charged spectrum) # e.g.: MS:1000790 (time-delayed fragmentation spectrum) # et al. # MUST supply term MS:1000525 (spectrum representation) or any of its children only once # e.g.: MS:1000127 (centroid spectrum) # e.g.: MS:1000128 (profile spectrum) # MAY supply a *child* term of MS:1000499 (spectrum attribute) one or more times # e.g.: MS:1000285 (total ion current) # e.g.: MS:1000497 (zoom scan) # e.g.: MS:1000504 (base peak m/z) # e.g.: MS:1000505 (base peak intensity) # e.g.: MS:1000511 (ms level) # e.g.: MS:1000527 (highest observed m/z) # e.g.: MS:1000528 (lowest observed m/z) # e.g.: MS:1000618 (highest observed wavelength) # e.g.: MS:1000619 (lowest observed wavelength) # e.g.: MS:1000796 (spectrum title) # et al. class Spectrum include Mspire::SpectrumLike include Mspire::Mzml::DataArrayContainerLike alias_method :params_initialize, :initialize # (optional) an Mspire::Mzml::SourceFile object attr_accessor :source_file # data_processing is included with DataArrayContainerLike # (optional) The identifier for the spot from which this spectrum was derived, if a # MALDI or similar run. attr_accessor :spot_id ########################################### # SUBELEMENTS ########################################### # (optional) a ScanList object attr_accessor :scan_list # (optional) List and descriptions of precursor isolations to the spectrum # currently being described, ordered. attr_accessor :precursors # (optional) List and descriptions of product isolations to the spectrum # currently being described, ordered. attr_accessor :products # returns the retention time of the first scan object in the scan list # *in seconds*! def retention_time rt_param = scan_list.first.param_by_acc('MS:1000016') if rt_param multiplier = case rt_param.unit.accession when 'UO:0000010' ; 1 # second when 'UO:0000031' ; 60 # minute when 'UO:0000032' ; 3600 # hour when 'UO:0000028' ; 0.001 # millisecond else raise 'unsupported units' end rt_param.value.to_f * multiplier end end # returns the ms_level as an Integer def ms_level fetch_by_acc('MS:1000511') end def centroided? fetch_by_acc('MS:1000127') end def profile? fetch_by_acc('MS:1000128') end # returns the charge state of the first precursor as an integer def precursor_charge precursors.andand.first.andand.selected_ions.andand.first.andand.fetch_by_acc('MS:1000041') end def precursor_mz precursors.andand.first.andand.selected_ions.andand.first.andand.fetch_by_acc('MS:1000744') end # takes a Nokogiri node and sets relevant properties # # link is a hash that should contain the following keys and associated # objects (some are required by downstream objects, like Scan): # # :ref_hash id -> ReferenceableParamGroup # :spectrum_list SpectrumList object # :data_processing_hash id -> DataProcessing object # :default_data_processing DataProcessing object # :instrument_configuration_hash id -> InstrumentConfiguration object # :default_instrument_configuration InstrumentConfiguration object # :source_file_hash id -> SourceFile object def self.from_xml(xml, link) obj =[:id]) obj.spot_id = xml[:spotID] obj.data_processing = link[:data_processing_hash][xml[:dataProcessingRef]] || link[:spectrum_default_data_processing] if source_file_ref=xml[:sourceFileRef] obj.source_file = link[:source_file_hash][source_file_ref] end xml_n = obj.describe_from_xml!(xml, link[:ref_hash]) return obj unless xml_n loop do case when 'scanList' obj.scan_list = Mspire::Mzml::ScanList.from_xml(xml_n, link) when 'precursorList' obj.precursors = do |prec_n| Mspire::Mzml::Precursor.from_xml(prec_n, link) end when 'productList' obj.products = do |product_n| Mspire::Mzml::Product.from_xml(product_n, link) end when 'binaryDataArrayList' obj.data_arrays = Mspire::Mzml::DataArray.data_arrays_from_xml(xml_n, link) end break unless xml_n = end unless obj.data_arrays obj.data_arrays = Mspire::Mzml::DataArray.empty_data_arrays end obj end # the most common param to pass in would be ms level: 'MS:1000511' # # This would generate a spectrum of ms_level 2 : # # spec ="scan=1").describe!('MS:1000511') # def initialize(id) @id = id params_initialize yield(self) if block_given? end # see SpectrumList for generating the entire list def to_xml(builder, default_ids) atts = data_array_xml_atts(default_ids) atts[:sourceFileRef] = if @source_file atts[:spotID] = @spot_id if @spot_id builder.spectrum(atts) do |sp_n| super(sp_n) @scan_list.list_xml( sp_n, default_ids ) if @scan_list Mspire::Mzml::Precursor.list_xml(@precursors, sp_n) if @precursors Mspire::Mzml::Product.list_xml(@products, sp_n) if @products Mspire::Mzml::DataArray.list_xml(@data_arrays, sp_n) if @data_arrays end end end end end