# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/outputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" # Riemann is a network event stream processing system. # # While Riemann is very similar conceptually to Logstash, it has # much more in terms of being a monitoring system replacement. # # Riemann is used in Logstash much like statsd or other metric-related # outputs # # You can learn about Riemann here: # # * http://riemann.io/ # You can see the author talk about it here: # * http://vimeo.com/38377415 # class LogStash::Outputs::Riemann < LogStash::Outputs::Base config_name "riemann" # The address of the Riemann server. config :host, :validate => :string, :default => "localhost" # The port to connect to on your Riemann server. config :port, :validate => :number, :default => 5555 # The protocol to use # UDP is non-blocking # TCP is blocking # # Logstash's default output behaviour # is to never lose events # As such, we use tcp as default here config :protocol, :validate => ["tcp", "udp"], :default => "tcp" # The name of the sender. # This sets the `host` value # in the Riemann event config :sender, :validate => :string, :default => "%{host}" # A Hash to set Riemann event fields # (http://riemann.io/concepts.html). # # The following event fields are supported: # `description`, `state`, `metric`, `ttl`, `service` # # Tags found on the Logstash event will automatically be added to the # Riemann event. # # Any other field set here will be passed to Riemann as an event attribute. # # Example: # [source,ruby] # riemann { # riemann_event => { # "metric" => "%{metric}" # "service" => "%{service}" # } # } # # `metric` and `ttl` values will be coerced to a floating point value. # Values which cannot be coerced will zero (0.0). # # `description`, by default, will be set to the event message # but can be overridden here. config :riemann_event, :validate => :hash # If set to true automatically map all logstash defined fields to riemann event fields. # All nested logstash fields will be mapped to riemann fields containing all parent keys # separated by dots and the deepest value. # # As an example, the logstash event: # [source,ruby] # { # "@timestamp":"2013-12-10T14:36:26.151+0000", # "@version": 1, # "message":"log message", # "host": "host.domain.com", # "nested_field": { # "key": "value" # } # } # Is mapped to this riemann event: # [source,ruby] # { # :time 1386686186, # :host host.domain.com, # :message log message, # :nested_field.key value # } # # It can be used in conjunction with or independent of the riemann_event option. # When used with the riemann_event any duplicate keys receive their value from # riemann_event instead of the logstash event itself. config :map_fields, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # # Enable debugging output? config :debug, :validate => :boolean, :default => false public def register require 'riemann/client' @client = Riemann::Client.new(:host => @host, :port => @port) end # def register public def map_fields(parent, fields) this_level = Hash.new fields.each do |key, contents| next if key.start_with?("@") field = parent.nil? ? key : "#{parent}.#{key}" if contents.is_a?(Hash) this_level.merge! map_fields(field, contents) else this_level[field.to_sym] = contents end end return this_level end public def receive(event) r_event = build_riemann_formatted_event(event) @logger.debug("Riemann event: ", :riemann_event => r_event) send_to_riemann(r_event) end # def receive def build_riemann_formatted_event(event) # Let's build us an event, shall we? r_event = Hash.new r_event[:host] = event.sprintf(@sender) # riemann doesn't handle floats so we reduce the precision here r_event[:time] = event["@timestamp"].to_i r_event[:description] = event["message"] if @riemann_event @riemann_event.each do |key, val| if ["ttl","metric"].include?(key) r_event[key.to_sym] = event.sprintf(val).to_f else r_event[key.to_sym] = event.sprintf(val) end end end if @map_fields == true r_event.merge! map_fields(nil, event.to_hash) end r_event[:tags] = event["tags"] if event["tags"].is_a?(Array) return r_event end def send_to_riemann(riemann_formatted_event) begin proto_client = @client.instance_variable_get("@#{@protocol}") @logger.debug("Riemann client proto: #{proto_client.to_s}") proto_client << riemann_formatted_event rescue Exception => e @logger.debug("Unhandled exception", :error => e) end end # def send_to_riemann end # class LogStash::Outputs::Riemann